OMG. So I have these two knock-off printers (Alunar M508) I bought a while ago. They are very similar to the Anet A8's. My buddy updated the firmware for the one printer, but forgot how he did it, so I'm stuck trying to figure out how to update the firmware on my own. Each machine has a board that says HY_BASE_L V1.0 on it. The processor says ATMEGA 2560 on it. There's no info on the internetby CVRIV - Controllers
Quotethe_digital_dentist Maybe I should have been more direct... People use 4 wheels (4 leveling screws) because the carriages (printer beds) are generally made rectangular and rectangles have 4 corners. Two wheels (screws) on one side of the rail (one axis of the bed) provide guidance (pitch adjustment) along the rail (axis). A third wheel (screw) on the opposite side of the rail (bed) providby CVRIV - General
Actually I think I will do the 3 point leveling method. Makes more sense after reading CVRIV - General
QuoteMKSA QuoteCVRIV That's interesting because I thought it was better to only use 3 leveling screws instead of 4. I'm going to use 4 leveling screws regardless. Are you kidding ? CVRIV - General
That's interesting because I thought it was better to only use 3 leveling screws instead of 4. I'm going to use 4 leveling screws CVRIV - General
I noticed that everyone fastens their delrin wheels to the v-slot extrusion in a fixed fashion, with two wheels snugged using eccentric nuts. I'm wondering how long before the wheels wear down, introducing slack in the linear system. I was thinking about designing a special tensioning system, but if the wheels take forever to wear down there wouldnt be a need for it. Also, I noticed that everyonby CVRIV - General
Figured it out. Bumped the vref for the estepper to 2.4V from 1.6V and increased the nozzle temp from 210 to 220 degrees. I also used new filament, same color, and increased the extruder gear tension. All the gaps disappeared. I'm going to decrease the vref to 2.0V and see if the gaps start forming again. I have no idea how much current im pushing through the stepper. The estepper was warm but caby CVRIV - Printing
Hello everyone. I have two 3D printers I bought a couple of years ago. I have been having trouble with these machines randomly producing gaps betwen the layers. I gave up on 3D printing for a year or more because of it, but now I'm back and want to figure this out. My buddy is working with thebone machine while I try and figure out whats going on with this machine. While printing, it'll printby CVRIV - Printing
I was looking for a 3:1 and the only thing I found was 3EDs extruder. It looks nice, but I dont know. I see many people printing their own gears but in a few videos i saw, they was very noisy. Ill try the 5:1 with the small stepper. Thanks. I saw your disclosure... I bought the Duet Wifi and the Panel Due with the 7" touchscreen. Amazing cool looking! Cant wait to fire them up!!!by CVRIV - Reprappers
I want to use a geared stepper for my extrusion assembly. There are many planetary gear boxes for nema 17s. I was thinking about getting a 5:1 gearbox with a smaller stepper than what I already have, that being 84oz steppers. The smaller stepper with the gearbox has a lot more holding torque etc, so im not to worried about that. What i am worried about is that maybe the geared stepped wont be quby CVRIV - Reprappers
Totally agree. The frame/ case for my printer needs to be solid as hell. Going to first design something using T-Slot aluminum extrusion. I will research other structural materials I can use as well. Im going to gear down the z-axis and extruder. I'm assuming im I can use some kind of gearing program to design some gears to import into my 3D software so that the gears can be further designed, eby CVRIV - General
Thanks for all the replies. I guess i misunderstood microstepping. Then what i need to to gear down the extruder and maybe even the z-axis. Yea the Duet looks real nice. I like that it has wifi CVRIV - General
Ok. I just bought the Duet Wifi. I only bought one. I figured i'd build one machine at a time. CVRIV - General
Thanks for the reply. I dont really have a super low budget. Im just trying to figure out what my options are. About the 1/32 microstepping, i just want more resolution thats all. I was thinking abiut gearing down the extruder and z axis steppers but read somewhere to just get a board thats supports 1/32 microsteps. I have two cheap DIY machines now that are quite annoying. I can get them to pby CVRIV - General
Im looking to desgin and build a 3D printer. I need a board. The board has to support autoleveling and 1/32 microstepping. Im probably going to use a total of 5 steppers. I was thinking about getting a Smoothieboard, but they are kind of expensive. Does any know of another similar board thats just about as good? Also, if the board can control 5 steppers and I end up only using 4 steppers, coulby CVRIV - General
Everything else works fine except for the z-axis and it's been like this since I first turned it on. I know the z steppers work fine. I'm pretty sure it's the board or something with the firmware I'm unaware of... I am new to all this reprap stuff. I tried: Making sure all wires are connected properly and are not broken. I tried all connection combinations to the board with the z stepper wiresby CVRIV - Reprappers