Good evening everyone. I've got a FLSUN mini kossel that I had working pretty well. Last summer I took it to a buddies place and then back home. Unfortunately the poor thing was left in the car overnight. It being summer the inside of the car was hotter than some of the pieces liked. Needless to say not all of the parts are true anymore. I've got another printer (printrbot simple metal) so Iby conscripted - Delta Machines
Good evening. I hope you already got your printer working. IF you haven't I just went through a similar issue. My printer would crash into the bed and then print in the air. I have it working now. I followed the steps at the site below and then ran the auto calibration. Good luck and let me know. Billby conscripted - Firmware - Marlin
Thanks for the work you have done on this. I'm currently saving for the cyclops hotend. I can't wait to start experimenting with multi colored prints. Your post processing script looks really interesting. I saw on your blog that the script was taken down. Do you have plans to replace it? Conscriptedby conscripted - Developers
There are some many different options that you are going to get many different answers to your question. Are you looking for a kit or to source all the parts for your printer? What is your budget? Kits will be easier to build but may cost a little more. Conscriptedby conscripted - Reprappers
Anyone care to share a few pics of their filament drive? I'm definitely leaning that conscripted - General
> All I can add is : try it, you might like it I'm definitely interested in using fishing line in replacement for a belt. I've seen how to do a pulley for the filament. How would I drive it? As this is my first printer I can't exactly print one myself. Maybe an empty thread spool attached to the stepper? conscripted - General
Yes I know you need one. What I mean is does it matter what type? T5, T2.5, Spectra line. Other then size of the belt does it matter which you put on your printer? I'm self sourcing and have not yet acquired belts. Thanks conscripted - General
gyronictonic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It may be worth your while to invest in some tools > to make the parts fit. > > Recommended tools: > > - Files > - X-acto knife > - Reamer > - 1/8" drill bit can be substituted for 3mm holes > - 5/32" drill bit can be substituted for 4mm > holes > - 8mm drill bit for 5/16" holes (by conscripted - Reprappers
I'll make another attempt to assemble it all this weekend. My first goal is just to get the extruder built. I still haven't gotten all of the pieces I need but I want to have something completed. It's all been a box of parts for to long. How tight are the bearing supposed to be in the extruder? Thanks for the conscripted - Reprappers
So what do you do when the parts your purchased to build your first printer don't quite fit? I'm self sourcing a Mendel90. I got my printed parts. I'm attempting to put them together however none of the printed parts seem to work the way I expected. I can't get the bolts in the bolt holes. I can't get the nuts in the nut holes. I can't get the 608 bearing in the extruder. Not sure what to do. Aby conscripted - Reprappers
for my current build cheap is good. Inexpensive is better. I don't mind paying what it costs for things to work. I have found that cheap isn't always worth it. Specifically for fasteners.....I believe cheap works. Conscriptedby conscripted - General
NewPerfection Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No problem. Navigating McMaster or Fastenal can > be a bit daunting at first. Thanks for the list. Do you have any part numbers for the commonly used nuts/bolts/screws/washers etc. that make up the rest of the printer? I'm self sourcing a mendel90. My build is basically on hold right now while I try to make heaby conscripted - General
Hello all. I've been trying to get the firmware from the github to compile. I've had zero luck. I've tried multiple versions of the IDE. None have worked. I've included the nonstandard files. It just hasn't helped. Would someone be willing to post their arduino code that worked and the version of the IDE it was compiled in. I have all the major parts to build one but I wan to get the firmwareby conscripted - General
Very impressed and a little envious. Well Doneby conscripted - Look what I made!
looks great. Will the be available in kit form?by conscripted - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
Yes. Thank you. I've got the BOM already. I was hoping someone stateside had already turned " 6 M3 cap screw x 10mm" or "PTFE sleeving OD 1.2mm ID 0.71mm x 62mm" into a part number that I can order. I've looked at the McMaster Carr website to order metric hardware but find it a little intimidating. I would rather not guess the wrong part and have to wait for the part to arrive only to discover itby conscripted - Mendel90
I'm working on an MDF Mendel90. I've got the printed parts but I'm having a hard time finding part numbers for all the hardware I need. It would be a lot easier if I could go to the hardware store and pick up everything. Does anyone have a working BOM for those of us stateside? I know I can order from McMaster however I'm finding it difficult to find what I need. Has anyone else already fought tby conscripted - Mendel90
Any update on your build? I'm following with great conscripted - Polar Machines, SCARA, Robot Arms
Yvan256 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If anyone is interested I already have code that I > made to get an ATtiny24 to convert dir/step > signals into 4 outputs for the stepper drivers. > > It's nothing fancy as far as the code goes but it > does the job for what I need and is very simple to > understand. I would love to see that code. Canby conscripted - General New Machines Topics
fenris Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Finished my Nop Head Mendel90 at stupid O'clock > this morning. > That used to be my favorite time of conscripted - Mendel90
nophead Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I must point out, I don't drill through the paper, > so it doesn't need much holding down, just a few > bits of masking tape to stop it sliding. > Thanks for bringing that up. I would have drilled right through the conscripted - Mendel90
I'm in the process of building a Mendel90 from MDF. I'm at the point where I need to cut out my frame. Is there a recommened way to attach the paper to the frame in a way that I can cut shapes I need and still be able to get it off again after drilling the holes? Thanks Conscriptedby conscripted - Mendel90
Purple Kerbie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Plus the wife was > impressed. Always a good thing! Thanks for the replies Keep them comming. I'm still in the process of building my printer. I'll probably use it for robotics conscripted - General
What do you do with your 3D printer? Obviously I know printing thing. How do you incorporate your printer into other hobbies?by conscripted - General
Anyone know of a US source for J Head hot ends? Thanks Conscriptedby conscripted - Reprappers
I'm in the process of sourcing parts for a mendel90. Does anyone have a part number for smooth rods from mcmaster? I'm having difficulty figuring out what will work and what won't. How about: or Thanks Conscriptedby conscripted - Reprappers
I would love to see some pictures of your mendelstation conscripted - Mendel90
(C) should be for Common and will be what you measure the other two against. C ---> NC will read closed when the switch is not pressed. C----> NO will read open when the switch is not pressed. Conscriptedby conscripted - General
Thank you. How much for a set shipped to the USA? I'll build my mendel90 from conscripted - Mendel90
What is the weight of the printed mendel90 parts? Thank you Conscriptedby conscripted - Mendel90