OK...how about this one. My X carriage has 4 self centering sintered brass bearings on it. When I rebuilt the x axis a couple of weeks ago, I must have over tightened the bearing holders so that they were no longer able to self center. I loosened the holder bolts about 1 revolution and it seems to have, for the most part, solved the problem. Thank you very much Jamesk for all of the advice anby mondo50m - Printing
I am not sure exactly what stepping I am using, but I have all three sections under the stepper shorted with the shorting plugs. I believe this is the way it is supposed to be. I have also replaced the stepper driver with no change in the ability to create an acceptable circle. Miltby mondo50m - Printing
I have several motors standing by for another printer project. I will exchange my x motor for a new one and see what happens (tomorrow). Thanks for the rapid reply. Miltby mondo50m - Printing
I have a mendelmax 1.5. I have been using it for over 1.5 years now with no problems of the sort I am going to speak of. When I print a circle, it prints with the left and right side having a flat portion. This does not happen on the front or the back of the print, just the sides. I have changed the belts and tightened them as tight as I could get them. I have also replaced the pulleys on boby mondo50m - Printing
Solved my problem.. It was definitely the Mega 2560. I had another printer and I swapped out the parts from one to the other and it now works. New parts are on the way. Miltby mondo50m - General
I am not an expert. But, a friend of mine purchased the Prusa I3, which is what you are looking at. I am now in the process of getting it working for him. Some of the printed parts were terrible. The hot end is not very good at all. Hopefully, I can make his machine give him at least a decent print. Not saying it is bad, but, for $300 you are not going to get much. Miltby mondo50m - General
I am having trouble with my MendelMax 1.5. Just this morning I turned it on and it smoked and then nothing. It even killed my laptop...DEAD!! I have looked around and I see that one of the stepper drivers is fried. Obvious burn spots on the chip. I replaced the stepper driver and turned the machine back on. The bed temp is reading 26 degrees centigrade. But, the extruder is reading 195 degby mondo50m - General
I am using a standard j-head from hotends.com. I purchased a couple of tubing connectors off EBAY. I am trying to come up with an X carriage that will hold the x end stop, bowden connector, part cooling fan and holders for the cables. I just am not very good at drawing in the 3d programs. I will post some pics of prints once I have made something of some considerable size. Where can I get alby mondo50m - Tantillus
Been awhile since I have posted my progress. Here are a few pictures. I have been printing with the unit, and the Z axis is awesome!! Hard time getting the bed leveled, but it is pretty close now. I do not like how the bed just falls at the end of a print, but someone will figure that one out. Please respond with any comments that will make this a better unit. It runs nice, but the x carriaby mondo50m - Tantillus
Awesome...will get this printed up and checked out. Thanks. Miltby mondo50m - Tantillus
Ok, new problem. I am almost ready to add the J head extruder. I am finding that when I put the J head on and the holder, I loose even more room due to the head and holder being the size that they are. I guess I am going to loose an extra 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. In the present configuration, to get the full 4 inches in the Y direction, the head would be intruding on the cables that cross eachby mondo50m - Tantillus
So far, so good. Hooked up the laptop to the Tantilot and the x and y axis are running. Need to find spots for the endstops. One problem with the bearings. Because they are stacked, if the cable is pulled tight, it can, and did end up creeping between the bearings. I solved this by super gluing the two bearings together. I made bearing housings for the idler bearings. Things are coming togby mondo50m - Tantillus
GREAT!!! One step further into getting this done. I am at a standstill right now as I need to free up some space in the house to finish the build. Have to have the laptop handy in case I need it. It is brand new, so taking it to the shed is out of the question. Will get some pics taken and posted soon. Miltby mondo50m - Tantillus
Awesome. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! So, I do not have to choose a specific type of printer? I mean like regular or Delta....I would guess no as there is no option to choose Corexy. And what do you mean by all of the necessary files? Just Marlin is not enough? Miltby mondo50m - Tantillus
Have a look at the MendelMax 1.5 sold by Ultibots.com. The pricing is good and you get a lot more for your money. They are in Florida and usually have units in stock. I have one and they are excellent units. His support is second to none, and will either answer your emails or call you. Miltby mondo50m - General
I have found out that making one of these machines requires one to have some knowledge of programming. I am able to open the arduino file and upload the Marlin file into it. Past that, I am lost. I understand that I need to enable the corexy function in the configuration file. But, I am not a programmer and do not know how to do this. I can not even find the corexy configuration in configuraby mondo50m - Tantillus
Sorry to be such a bother, but could you explain this type of system to me? It is now to the point that both steppers are used to make the y move back and forth. To make the z move from left to right, requires the independent movement of the steppers. Is this as it should be? I guess, to me, it is a foreign concept, plus being 64 years young does not help. Miltby mondo50m - Tantillus
I see what you are talking about. I thought (originally) that those were holes to pass the cabling through. DUH!!! Miltby mondo50m - Tantillus
So, I have the cables routed as per the diagram. How would you go about attaching the ends to the X carriage? I have a couple of ideas, but could use some input on this. My thought is drilling some small holes in the carriage and running the cable through the holes. The only other thing that I see is that if I take the cables to the extreme high and low of the carriage, the strings will sliby mondo50m - Tantillus
Thank you very much for the diagrams. These are really going to help. I would never have figured this out on my own. Will get on it today and post some more pics of the build. Miltby mondo50m - Tantillus
Ok, got my bearings in. I purchased 695zz bearings as they are 13mm in diameter, have a 5mm bore, and are 4mm thick. The y end 'idlers' can handle up to a 16mm diameter bearing. But the x ends can only handle a 13mm bearing. Now I am ready to start cabling the machine. I have been at it for over 2 hours and can not figure out how cables are to be strung. Will have to wait for 'ekaggrat' toby mondo50m - Tantillus
Where are you located? I have a Lexan case w/the 608zz bearings already pressed in, that I am not going to be using. I have decided to give the Tantilot a try. I could be persuaded to let this go at a very fair price +shipping. There is a small crack by one of the corners, but this will be covered by the corners. I also have just about all of the plastic for it. Including the extruder all bby mondo50m - Tantillus
No worries, I do not have any BEARINGS!! Miltby mondo50m - Tantillus
I wasn't too far off. I had to download a demo copy of Rhino in order to get the mirror of the Z bracket and of the idler. First time I have used a program like that. It was easy once I figured out how. Is there a clearer diagram of how to do the cabling? I have tried to think it through and it gives me a headache. Miltby mondo50m - Tantillus
I do not have a Tantillus at this time. I have abandoned the project for a variant. Anyway, the rods should be polished. If you have a drill press you can put them in the drill press and use very fine steel wool first, and then a polishing compound after that. I use printed bearings when I was building mine. I still have all of the printed parts that I had done and the 1/4" Lexan case that Iby mondo50m - Tantillus
Double post, deleted the copyby mondo50m - Tantillus
Got the X and Y gantry installed. WHERE ARE MY BEARINGS??? Sorry, didn't mean to holler. The tracker says my bearings will not be hear until Friday. What is a person to do? I should get a full 6.5" in the X and 4.5" in the Y. Need to get the cables installed (if I can figure that part out), then I will Know the actual bed size. Also need to figure out where I am going to put the endstops.by mondo50m - Tantillus
Downloaded the files from Thingiverse. Started building yesterday, and have almost all of the plastic printed. Got the frame cut up and built. Some pictures of the progress below: Waiting for the bearings to come in.by mondo50m - Tantillus
Yes, I am inserting G29 into the GCODE. I believe it is the build plate is not as steady as it should be. I have downloaded the axis plates that have the embedded bearing holders. The build plate right now has a lot of play in it in all directions. Will see in a couple of days. Miltby mondo50m - Smart_Rap
I have been trying for several hours to get the servoless leveler to work on my new build. I know there was some place on this forum that told how to do this. Be damned if I can find it. The switch works fine, but when it start to print the right side is fine, but the left side (only 1.5" away from the right side) digs into the blue tape. I have tried for hours to get it adjusted, to no availby mondo50m - Smart_Rap