Promotion is fine, people do it all the time on here, I wasn't criticizing you for that, just wanted to say a patented product might not be a hit on the forum. As far as feedback on your extruder goes, from what I can see in your video, the filament does a complete 180 degree turn in the extruder around a relatively small bend radius. With flexibles this is not an issue, the larger wrap angle juby Trakyan - General
A bit of a step away from what others are saying in this thread, but more geared to your comment of wanting to avoid costly mistakes. Why 3D print these parts? The parts you're proposing to print are big, and will take a lot of time to print. If you're planning to use dual extrusion on them they'll take even longer. Does it actually make sense to 3D print them rather than use aluminium extrusionsby Trakyan - Reprappers
What changed between the good prints and bad prints? Filament brand or anything? Have you tried giving your bed surface a good clean? It might have reached the point where enough dirt or oils built up to start causing adhesion issues. Also, how's the hotend temperature? If you've tinkered around there you might want to check for broken wires (they're quite fragile, my thermistor wires broke afterby Trakyan - Reprappers
Yeah I saw their website, but I can't find any other sources for this whatsoever. It can't be that niche that no Chinese manufacturers exist can it? I'm sure spools are used somewhere enough to be manufactured en Trakyan - Reprappers
Out of curiosity, something I'm seeing on the gear teeth and the cube, are they skewed or is it just me/camera angle? Also, I agree about comments about over extrusion. Your extruder seems a bit inconsistent, there is a lot of plastic laid down there but I swear I'm seeing some missed lines as well. Is the spool catching anywhere or jerking at the extruder? I've noticed this can happen on directby Trakyan - Reprappers
Yeah, I've seen this type of system in several other places (like some mentioned above), I'm not sure the reprap forum is really the place for this design considering the "patent applied" at the end of your video. Could you show a video of how it copes with 1.75mm? 3mm is considerably stiffer than 1.75mm, so 1.75mm will be the real test. I don't exactly see how this improves performance with flby Trakyan - General
From what I can see it's just a regular parallel SCARA, the only difference is one of the driving links has been parallelized to prevent rotation at the effector. This is usually unnecessary, you can deal with the hotend rotating a little along the z axis, but can be useful if you have multiple hotends in order to turn things into a fixed offset rather than yet another trig function to bog down tby Trakyan - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
Quotemartinprice2004 If anyone would wish to keep the intellectual property of a design, one of the worst thngs to do would be to discuss it openly on an open source community and ask for contributions from others! I didn't mean he wanted exclusive IP rights or anything, I meant he might want to keep some of the conditions of the license (i.e. share alike) attached to the design. Sorry if I causby Trakyan - Reprappers
I'm not sure you could demand they release source files based on the motion system. Motion systems like the darwin and mendel have been in use since before reprap. If the design is obviously a derivative work (uses source files from the original, or is more or less piece for piece the original with minor tweaks) then it's a different story and they should be releasing the files. I've got somethiby Trakyan - Reprappers
I understand that you can't make everyone happy, but I doubt anyone would be disappointed if it was "extra" open source, so I'm really asking what would the highest common denominator. I still probably won't be able to please everyone as everyone will have their own opinion on which CAD package should be used or something. I'll also have a look at the policy page you suggested as well, thanks. Bby Trakyan - Reprappers
Ok, that's good info. I've seen some people fussed over the format files are released in understandably. If a design is released as a solidworks or other expensive proprietary format, it may as well be closed source for a lot of people who can't afford the software. For something like the electronics, do you think listing something generically as "RAMPS 1.4", "Duet", "Smoothieboard" is good enougby Trakyan - Reprappers
So lately I've seen some ruckus about open source, or rather the lack of it or how it's degraded. I'm sad to hear this, and I can't say I agree with all the negative comments I've seen. Anyways, I'm designing and will be releasing a 3D printer and would like it to satisfy people in terms of its "open sourcey-ness". Basically I'm asking, if you ran into a printer, and it was labeled as 'Open sourby Trakyan - Reprappers
I haven't put the idea into practice yet myself, but there are commercial printers out there using it (which is where I got the idea). It's essentially what the fisher uses except it's implemented on the effector rather than the print bed. Another one I find interesting is what lulzbot does with their printers, having the nozzle itself act as a probe by closing a circuit. Only works with conductiby Trakyan - Developers
Good call on dropping the heated bed for cost. People fuss a lot about them but dropping that item has a significant reduction in cost of components and weight (if you're wanting to ship it). For beginners it also makes it safer, without a heated bed you can use a power brick like most laptops rather than power supply which can have some exposed wires which aren't suitable for new comers. The bedby Trakyan - Developers
What sort of build surface are you using? Deltas as a starting point can be difficult because of how hard calibration and debugging can be, so bed leveling is probably a good idea. There are a number of cheap and easy ways to implement this. My current favorite is having the effector platform be a sort of latch/trapdoor which can lift slightly when the nozzle touches the bed. This completes/breakby Trakyan - Developers
The original prusa i3 does this, it has magnets embedded in the bed to use as references and can correct for a skewed frame if you put it together wonky, I assume it could also correct for an axis which moves in a curve due to bent rods. For the record, as long as your rods are bent just in the vertical direction (or you rotate them so the bend is purely vertical), regular bed leveling should acby Trakyan - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
I'd never heard of the midpoint circle algorithm before, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. I imagine it could be used once for XY and then once more on an orthogonal plane for Z to create a sphere. That being said, I can't work out the specifics for myself. That being said the midpoint circle algorithm seems to be a forward calculation and I'm not sure how easily it could be turned intoby Trakyan - Reprappers
Unfortunately using a 32 bit board is not all that cost effective compared to an 8 bit board. I think I may be adding a Raspberry Pi Zero for octoprint anyway and I can use it to also pre-process gcode if necessary, and it will still be cheaper than a 32 bit board. As for a kinematics, both GUS simpson and linear deltas are effectively solving the following for each arm. (x-x0)2+(y-y0)2+(z-z0)2=by Trakyan - Reprappers
No trig functions, just like a linear delta its jusy squares and squareroots. I thought bed leveling was pretty widely implemented, or is bed tilt different to this?by Trakyan - Reprappers
The gus simpson's kinematics are nearly identical to a linear delta. It's the intersection of three circles its just you change the radius rather than center location. Someone did an implementation in smoothie, i think someone was working ok a marlin fork but never finished. I think ill implement it in repetier. I'll probably go with the cork sandwhich you're suggesting. Also, i don't see why yby Trakyan - Reprappers
I'm doing a ground up redesign of the GUS Simpson, on that design the bed is held down by three bolts, one at each corner of the bed. The shoulders of the three arms swivel around those same bolts (from what I can tell, and even if not the case in the original design, they will be doing so in my revision). Because the part holding the bed down and the part the arms move around are the same, I donby Trakyan - Reprappers
The particular problem for me is that the bolts the bed is mounted also act as a pivot for the movement axis. I feel like the bolts should be clamped down tightly for this reason, rather than having the bed raised on them as 'stilts'. I could use washers between the bed and the rest of the frame so I can still clamp things down nice and tight but still raise the bed up. That aside, since MDF isby Trakyan - Reprappers
While I've seen cardboard used I was looking for a more heavy duty solution that could double as part of the frame, hence why I thought MDF. Would MDF be ok if it were sandwiched between two bits of aluminium? Also I'm wanting to have a heated bed, not skip it out entirely for the costs. My question was mostly about if MDF was temperature stable and could be used directly under the heated bed asby Trakyan - Reprappers
Thanks for the opinions so far. @the_digital_dentist I'm designing/building the printer for the fun of it, for me it's a project. I'm also on a budget, so 'underpowered' is what I can afford, building to a price point is better than not building at all (in my opinion). That and insulation never hurts, at the very least it'll stop the heat from going where it shouldn't. My electronics and motorsby Trakyan - Reprappers
Hey guys, just wanting to get some opinions on something. I'm going to design/build a printer and I'm planning to have MDF directly under the heated bed (touching it, not raised above it with leveling screws) for the heated bed to rest on, and to insulate the bottom of the bed. Do you guys reckon it's a good idea? How do you think the MDF will cope? I doubt it would catch fire or anything, but wby Trakyan - Reprappers
Looks interesting, the lack of open source might be why it's not getting attention here. In their campaign they mention they made a deliberate choice to steer away from an open source controller. I'd love to mess around with an SLA printer but it seems like the sort of thing you'd need to run very often to make it worth your while. The resins have a short shelf life and can stink up an environmenby Trakyan - Crowdfunding Projects Announcements
Could you please point out where line 218 (the line where the error occurs) is please? I don't believe it's in the section of code you've pasted as the error is regarding a union operation and there are no union operations in the section of code you posted. My shot in the dark from the error message and the fact you're importing STLs is that the STLs have some errors in them. They're likely nonby Trakyan - OpenSCAD
Could you please point out where line 218 (the line where the error occurs) is please? I don't believe it's in the section of code you've pasted as the error is regarding a union operation and there are no union operations in the section of code you posted. My shot in the dark from the error message and the fact you're importing STLs is that the STLs have some errors in them. They're likely nonby Trakyan - OpenSCAD
Heya, Hard to tell just from the error message, could you provide a snippet of the code where this is happening? Are you using the union operation with an imported STL or a polyhedron you've created? I used to have similar issues when I attempted to make a complex polyhedron. If you're having this problem using union on an STL (I can't tell, can't see your code), running it through a STL fixinby Trakyan - OpenSCAD
You're right that as motors go faster they hit a point where torque starts to drop off quickly, however extruders don't run fast enough to have a significant drop in torque. I remember someone mentioning that there isn't a significant drop off in torque below a hundreThe more important thing you lose out on I think is acceleration, your retractions will be slower and not as snappy. This page onby Trakyan - Reprappers