Ransom virus resulted in format and Windblows 7 clean install. I will not install Wincrap 10. Latest pronterface and printrun from github are installed (six times now). Pronterface will not run because numpy not found. printrun ignores my heat and bed temps in the options - settings. Cannot find config.ini for printrun. Slic3r seems to perform correctly. The bottom line is I can no longer get prby gwbcomm - Reprappers
I am sensitive the ABS fumes. My ability to breath gets difficult. The printer is enclosed with an exhaust fan and duct to get the fumes out of the room. I am trying to find out if ABS vapors are heavier than air and the exhaust should be installed at the bottom or at the top of the chamber.by gwbcomm - General
I continued having problems until I took some extreme measures. I purchased another supply just for the bed heater. A 12 vdc relay across the ramps heater output switches the heater current from the separate supply. 10ga wire handles the juice.by gwbcomm - Reprappers
I just know found out that when I uncheck "Retract on layer change:" in Printer Settings in Slic3r the problem went away. Using the Crimson Editor I would add "F100.0" to the gcode line "G1 Z0.250" to make "G1 Z0.250 F100.0". Each Z axis command in the gcode is appended to prevent the overshoot. I don't understand why "Retract on layer change:" is affecting the Z axis feedrate. I am happy I canby gwbcomm - Reprappers
Using Slic3r with Pronterface. All of a sudden(last two weeks), the Z axis feedrate cannot be controlled. I have been using a Z axis retract for months without problem. Z will overshooting the target and end up scrapping the bed. I have to manually add a Z axis feedrate for all Z axis moves for Z to operate correctly. I know I changed some setting somewhere but I am unable to find out what Iby gwbcomm - Reprappers
I recently tried a .25 nozzle with slic3r. When I print the 25mm calibration cube with .25 nozzle I get the leaning tower of pisa ( a nice parallelogram). It leans in the x axis. I went back to a .5 mm nozzle to see if there was a hardware problem. The 25mm cube with a .5mm nozzle prints correctly. The only change made is to the nozzle diameter in printer settings.Any other settings I should chanby gwbcomm - Reprappers
It looks like there is nothing available yet. I have some ideas but I need a good readable RAMPS 1.4 schematic. I have found several schematics that are small and do not take well blowing up to print. Any links anybody? The other issue is software. I thought the mega 2560 is looking for a sketch not a c++ program. What is the actual program the mega2560 is running? Where can I find the source? Iby gwbcomm - Developers
How do I add 8 more stepper motor controllers to the ramps1.4? How do I control the motors? I want to add 8 more extruders.by gwbcomm - Developers
If anybody is interested> The power supply and bed heater were replaced with no improvement. I am embarrassed to say that replacing the wires to the heatbed fixed the problem. They was no indication of a problem using a volt/ohm meter in test wiring, voltage, etc.by gwbcomm - Reprappers
Never mind all of the above. The problem is the heatbed. The temperature is as desired at the back where the thermistor is at. The temperature in the middle and the opposite end is 20 degrees lower.by gwbcomm - Reprappers
Is the following correct for configuration.h? #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 1 #define TEMP_SENSOR_1 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0 // bed is within 3 #define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 1by gwbcomm - Reprappers
Firmware is Marlin 1.0.0 Below is copy and paste from the pronterface window. ;---------------------------------- start Printer is now online. echo: External Reset Marlin 1.0.0 echo: Last Updated: Jul 16 2013 13:04:34 | Author: (none, default config) Compiled: Jul 16 2013 echo: Free Memory: 5311 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232 echo:Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded Setting bed temperature to 145.000by gwbcomm - Reprappers
Perhaps the Bed temperature topic may be of interest.by gwbcomm - Reprappers
The power supply is at 12.27 volts until the bed heater is switched on. The power supply drops to 10.7 volts. I have installed a separate heat controller and 30 amp power supply for the bed. I am now monitoring the temp of the glass not the heater. This seems to work well. The bed heater response is much improved. I looks like the Pronterface issue is directory related. I don't understand whicby gwbcomm - Reprappers
Yes the LED is on solid for the 45 minutes. The bed is insulated. To test my bed configuration I hooked up the bed heater directly to the power supply. The desired temperature (130 degrees C) was obtained in 18 minutes from 22 degrees C, 135 degrees C was reached 12 minutes later. I'll say it again, I did not have a problem with the bed reaching temp until I upgraded Pronterface. Since the upgraby gwbcomm - Reprappers
I found the bed temp bed is 20 degrees C shy of the desired 110. I raised the desired bed temp to 130. Cleaning the glass with isopropyl alcohol with the temperature adjustment solved the sticking problem. I am having issues with the bed reaching any temperature. I have a post regarding this issue.by gwbcomm - Reprappers
1) The bed temperature of my Mendel Max with the MK2a Heatbed has been 20 degrees Celsius low from the 110 desired from the start. The MOTHERBOARD is 33. I have tried all of the TEMP_SENSOR_BED settings. Number 1 gets the closest. I raised the bed temperature to 130 degrees to finally get a print. All was fine until I upgraded Pronterface. Now, It can take 45 minutes to reach any set temperaturby gwbcomm - Reprappers