wow thank you! just did what you said and now the LED on the bed is lighting up, i'll clean it up the cuts a bit more before doing a full test though. I would never in a million years guessed it was that Thank you so much!!by Grimlock - Reprappers
I bought the bed from here attached are photo's of the bed. (the LEDs are only soldered sticking up like that so I could easily remove them if I had to). Is it similar to your board? how did you repair it?by Grimlock - Reprappers
I've built a mendel i2, with ramps 1.4 with Marlin firmware everything runs perfect except for the mk2 heatbed which I've never been able to get going, so I need some help diagnosing why - bed thermistor is 100k and reads ambient room temp of 17degrees in pronterface - original atx psu was replaced with this to give enough current - I burnt out the d8 MOSFET when I first tested as I didn't havby Grimlock - Reprappers
cool, thanks isolt!by Grimlock - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Hi everyone, I've been a bit of a lurker on this forum and seeing how my mendel i2 is almost done I thought I better make it official Anywho, my problem is my MkII heated bed has a broken corner mounting hole (see attached photo) from being shipped. My question is will drilling a new 3mm hole just below it affect the operation of the bed? ie will I be shorting any circuits? any advice would beby Grimlock - New Zealand RepRap User Group