Would electricity (plasma) also be a method of cleaning the nozzle? Or since it takes the path of least resistance, it might only clean a portion of the nozzle?by klcjr89 - General
Next up: electrically probing and using plasma to clean the nozzle Am I crazy? Edit: G32 is working wonderfully now.by klcjr89 - General
QuoteDjDemonD The deviation is about expected the range is usually 10 microns, so maybe lower probing speed, or slightly tweak the vr2 (left) pot to be closer to the threshold between led on and off. But 20 microns out of a 200-300 micron first layer will work. Good work on the code changes. Did you see where I was 299mm away from the bed, and returned back to Z299 between each probe? That mighby klcjr89 - General
I have made some progress, albeit in the hacker spirit (nice thing about open source). So inserting print statements into the Zprobe.cpp file and also cleaning up the config .txt file, I can now probe with G30 (haven't tried G32 yet). Over 10 probes starting at a position 299mm away from the bed, the max/min deviation between the lowest value of the 10 probes and the highest value of the the 10by klcjr89 - General
If I use the X axis endstop pin for testing, it does the same thing so it can't be a wiring issue.by klcjr89 - General
If the LED stays blue the result is that it's triggered.by klcjr89 - General
Digging through google, would this be related to my problem perhaps?by klcjr89 - General
At this point I'm disappointed, not at the piezo, but no reply from Arthur. They actually make it hard to get support. Things really shouldn't be this difficult to setup.by klcjr89 - General
QuoteDjDemonD Have you tried defining a spare pin as z probe and just connecting the signal output from piezo board to both that pin and your z endstop pin? If g28 works then I suspect it's the z probe and endstop not sharing a pin issue. Silly really there's no reason they can't. I did this and posted it on the previous page unless you mean something different to try:by klcjr89 - General
QuoteDjDemonD Quoteklcjr89 I am not sure what to change in my start script. [Try G30 Z0 instead of G28 Z if it's not working with G28. Also consider moving to bed centre, then M400 to pause (I presume that's a 400ms pause?) then G28 Z or G30 Z0. This allows mechanical noise to settle before probing. I can home fine with G28, but issuing a G30 or G30 Z0 does nothing at all and just gives a vaguby klcjr89 - General
I am not sure what to change in my start script. M140 S ; Set bed temperature no wait M104 S ; Set hotend temperature no wait G91 ; Relative distances G1 Z5 ; Move Z up to clear any obstructions G90 ; Absolute distances G28 XY ; Home X and Y axes G1 X150 Y150 F6000 ; Go to the center of the bed G28 Z ; Home the Z axis G1 X310 Y2 F6000 ; Go to the front right corner of the bed M400 ; Wait forby klcjr89 - General
Can I use a probe without a leveling strategy enabled, to see if that helps?by klcjr89 - General
In the meantime I have figured out how to setup my GLCD, again the lack of docs is absurd. Still trying to figure out how to probe though.by klcjr89 - General
If I replace the piezo20 with just a female to female dupont wire, the same thing happens. The dupont wire connects GND and SIG together just so I can try to narrow things down, so it has got to be something with smoothie. Something else I've noticed, why in the world does the X axis move when I send G32? If I do G1 X300 and then G32, it just moves the X axis until it hits it's min endstop. It'sby klcjr89 - General
I have just tried to use 2 seperate endstop ports in parallel to see if I could see if rule out if smoothie forces no endstop as a z probe. That didn't work either! "Probe failed to complete, probe not triggered or other error"by klcjr89 - General
I am finding the support for smoothie to by dismal, no replies to email and a very slow google group. Would swapping the sig and gnd pins solve anything?by klcjr89 - General
Do I need to pull the endstop jumper from 3v3 to 5V? Currently it's set to 3v3 on the board. I can't believe I can't get this to work.by klcjr89 - General
At this point I think and hope the config file is just out of date and panucatt didnt bother to update it, unless Smoothie made it impossible to have the z probe as an endstop like they say you shouldn't do in their docs. I have it set to home_to_minby klcjr89 - General
See my edit above. Oh and I tried that, but Im not that good.by klcjr89 - General
X_min:0 Y_min:1 Z_min:0 pins- (X)P1.24:0 (Y)P1.26:1 (Z)P1.29:0 Probe: 0 ok I can't tap it at the same time as issuing M119, I'm not that fast. Would having a negative X work origin offset prevent it from probing? alpha_min -2 # This gets loaded as the current position after homing when home_to_min is setby klcjr89 - General
Should be since it's homing right? I used the Azteeg x5 mini v3 config file so if that's wrong I'm sure alot of other people's are as well. The X and Y endstops are the 2 wire GND/SIG variety.by klcjr89 - General
Should be since it's homing right? I used the Azteeg x5 mini config file so if that's wrong I'm sure alot of other people are as well.by klcjr89 - General
QuoteMoriquendi What happens if you move the z-axis up 100-150mm then do a G30? As the z-axis is moving, tap the nozzle, it should register and reverse the z-movement. Idris Did: G28 G1 X150 Y150 G1 Z150 G30 It reports Z probe not triggered when I issue the G30. Nothing moved at all. Tried G32 again and it did the same thing as the post video link in my prior post.by klcjr89 - General
QuoteMoriquendi Sounds like a config issue. I've not used a Cartesian machine before but I have been using smoothie for a while. It looks to me like you have pin 1.29 as both the gamma min endstop and your z-probe, is this normal for a cartesian machine? With a delta you use three endstops and a seperate z-probe Idris Edit: scratch that, you've got the pull up enabled on the z-probe pin ( zproby klcjr89 - General
Should be tuned correctly; when I tap the hotend it the led turns blue then goes off quickly. I have a cartesian machine so I had to turn VR2 clockwise slightly to prevent false triggering.by klcjr89 - General
QuoteDjDemonD Hi kjcjr89, The only thing I can obviously see in your smoothie config (and I must admit I only played with smoothie for a few months, I am not really an expert) Is that I have defined # optional Z probe zprobe.enable true # set to true to enable a zprobe zprobe.probe_pin 1.29!^ # pin probe is attachedby klcjr89 - General
Hi Simon, I received my Piezo20, I got it installed and wired, I am just trying to figure out how to use auto leveling with smoothieware with it. It lists an error in the terminal: "Probe failed to complete, check the initial probe height". I can home with it, and the nozzle is right against the PEI but I cant do a G32 with it. I am also used to Marlin raising the Z up for safety and have no ideby klcjr89 - General