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So, after having the hotbed terminal on my control board overheat and melt , I'm ordering a new one and I have decided to build an enclosure out of Lexan and Aluminum angle. Given that the problem was caused by too much current being drawn to keep the hot bed up to temperature, I am curious about whether there are any ceramic heaters with thermostats that I could use to heat a roughly 4.5 cubic
So, I was discussing my new printer with a friend and the question got asked "What do you do if there is a fire?" I just responded that I'd have to watch it and have a fire extinguisher ready; but it got me thinking: "Can I automate the fire control job?" and here are my thoughts on the matter:
needed materials:
A fire resistant enclosure A Raspberry Pi A smoke detector module like: http://www
Safety & Best Practices
Thanks for the response Babs, and actually I'm not having any problems with my PLA sticking, I just want a removable surface that plastics will adhere well to, and unfortunately painter's tape isn't very easy to just re-use when you remove it.
Hello, I'm new to 3d printing though I have been interested for a while, I recently finished building my Hictop 3DP-11, I have successfully printed 5 objects, and had two early failures so far, and at least with decent enough quality for my uses. Now I fully intent to upgrade this printer using both parts printed and purchased; I wanted to ask about a variety of build plates, but the Geckotek bui