So, I now have a design, that is totally flat (to be stamped out of 6mm aluminium), but it is still 6mm thick and can not be exported into DXF. Can I surround this complete code within the PROJECTION function ? Any parameters involved ? Thomasby Replace - OpenSCAD
My Manufactorer wants an .DXF file or DWG from my design, but when I start 'export > DXF' the console says: this is not a 2d file. off course it is not! What is the problem? Is DXF a 2d protocol ? If yes, how do I make a 2d object from my model ? I tried to import the SCAD file into FreeCad, but the FreeCad tutorial also claims that export to DXF is a 2d issue.... Help is Replace - OpenSCAD
I tried this M117 insert and counted the generated M117's and inserted the Pause including a X home for drooping... ! It worked perectly Great, thanksby Replace - Repetier
QuoteVincentM This post can help you: Yes, this is helpfull. Thanks a Replace - Repetier
Does it indeed ? Tha could be an option. I have no experience with Cura, so I will look at it, if my other Slic3r functions are present..... Replace - Repetier
Nobody ? I am in desparate need for detecting the layer number in the Replace - Repetier
My repetier host excactly knows which layer is printed. It says so at the bottom : Layer n / nn However, when I look into the Gcode, I can see z-axis positioning but that is not the same as layer hight. My Gcode inserts a lot of extruder raises while travelling, so a number of absolute Z-positioning are not the same as the layer hight it is printing. What should I do to insert custom Gcode at tby Replace - Repetier
Het bed moet je definiëren in de firmware. een heated bed staat niet altijd aan in de firmware. Sterker nog, ik men normaal UIT. Ook is er een parameter (vort bescherming) onder welke room temperatuur het bed niet gaat opwarmen. Staat die niet per ongeluk te hoog ?by Replace - Algemeen
Als je Gcode rekening houdt met de temperaturen, dan start de printer pas als die bereikt zijn. Je kunt dat ook uitzetten in Gcode en zelf starten als je de temp handmatig hebt ingesteld. Reageert pronterface wel op handmatige commando's voor de carriage ?by Replace - Algemeen
A tip: sometimes my nozzle gets clogged, resulting in jammed filament and lost print. To resolve that, or to prevent that, I now clean the nozzle before every long print and it helps. I use acupuncture needle to do so, My acupuncturist gave me a set of 0.3mm needles. When clogged, I heat up the nozzle to 250 degrees , lower the table, remove the filament from the feeder and insert the needleby Replace - Printing
Quotedmould I absolutely agree about having more export options. I often design parts for injection moulding and would love to be able to use OpenScad to do so, but unfortunately the company that does the tooling does not accept STL files (which is 100% understandable because STL files do not contain accurate curves). You could write a module to implement the function of bending over a positionby Replace - OpenSCAD
Quotewingmaster It is possible to save the design as step file using freecad. Install openscad as plugin in freecad. open your .scad design in freecad and then export as step file. Works great. Yes, I now do this, when I need a professional manufactorer produce my design, however: sometimes 2 added objects (in Openscad) show up in FreeCad as 2 objects, insteead as one that is merged. This givby Replace - OpenSCAD
Even een update. Ik werk nu al een tijd met 3dLAC op Aluminium. Dat betekent dat ik bij elke nieuwe print de boel even licht schuur en dan werl lekker inspuit. Dat geeft uiteindelijk wel een flinke dikke plaklaag, dus soms wil ik die er afwassen en dat gaat goed met warm water en afwasmiddel Maar dan gaat het mis. Elke keer na een schoonmaakbeurt, warpen lange prints los, omdat de lac (nog)by Replace - Warmtebed en Printbed
Definieer 'door het werkstuk' Bedoel je tijdens een x-y transport over grote afstand raakt hij iets ? DAt had ik wel eens, maar tegenwoordig laat ik de tafel even zakken bij movements groter dan 5mm. Zo niet, dan zou bv een belt van de Z-as kunnen slippen ....dus de motor laat de tafel wel zakken maar door slip gebeurt dat niet. Dan zit je in je object te bewegen als je x/y gaat Replace - Algemeen
I have the same opinion as the TS: To old to start a new language. So great that it is still alive. Unfortunately, I am not capable to enhance thismyself. But my contribution can be in the ideas for evolution :-) So this would be my shortlist: 1) Export models as .STP 2) Run the rendering (f5 / f6) in the GPU's of the graphic environment if present 3) Autodetect looping (unlimitted calling ofby Replace - OpenSCAD
I was told that layer dependant Gcode might be adopted in Slic3r (As in logic that can count layers and insert code at specific layers only .....) Any news on this ? Release date ? Thomasby Replace - Slic3r
How is the room temperature in relation to the minimum defined in the firmware ? If less, you can not start the hotbed either, so you must lower that number. This happens with me sometimes, when freezing in my garage. If it is not less, there is indeed a problem with reading the Replace - RAMPS Electronics
Does it make sense to buy / build a new PC with multiple GPU video cards, to enhance rendering performance ? In fact, the question is whether it will use that capacity ... Thomasby Replace - OpenSCAD
Nee, SD is geen optie. Maar ik kan het uitzetten van updates niet vinden in W10. Kan je mij vertellen waar het zit en welke keuzes ik dan moet maken ?by Replace - Algemeen
Voor de 2e keer nu, kom ik in de garage om naar de voortgang van een print te kijken... staat er een blauw scherm met de text: Bijwerken, zet de computer niet uit ! Dus print naar de klote.... Het is een oude laptop waar nog wel w10 op kon draaien. Ik heb geen idee hoe ik die updates met reboot uit kan zetten. Ik heb wel een tijdvenster gespecificeerd waarbinnen windows zal kijken of de machinby Replace - Algemeen
Yeah, I noticed. Also, when the poducer reads the STP... it has funny objects not ment to be there :-( Now I seem to be forced to learn another language. which is cumbersome at my ageby Replace - OpenSCAD
This seems to work, Thanks. No Idea it could work with the sources :-)by Replace - OpenSCAD
No, I imported the STL file .. I will try the source Replace - OpenSCAD
Quotefrankvdh QuoteIMBoring25 This is an easy thing to do manually in the sliced gcode file using a text editor once you know which commands to use for your specific firmware. Right. But wouldn't it be a good feature? a) Why should I have to resort to a text editor? b) Why should I find out what the magic M-codes are to do this, for whatever printer I happen to use. I note that Cura has a pluby Replace - Slic3r
I now sometimes do exactly what you suggert: edit the Gcode, however: I often raise the nozzle when traveling, so... finding the layer is cumbersome. There are many Z positions higher than the intended layer, even when processing lower layers. So the feature would be better :-)by Replace - Slic3r
I need to provide a design in STEP or IGS format, to a manufacturer, for quotes. However that is not a format that OpenScad exports to. I tried in Freecad, to import the OpenScad generated .STL end export into IGS, but those files were empty. Anyone knows a way to create either of those files out of my OpenScad sources/.STL ? Thomasby Replace - OpenSCAD
How abut this ? While having the object loaded in Slic3r, ad a cut-like dialog, to jump to certain layers and insert a pause and home-x. This gives the opportunity to change filament, without the burden of staying alert all the time not to miss the exact layer. I often use color changes in my designs, which means I spend a lot of time in my garage.. waiting, setting approximate alarms, waitingby Replace - Slic3r
Yes you can use 2 power sources. I have a 12V for the board and a 20V for the Replace - RAMPS Electronics
Alors, malheureusement, je ne sais pas la methode de accepter les Gcode commands et processer lui, par le Marlin (ou le repetier) ansi, cést claire, que je ne peut pas vous aider. J'espere un autre copain dans cette forum la compris et peut vous expliquer (en francais :-) egards Thomasby Replace - Repetier