No, I didn't blog the build process I'm afraid. Is there any particular thing you might need help with?by Mr Spangles - Duet
Ah... I think I ended up flipping all the movement after our email conversation yesterday. I had X doing the right thing at first, but you pointed out that Y and Z were wrong. I guess I just assumed I had X wrong as well and changed that too. David, you truly have the patience of Jesus himself. Thanks again, and probably not for the last Mr Spangles - Duet
I'm not sure if this should be in the CoreXY or Duet section tbh, but here we are... This is getting embarassing. Ok, so I've built myself a 300x300 D-Bot running 24v / Duet 0.8.5 / 0.9° / Titan / V6 / Hall stops / IR probe (DC42). I've got most things working as they should in terms of temps, e-stops, extrusion length and motor travel distance etc. As I've seen some conflicting info, this firsby Mr Spangles - Duet
Thank you very much. That sorted it out Well, the other way round in my case. Quote M569 P0 S1 ; Drive 0 goes forwards (change to S0 to reverse it) M569 P1 S0 ; Drive 1 goes forwards ED: Actually, they should be the same as your settings, but I forgot that I hadn't switched the plugs back to normalby Mr Spangles - Duet
Hello chaps, So I've got to the commissioning/calibration phase of my D-Bot coreXY build using a Duet 0.8.5 and everything seems OK, except for the X move commands resulting in front/back motion, and Y moves resulting in left/right (via the web server). I've tried swapping the X/Y connectors on the board, but that makes no difference. They're wired correctly according to all the diagrams, so I'by Mr Spangles - Duet
I do appreciate the warning, Lars. Having read through both threads, I think that I'll probably be alright though. My heater cartridge will be properly secured with a grub screw and all wiring to the print carriage will be shrouded in protective tubing that's fixed at two points, with no opportunity to snag on anything. While you are right in that being the only one to have experienced this isby Mr Spangles - CoreXY Machines
Brilliant. Thanks Mr Spangles - CoreXY Machines
That looks great. Cheers. Not sure I can wait until the end of August, though it looks like it could be worth it. Btw, if using a tablet/phone as a controller over the network on this or the 0.8.5 Duet, does that offer all the same or more functionality/control as the PanelDue?by Mr Spangles - CoreXY Machines
Hello everyone My apologies for asking this probably very common question. So I'm building a slight variation on the standard D-Bot by Spauda01 and I'm having a hard time choosing which 32bit board and accompanying FW/screen. Googling for existing discussions has just resulted in me flipping back and forth between things - mainly RADDS/Due and Duet and now I'm stuck , but I'm open to Mr Spangles - CoreXY Machines