Rick, Brian has a point: if the products you received were so awful why don't you just post some pictures showing how bad they were?by pbharrin - For Sale
I just wanted to say: good job at reducing the board size and in turn reducing the cost to make these. Also I think there needs to be more alternatives to Maker Industries, they are always running out of parts. How hard to I have to beg for someone to take my money?by pbharrin - For Sale
I've got V2.3 bare boards, not modified. Exact same layout as the Makerbot boards. Will ship them anywhere. $3/board + shipping + $10 handling fee I had ~20 but in the last 24hours there was a spike in demand and I'm down to about 10 now. Email me pbharrin(at)hotmail(dot)comby pbharrin - Wanted
I've got V2.3 stepper motor driver bare boards I can sell and ship to you. As of now I have about 20 left. I can ship anywhere, they are $3US which is $0.07 more than my cost, plus shipping and $10 handling fee for packaging, labor etc.by pbharrin - For Sale
I have 34 v2.3 stepper motor driver boards for sale. These are out of stock at the Makerbot store. $3 per board Paypal only I'll ship anywhere except Antarctica. I'm located in the SF Bay area in the States, if anyone wants to pick up. If anyone is interested send me an email at pbharrin(at)hotmail.com and we can discuss shipping.by pbharrin - For Sale
Rudye, Try this page: You should be able to create an account to edit the wiki.by pbharrin - Reprappers
I've added a back to my cartesian bot to increase the stability and to add a place to mount the electronics. Now I just need motor controllers... boards on the way. I will make the files available to download.by pbharrin - Reprappers
I would like to add some changes to a new version of McWire also. There are some other people that have made helpful changes to the McWire that should be included also. I've updated the laser cut files for the X and Y stages based on my experience and suggestions from others. They are on my build post called "not just another McWire seriously!" The files are in DXF format, if someone wantsby pbharrin - Reprappers
This would not work if you only had a Sanguino. There is a bad-ass chip on the Arduino called the FT232RL, the Sanguino does not have this. The chip is kind of expensive $4-5US, it may be possible to do this with a cheaper chip like the MAX232 but I have yet to do it. It would be nice to go with a microcontroller that has built-in USB; it would save people money. The AT90USB646 would workby pbharrin - Controllers
You don't need to buy the $20US USB to Serial cable, provided you have a Arduino sitting around. You san solder some wire from the serial header to the TX, RX and GND pins on an Arduino. (See the picture below.) Power the boards independently (not shown in picture.) The serial header only has 5 connections GND, GND, TX, RX, and RST#. If you examine the RepRap motherboard's schematic you willby pbharrin - Controllers
"Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black." -Henry Ford Hey Sid, how big are the Ponoko sheets? I made this on three 12"x24" sheets; two green and one blue. I will most likely add a back to this and a bottom to house the electronics, and add some side to side rigidity. I will gladly share the design after I get it working.by pbharrin - Reprappers
I have completed my new Zstage for my McWire mod. The range of motion (or whatever you call it, please let me know if you know the correct term) is 20" in the X, 16" in the Y and 6" in the Z. I am mostly completed with the mechanical aspects and will now focus on the electronics. I tested the v2.3 stepper motor controller with my "harvested" motors and they only work when I keep the 12vby pbharrin - Reprappers
I modified the stepper motor controller layout so it could be built on a one sided PCB. Attached are the Eagle files for anyone to use. This was done so I could make my own motor controllers using off the shelf copper clad board. Let me know if anyone needs more explanation. There are some more pictures on my blog here:by pbharrin - Reprappers
Here is the X, and Y stages with improvements suggested by others on this forum. (The spacing on the bearings has been increased.) Also here is a link the my external build, with more details in case anyone is interested.by pbharrin - Reprappers
Hi all, I have a McWire build also. I have the X, and Y stages done and now am working on the Z stage. I started to make the Z stage and felt it just wasn't right, so I threw out the existing design and started to make a Z stage I did like. I didn't like the way the pipe looked so I went with acrylic in a color I did like. I have made about 1/2 of the new z stage. When I get all the bugs wby pbharrin - Reprappers
Here is the .DXF file with the corrected drill holes. Please look over the DXF and tell me if there is anything wrong. One item I need to fix is the notches in the side I am not sure what these are for perhaps endstops, perhaps something to reduce crack propagation? I'm not sure perhaps some of the knowledgeable people on this forum can shed some light on this. Also in the version 1.3 the scby pbharrin - Reprappers
The drill holes on both my X, and Y stages did not line up with the rails, so I had to redrill them. I will update the DXF file and post it. We should make a McWire 1.3 page with all the improvements people are finding. I talked to Zach the guy who made the McWire 1.2 page and he said he was no longer working on it.by pbharrin - Reprappers
The Arduino board has a max232, no special cables are needed. I think the RepRap motherboard should include one as well. It will cost less than $1 and save people from buying a $20 cable. I am going to make a version of the motherboard with this and share the files with everyone.by pbharrin - Controllers