Oops...! I thought it was all about hotbed flatness..? Hmm.. I should have posted just the first three lines. Chrisby chriske - General
QuoteAquaticsLive Suggest doing Z axis calibration with a larger total distance then 10mm. Try 100mm if you can. +1by chriske - Reprappers
Hi, Don't read the whole post(sorry) We just started building our 18the printer(most of them for friends). Almost all are i2 models. Almost all of them use a glass surface(4mm) on top of the heatbed. Don't know about other countries, but our glass is pretty flat. (Belgium, glass is from Saint-Gobin, France) The only thing we do is clean and degrease the glass surface using glasscleaner(I'll takeby chriske - General
QuoteShank man 10-12 hour print jobs are no problem. And even a lot longer...!by chriske - Look what I made!
Hi, I had the same problem, solved it by lowering the Z-axis speed. Hanging 10mm above the heatbed the extruder is waiting to receive the printcommand. When the printingcycle starts, the printhead should go down and move to the spot were it should start printing the skirt. Instead of doing that it makes that same grinding sound and moves it's printinghead to that spot and start printing the skiby chriske - Reprappers
Very nice version of a i3...!!! We're drooling all over the place viewing this one. Could you pe-lease post the stl files to copy this one. Thanks in advance.. Chrisby chriske - Look what I made!
I Also use paper towel to wipe of water. Maybe I should buy a few extra sheets of glass, good idea, thanks...!by chriske - Printing
Glass(window) cleaner and bed set at 65°C. From time to time I redo the sheets of glass (after 1 or 2 weeks), depending if some new finger-marks are present. After cleaning and rinsing do not wipe it with a regular towel. Our towels are 'contaminated' with washing-softener <--- (don't know the correct english name for the product used in the last run of washing machines, please correct me if Iby chriske - Printing
Hi guys, Two exact the same reprap printers (i2) side by side and the one with the 0.5Ø nozzle gives us not the same surface quality as the one with the 0.35Ø nozzle. The one with the 0.35Ø nozzle gives us very smooth surfaces the one with the 0.5Ø nozzle not. Is this normal and why...? Slic3r settings are correct, layer hight is the same. Thanks, Chris Posted this also in 'General', sorry foby chriske - Reprappers
Hi, Printing PLA(using a Mendel Prusa i2) and only with larger pieces, I now and then have a warping problem. The warping occurs only with the first layers. After that, higher up, the print stabilize and the rest is ok. How can this be avoided. Thanks Chrisby chriske - Printing
Still lowering temperature with the 'glossy one'. Matte appearance... not even close...! Temperature this moment set at 170° C. I'll keep lowering and keep you informed. Chrisby chriske - Reprappers
Hi guys, This is a rather tough one I suppose : Same printer, same settings, same PLA( even same batch), same slicer(and settings) Exactly the same part is printed on both (2) printers. Both printers are in the same room at the same shelf printing side by side --> simultaneously. Why is on one printer my part glossy and that same part matte printed with my second printer...??? The differencby chriske - Reprappers
Heren, Misschien wel leuk om correct Nederlands te schrijven en lezen, maar het hoofddoel van een forum is informatie, tips en oplossingen uitwisselen. of gewoon communicatie. Ergens hoger op in deze thread lees ik zelfs dat iemand zou gaan reageren als er taalkundig fouten op het forum verschijnen. Let op dat je niet mensen met een soort van drempelvrees gaat opzadelen om te posten. Er zullen hby chriske - Algemeen
What was the problem...?by chriske - General Mendel Topics
Hey, I just found this on YouTube. Did not see them all, but I think these movies can be of great help building a i2 Good luck with the build Chrisby chriske - General Mendel Topics
Good choice this i2, we've made 6 so far and 2 to go. When correctly 'tuned' you'll be able to make high quality prints.by chriske - General Mendel Topics
Not all firmware has the same result while printing. I would try 'Sprinter' firmware. Another possible cause is the slicer but frankly, I doubt it. If you drew all objects yourself with 3D software, there also is a possible cause. Your software is not exporting your file correctly. If you print objects from other sources with the same result, forget about 3D software errors. It's no mechanicalby chriske - Reprappers
Had the same problem. Used a neoprene layer to insulated the heatbed, and it worked, problem solved. To be clear : the insulation should be directly in contact with the heatbed. Chrisby chriske - Reprappers
We had similar problems using 5$ pololu's. Ordered new drivers (10$ each), problem solved...! Chrisby chriske - Reprappers
I always remove tension of the filament by sliding the extruder 'away' from the spool as far as possible when not in use. But to start with I install the spool in such a way there is minimum of stress on the filament, remember PLA is rather stiff. PLA filament can't be used up to the core of it's holder. So when the spool is about 2/3 used I completely remove it from it's holder, unwrap it and inby chriske - Reprappers
We built a few(6) prusas in the past few months. It seems the i2 is far beter compared to the i3 version. We had lots of printquality isseus with the (2) i3 versions we made. So at the end we converted the i3 tot i2 versions. We also redesigned the original i2 and enlarged it. That is, bed has the same dimension but it can print much higher (about 240 mm). Only with our latest high i2 version wby chriske - General Mendel Topics