Thanks, I'll get a heated print bed. Any particular recomendations for a good cheap one?by avh.on1 - Reprappers
My just-finished Prusa has an irritating problem: extruded ABS filament will not stick to the print bed. Instead, it touches the bed, curls up, gets stuck on the nozzle, and makes a giant blob. The first two times I tried printing, this wasn't a proble, I got two good 1 cm cubes, on seperate prints. Since then, every print I have tried has had the same problem. My question, then is: What is neceby avh.on1 - Reprappers
I just completed my Reprap Prusa printer. However, I am having a very hard time getting anything printed from it. As soon as plastic is extruded from the nozzle, the end gets stuck to the nozzle. As the print head moves around, it drags thie end of the plsatic around with it. Some of the plastic gets laid down correctly, but other times it also gets caught on the nozzle and the result is a big blby avh.on1 - Reprappers
This problem has been solved. It turns out that I was shipped the 3mm hot end, rather than the 1.75mm hot end that I ordered. Fortunately, I had some 3mm filament to test, and the printer worked fine. I have finally constructed a 3D printer! Thanks to Dirty Steve and Iazzymonk for your help!by avh.on1 - Reprappers
I unscrewed the nozzel from the wooden block. Here is what I saw. The nozzel is, obviously, clogged with a lot of plastic. I peeled off the Kaptom tape, nicrome wire, and thermistor, and pulled hard with a pair of pliers. This removed most of the plastic. There is a little plastic left, stuck in the bottom. Is it worth it to get this out? -If yes, then how should I prevent this from hapening agby avh.on1 - Reprappers
Correct, I have never been able to print with it. All I have gotten from it is one 1-cm test extrusion. All subsequent attempts failed to yield anything. When I ordered the kit (it was dirt cheap, 20 USD), the wooden block already had the PTFE tube in it. It was impossible to twist or slide the tube by hand. The brass nozzel extends about 1 or 2 cm into the wood block. It is slightly threaded soby avh.on1 - Reprappers
Here is the hot end. The electrical tape is just holding the thermistor and heater wires out of the way, and the screw is what holds the hot end to the cold avh.on1 - Reprappers
Dirty Steve Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is there a PTFE liner in your hotend? Yes, there is a PTFE tube that goes in to the hot end. I will upload pictures in a few avh.on1 - Reprappers
lazzymonk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Can you manually push plastic and make it extrude? > Sounds like your nozzle is blocked, No, I can't manually extrude plastic. I pulled the (hot) hot end off and tried to push filament through. The plastic melted, I got in a longer length of plastic than the hot end is long. However, no matter how hard I pushed, Iby avh.on1 - Reprappers
Hello. I have just finished building my first 3d printer, a Prusa (first iteration). It seems to work correctly in all regards except that plastic will not come out of the extruder nozzel in any decent quantity. I use pronterface to set the temperature to 230 degrees celsius, then wait 10 minutes for the entire nozzel to warm up. Then, I insert 1.75mm abs plastic into my extruder and command itby avh.on1 - Reprappers
I am having a frustrating problem with the electronics on my uncompleted printer. I have RAMPS 1.3 with the Repetier firmware and host controller and ping-ping communication enabled. Whenever I sent manual commands or test gcode to the printer, none of the output pins does anything. I plugged an osciliscope into several of the pins, and nothing happens on any of them. Any ideas? Do I have bad elby avh.on1 - Reprappers
Never mind... got Sprinter onto the board!!! Turns out that I never installed the drivers for the arduino mega... I just looked in the arduino's help and followed the instructions. Woked immediately, and solved this problem that had put the project on hold for quite a while! Thanks to those of you who offered your avh.on1 - Reprappers
You really should be able to get Blender to work, even on a PowerPC Mac. On the Blender downloads page, there is a PowerPC version (although it says that it requires OSX 10.5+). If you can't upgrade your OS, you can get legacy versions of Blender atby avh.on1 - Reprappers
Legacy versions of Blender can be downloaded here. The url is Really, though, you may have to investigate buying a new computer. Apple switched over to intel processors in 2005. Finding all of the software you need will be a lot easier with a newer avh.on1 - Reprappers
I am a new RepRap builder. I have a completed RAMPS 1.3 sitting on my desk, and I have not been able to get firmware onto it. So far, I have tried Sprinter, Teacup, and 5D_Gcode. Every time I try to compile them on my computer (which runs 32-bit Windows XP), I get different compile errors. All of the readmes say that I need gcc, which, as far as I know, is unavailable on windows without Cygwin (by avh.on1 - Reprappers