AVG isn't going to keep you safe from the problem that this error is reporting, namely that part of what is supposed to be an encrypted transmission is traveling over the wire in plain text for all to see!!!!!by vreihen - Reprappers
Quotearthurwolf QuoteElmoC I have to power cycle the printer repeatedly to get the LCD panel to come up correctly. Never had this problem when I used the panel on other controllers. While I do not remember off-hand, I know there is an easy fix to this. Maybe do a search in the forums for it. The only time that I've seen problems with a GLCD refusing to start up or displaying gibberish was wheby vreihen - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Quotetadawson Frankly, I am amazed by the number of folks who are willing to kludge something together to utilize a clearly defective part . . . rather than sending a clear message that you will not accept junk, such that the vendor will provide non-defective parts. I'm amazed that people do business with Folger at all, with the way that they have offloaded their tech support operation by telby vreihen - Reprappers
Quotethe_digital_dentistIf your ball or frisbee lands in my yard you're not getting it back! You forgot to tell them to turn that noise they call music down!!!!!by vreihen - General
Quoteelwood127Anyone using Chrome or Mozilla or something else and does MS let them run? Back in the old days if you tried to use Netscape MS made it nearly impossible. It's the 21st century! Microsoft got their butt handed to them on a plate in court for locking out competing browsers a while back. Anyone that I know has only used IE only long enough to download Chrome or Firefox. Throw in aby vreihen - Reprappers
Quoteelwood127 Well, as usual it was IE 10 screwing me again. If I had a nickle for every time I, well you know. Even MICROSOFT gave up on IE in Windows 10!!!!!by vreihen - Reprappers
QuoteCefiar One of the things vreihen suggested was to get the Phorum people to host it. That would imply a move, rather than an upgrade, which would mean that DNS would have to change. The issue is getting people who have the time to admin the setup. The current people are time-poor, going by everything mentioned in this thread, which does make the idea of having the Phorum people host it attraby vreihen - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Quotethe_digital_dentistI don't understand kids- graffiti on walls, tattoos that look like bad graffiti in your skin, piercings that make you look like livestock on a farm... Stay the hell off my lawn! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!! Oh, and turn that NOISE that you call music DOWN!!! Seriously though, +2 on white melamine sheet. It's cheap (< $14 per 4 x 8 foot sheet), and easy enough to break up bby vreihen - General
You can buy "white board paint" that allegedly turns any surface into an erasable white board. Don't know how it will paint over when you move out, though. Why not just get a big cloth banner/flag (school logo on a blanket?) or maybe a huge mirror and hang that on the wall for people to sign? Put a plastic tarp behind it so the marker doesn't bleed through onto the wall. That way, you can takby vreihen - General
Here's a crazy idea, since the site is more or less locked into Phorum due to the archives. Instead of buying a server, how about paying the Phorum developers to host it? http://www.mysnip-solutions.de/en/hosting/phorum.html An overview of the features we provide: 1) You are getting a fully separate Phorum instance with your own database and your own webspace. 2) Always enough power so thatby vreihen - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Phorum is written in PHP and MySQL, in other words the common LAMP web stack. I find it difficult to believe that you can't find anyone with those common skills willing to do a server migration. The Phorum software itself is starting to show its age, and judging by this thread on their support forum it has been pretty feature-stagnant since 2007: http://www.phorum.org/phorum5/read.php?14,14431by vreihen - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Did you first calibrate the three endstops? What calibration instructions are you following? Just trying to figure out where to start, rather than everyone just throwing random numbers at it.....by vreihen - Delta Machines
Oops! Double post.....by vreihen - Reprappers
Was the effector plate printed out of ABS? If not, that's problem #1.....by vreihen - Reprappers
I buy online, and do in-store pickup. I get the sale price, and the added free benefit of letting someone else scour the shelves looking for the merchandise.....by vreihen - General
Quotethe_digital_dentistI've hated being forced to use Windows for so long that I never consider getting a newer version an upgrade. I've been looking for a way out of Windows for almost 20 years. I work in IT, and like to point out that Windows 8 sold more Macintosh computers than any Apple ads ever could! I'm not overly thrilled with the OS-X 1980's GUI multitasking and the spinning beach bby vreihen - General
Windows 10 would be a downgrade for those of us who don't use Microsoft products.....by vreihen - General
The description of this forum section reads "People building or using RepRaps." I interpret that to mean that this is the place to discuss people and what they are up to, not the Folger Tech customer support forum or a place to discuss controller connectivity problems. Whoever moved it probably should have considered moving it to one of the electronics, controllers, host software, or firmware sby vreihen - Reprappers
I'm using Chrome, and every single red flag that I click on brings me to the first new post in that thread. I have noticed that it is occasionally off by a post or two when an earlier post contains embedded pictures, but it never brings me to the first post in a thread unless it is a new topic.....by vreihen - Administration, Announcements, Policy
There is also a define for DOG_LCD or something similar that's needed, along with adding the u8_glib IIRC. (It has been a year and a half since I last touched Marlin/Megatronics2.) RAMPS owners with the 12864 GLCD have the same problem building firmware with 12864 support, and I'm sure the archives are full of more precise answers.....by vreihen - Reprappers
...and leave them in the waiting room??? Did you take a Hippocratic Oath or a Hypocritical Oath?????by vreihen - Look what I made!
Quotegowen With the better multimeter the current heater has a resistance of 2.5 Ohm which equates to 57.6 Watts or 1.5 kW/m². Considering the Think3dprint3d.com kapton heater can do 6 kW/m², I suspect the heating element is the problem. Can anyone recommend a source for a higher power rated 220mm bed? I would try feeding it 24V through an external SSR for kicks and giggles. I over-volt my 30by vreihen - Delta Machines
QuotepineappleHowever, I think you're touching on two much larger inherent flaws with magnets: 3) Rare earth magnets permanently lose their magnetism when exposed to heat in the range that one would encounter in a heated build chamber. I went seriously overboard with the springs on my latest build: I haven't actually printed with it yet, but it did go through multiple auto-calibration runs wby vreihen - Delta Machines
I picked up a Mini Kossel screw set (even though I wasn't building one) from TriDPrinting last year, because it had a great assortment of M3 screws: http://www.tridprinting.com/Mechanical-Parts/#3D-Printer-Kossel-Nuts-Bolts-Screw-Kit They also have bulk screws.....by vreihen - General
Welcome to the world of Delta printers with under-powered 8-bit controllers! As many of us have already discovered, the 8-bit CPU used on most controllers does not have enough processing power to run both the Delta math and a Graphical LCD (GLCD). Repetier firmware is more efficient than Marlin in this department, but the long-term fix is to get a proper 32-bit controller such as Smoothie or Duby vreihen - General
QuotetadawsonFWIW, I have gotten cables with the LCD panels with cables both ways, it appears that the Chinese have refused to accept anything as a standard . . . SainSmart shipped me a GLCD ribbon cable with one end crimped backwards. I popped the 5V voltage regulator on my Megatronics board because I didn't notice the red stripe was on the wrong side of one plug.....by vreihen - Controllers
The method in favor this week is strings/springs to hold tension on the rods, and not even using magnetic parts. This would certainly help to hold your current parts together as well. Check out the Cherry Pi IIIs on Thingiverse for an example.....by vreihen - Delta Machines
I still think that Werner Berry's idea for using a paint pressure pot as a vacuum chamber for drying/storing filament is probably the best method that uses the least amount of energy. Thingiverse has someone's design for a filament dryer using a 5-gallon plastic bucket and an incandescent light bulb, IIRC. I picked up the bucket and screw-on lid (and electronic digital temperature controller),by vreihen - Reprappers
Stupid question - did you overwrite the original config file when you did the binary file update? The Smoothieware binary should be universal among all boards, and as long as you didn't replace the config file on your SD card nothing else should have changed. One other thought. Did you grab the latest Smoothieware Edge build, or go for the "Stable" version that's somewhat obsolete? Try grabbiby vreihen - General
Silly question - did you check the contrast settings? If it is a recent genuine RRD display, there is a trim pot on the back of the LCD near the SD card slot. You can CAREFULLY grab it from the side with tweezers or needle-nose pliers and take a 1/4 turn swing (power off) until you see the missing characters or black boxes if the firmware isn't configured properly. Word of warning that the triby vreihen - Controllers