I am in the Tampa area and I am currently working on a printer that is just about ready for production. If you are interested in getting involved with this project please let me know. As I am looking for others to help. My name is Paul and I am in Apollo Beach. Our printer is called the Razor Bot. It has a very large print volume. 390mm x 250mm 250mm. It was just shown at the Tampa Bay 3D prinby razor103 - RepRap User Group - Florida, Tampabay
How old is it? If it is new just get an RMA and get a replacement board. If not then contact the company you purchased it from. - Paulby razor103 - Reprappers
Are you asking about the stepper motor driver jumpers? If so then I would say yes, because it is critical to get the DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT setting correct for it to work. I have a Megatronics board which is really nothing more than a ramps board that has been re-designed to make it a single board with the Ardunio built in. Also the added the extra thermocouple circuit to it as well. Other tby razor103 - Reprappers
I think you should be ok with these thermisters from ebay. Thermisters - Paulby razor103 - Reprappers
I can not tell without a complete picture of the cable from one end to the other. It looks right but I can not be sure. I can tell you if you get this wrong it will cause the 5 volts to be shorted to ground when you click the switch so that is not a good thing to be sure. - Paulby razor103 - Reprappers
About the only real issue I see with the Smoothie board is the fact that it does not support thermocouples which is the main reason I selected the Megatronics board to begin with. Thermister are ok but any real serious temp control can only be accomplished with therocouples. - Paulby razor103 - Reprappers
I am using Repetier-Host. - Paulby razor103 - Reprappers
Here is a picture of my completed printer. - Paulby razor103 - Reprappers
What is the step per unit in your code. I have mine setup like this in the Marlin firmware. #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {78,78,2560,100} #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {3000, 3000, 150, 140} #define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {9000,9000,100,500} #define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 3000 #define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION 3000 If these are not correct you maby razor103 - General
I can certainly help you out because I have it working. To connect the end stops as you know there are four wires. Only 3 of them are used. The two wires in the center are the ground wires. The first wire is the signal wire and the last wire is VCC. Please see picture provided above for the order. Connecting this to the megatronics board is also simple. I have provided a clear diagram to showby razor103 - Reprappers
Yes it is possible to modify the Marlin code so you will not need the resistor however, it is no simple task. It is much easier to just add a resistor rather than making a bunch of changes you will just need to undo later once your printer is ready. If you really need the changes I will look into it and provide them for you. - Paulby razor103 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I am so glad someone got this working and thanks for letting me know. I took a look at it but I am lost. I do not really see what is being done. Can you help convert this to English so us stupid Americans can understand it too LOL. I used Google Translate but it still make no sense. Perhapse it lost something in the conversion. It looks to me like you are wiring the ICSP connector to the pinsby razor103 - Reprappers
Have you tried disconnecting the stepper motor and checking the signal with no motor attached? The signal looks like it is being clipped for some reason. It almost looks like the motors are trying to draw too much current or something like that. Does the signal look the same on all the other axis's or is this one axis only? If it is just one try moving the boards around to see if you have thby razor103 - General
It sounds to me like your z-axis is sliping within the coupler. I have had this issue myself before. Make sure you tighten it as much as you can.by razor103 - General
I had this problem with several rolls of PLA I got from a company called JustPLA. After a few failed prints I decided to correct the problem once and for all. I know some people here have said to unroll it a few turns but that does not work because it is overrapped at the bottom of the spool so the end is actually under several wraps of the spool so unwrapping it will just go so far and then it lby razor103 - General
Yes, Marlin has one item that must be met before it will function. The min temp setting will prevent any movement of the printer. So, you must have the thermister or thermocouple working or it will not operate. It is a shut down error condition of Marlin. It is possible to add a resistor to the pins to fake it if you do not have a thermister. - Paulby razor103 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Under each driver board it has a spot for 3 jumpers to be installed. Rather than trying to tell you where these are I will include a picture here for you. - Paulby razor103 - General
I have finally finished my new custom printer called the Razor Bot. I must say the quality of the prints have far exceeded my expectations. When the prints are compaired with the Makerbot Replicator 2 I have, you literally can not tell the difference between the two. It was quite the experience building this thing and for those folks looking to follow my lead I will provide all specs and detailby razor103 - General
Did you install the jumpers under each board? - Paulby razor103 - General
Yes, the documentation for this product is non-existent at best. However, if you can figure it all out it will work as expected. I am working on some real documentation for this product for the entire reprap community to use at the moment and when I am done I will post it here. When I contacted Sain Smart regarding this SD issue. Here is what I asked: "I purchased a Megatronics 3d printer kitby razor103 - Reprappers
Yes, it is a very good product other than this. It works great and I have had no problems with it other than the SD chip not being functional.by razor103 - Reprappers
Well, if you ever do figure it out I would sure appreciate you sharing this with me. I have spent many hours on this and have gotten nowhere. Thanks for any help you can provide and thank you to everyone else that has responded thus far. - Paulby razor103 - Reprappers
I have sent them an email but I really do not have high hopes they will ever respond to me. Have you looked at their forums? They do not seem to answer anything from what I can tell. Which is why I am here asking the question. I figured there must be someone that has this same problem that has solved it here. At least I hope so. - Paulby razor103 - Reprappers
It plugs into a little daughter board and then plugs into the Megatronics board like the attached picture. Here is a picture of the LCD display I have:by razor103 - Reprappers
I was afraid no one would have the answer to this question. I can usually find something on the web but this issue I could not find anything. It reall is too bad. I had great hope for this to work. I guess I can always purchase another SD board and wire that up the aux port or something so I can move the SD slot away from the the Megatronics board but it really is silly considering that is what tby razor103 - Reprappers
The SD chip works when plugged into the Megatronics board but when the same chip is plugged into the LCD display it shows No Card in the Marlin menu. There is an option for Init SD-Card but it does not seem to do anything. If I select No Card from the menu it shows an empty folder with ++ next to it. I made sure the card was formated with Fat 16 but this did not fix it either. I also made sure thby razor103 - Reprappers
I have a SainSmart Megatronics board with a LCD 12864. I have everything working perfectly with one exception. I am unable to get the SD working on the LCD. I am not sure which setting in the firmware I need to change because the SD works fine on the Megatronics board but it is not reconized when I plug it into the LCD display. Is there some setting in the config that I need to change to switch bby razor103 - Reprappers