Hi Have checked some of this, I got the 200 steps /rew stepper 1.8 degr. The straps on the board is 'all inn' wich if I read the table correct is 1/16, and the fw is standard sprinter Does this say anything, As a newbie I'm not to keen on doing things in the firmware.. guess things dont work at all if I do this.. Can some of this info be of any assistance in finding the problem ?? Best toreby toreil - Reprappers
Hi Im strugeling to get my first print right..It's to big.. Im drawing up a cube with a cuple of holes in sketchup, export it to .STL and opens it in pronterface. All looks fine, in the pronterface panel the messures look right 50x50x15 mm I start print and it's all goes wrong. The mec, findes it home pos, ad starts almost all over my 200x200 hotplate, Can anyone please give a hint on this, haby toreil - Reprappers
Hi, The settings are 57600, n,8,1, no Flow. When testing it with hyperterm , It gives a line with characters, Do I need a special driver for the card ?? toreby toreil - Sanguino(lolu)
Hi For info its the Sprinter firmware that is preloaded,, toreby toreil - Sanguino(lolu)
Hi. Just finished building my Sanguinololu to the reprap project. Have downloaded the reprap control sw, and powered the board up, It registers in win7 ac com4, have edited the reprap.properties.dist to point to com4 have connected the x-axis stepper, and run a test via the contr.program,..but nothing happens also tried to short the x endstop with seme result I can feel the the stepper got poweby toreil - Sanguino(lolu)