I have Sainsmart Mechanical End Stops, and I'm building a Prusa i3 Rework. I've recently gotten the x-axis to move, but it needs to stop when it gets to the end and it does not do that; I end up having to pull the plug. From what I understand, there are two ways to wire ends stops in general, but you have to change the settings in the firmware to make it work right. There are 3 connectors on tby leeand00 - Prusa i3 and variants
I bought a S-400-24 WEHO power supply for a Prusia i3 rework printer I'm building. I also bought some GE electrical connectors and I was thinking of using the little red ones to connect a wall plug to it, but I thought I would ask about safety first. I have a few questions regarding these things: Am I using the right powersupply? - I'm using RAMPS v1.4 and an MK2a heated bed. I also read sby leeand00 - Safety & Best Practices
I actually screwed in little bits of plastic in the standoff between the screw that's attached to the frame and the screw that attached to the board. I hope this does the trick. What does shelaced mean?by leeand00 - Reprappers
Should I peel the silver and blue surface off of the foam or just leave it be?by leeand00 - Reprappers
Should I peel the silver and blue surface off of the foam or just leave it be?by leeand00 - Reprappers
I went and got some of that foam. If I put it under the heated bed board, what do I do with the springs for the heated bed? It seems like they would really compress the springs...by leeand00 - Reprappers
Ah so it depends on what you're printing with...okay. I haven't ordered any abs or pla yet. pla's the stuff the stuff that smells like waffles right?by leeand00 - Reprappers
Does Borosilicate Glass need to be covered in Kapton Tape when printing? I have an MK2a PCB Heated bed for the Prusa i3 I'm building, and I Was wondering if I needed to cover the Borosilicate Glass in Kapton tape when printing....I've only seen one person do this on the internet and it seems like that would be kind of expensive.by leeand00 - Reprappers
Is a cork board necessary under the heated bed? If so, can you recommend one?by leeand00 - Reprappers
I purchased an Arduino Mounting Kit with Female-Female Standoffs from Vetco (VUPN7117) They fit just fine in the Arduino Mega (after a bit of a run in with the dermal tool). Maybe this sounds dumb, but the screws are metal and the standoffs are plastic, as long as the screws don't touch any electronic components on the board, and the other screw attached to the plastic is attached to the aluminuby leeand00 - Reprappers
I've built my X, Y, and Z Axises in their entirety, but I don't seem to be able to find much information on how far back on the y-axis to place the aluminum frame. In the images I've seen it appears to be about 2/3s of the way back, or in the middle of the y-axis. Thank you and happy reprapping leeand00by leeand00 - Reprappers
I bought a strange set of parts from Spain, and they don't appear to be completely standard from what I've seen on the Internet. The Greg Wade's accessible extruder looks stanard except for the size of the holes: And the x-axis carriage looks very different from other ones that I've seen, here are photo's of the front and back: I cannot however find a means of connecting them.by leeand00 - Reprappers
The parts I ordered from Spain for a Prusa i3 seemed to fit together pretty well for the base using the 5/16" smooth rods for the y-axis; now I'm on to the x-axis and the parts I have have alot of places that need to be drilled such as the left and right quarter ovals below: So what is the best way to go about this? Where do I put the drill tip for best results, and should I use a 5/16" drby leeand00 - Reprappers
I ordered the printed parts for a Prusa i3 sometime in 2012 and recently started putting it together. I have most of the y-axis setup, but the y-axis idler is too tight; The Arduino Washer which has a Z809 bearing inside of it fits inside the y-axis idler, but it doesn't turn very well, the sides of the Arduino Washer push out against the inside of the idler, causing alot of friction. I haven'by leeand00 - Reprappers
I'm looking to purchase rods for a Prusa i3; all the rods are metric, so it makes it a bit difficult to find in my hometown of Johnstown, PA USA. But I'll be taking a trip to the big city in Pittsburgh, PA USA in a week or so, so I was wondering if anybody knew a good place to get the rods I need in that city. Thank you, Andrew J. Leerby leeand00 - Pennsylvania RepRap User Group
I'm new to the project, but I was just wondering if there is a 3D Google Sketchup model of a RepRap that one could refer to when building a RepRap. Thank you, Andrew J. Leerby leeand00 - General