You could. Two for corexy, one for E, and One for Z, drive two lead screws with a belt connected to one motor, might stay in sync betterby spauda01 - CoreXY Machines
You can look at sample prints and demo videos of the D-Bot here . I think it gives pretty good quality prints for the price. I'm biased since it's my page but i'm not trying to sell anything. Why are so many people on here against 3dprinted components? This is the RepRap forum, as in 3d printers built with 3d printed parts. This is not high end CNC machine forum. Rep rap 3d printers are supposedby spauda01 - CoreXY Machines
Why would you do an Hbot setup instead of corexy? Hbot gantries twist when moving and corexy was the solution to that problemby spauda01 - CoreXY Machines
Quoteappjaws1 rethinking the Z setup, looking for ideas. I released the Dbot mod/design/remix. You added an extra rail to the front of your bed which is probably making it front heavy, the dimensions for the placement of the Z motors assume only two side bed rails so that the whole z platform is lifted from the center of gravity or very close to it. You either need to remove that front rail orby spauda01 - CoreXY Machines
QuoteKDan I modeled double size corner brackets for my D-Bot build and it made a definite difference in rigidity. Regarding materials, I believe the author recommends using PETG instead of PLA or ABS. You can use PLA, my printer is all PLA parts and it has some hairline cracks in parts but I believe they are mainly cosmetic. ABS would work well for printer parts but it is more difficult to prinby spauda01 - CoreXY Machines