i have a project to make negative mold out of printed ABS, it for silicone end product that i will pour it in... so here the pictures of the molds and the finished silicone products... i can polish them but nayh i want them quick and more textures is actually preferable in this type of application... just saying..by shafri - Casting and Moldmaking Working Group
latest report... after modding and trimming the A4988 module very close to its designed limit (i maxed it to 1.8A peak (1.28A rms)), decent heatsink and fan, 16th microsteps configuration. here's the latest tabulated "my sloppy poorman method" torque spec (give or take): Arms, Apeak, torque (kg.cm) 0.4A, 0.56A , 1 0.7A, 1.0A,by shafri - Mechanics
since its concluded that it is the A4988 module that is bottlenecked, i then read carefully the datasheet and made some modification to the module. now the stall (hold) current is 0.8A per phase (set at 1A Imax limit) and can hold and slowly lift a 2kg.cm torque, but only marginal, a slight jerk will result in miss steps. since the current is now doubled, i expect the torque will too at around 3kby shafri - Mechanics
thanks for the youtube link, good info...by shafri - Mechanics
Quotethe_digital_dentist All the little stepper driver modules I've seen that look like the ones you have, have a small pot to adjust the current. You should be able to get more than 0.57A from them. What is the power supply voltage that you're using for this test? I use a pair of these drivers with 32V power supplies to drive the X and Y axis NEMA-23 motors in my printer. i managed to burn oneby shafri - Mechanics
i measured holding current (70% peak) is 0.4A, so peak current for A4988 is only limited at around 0.57A, 1/3.5 of its rating. so yeah i guess now its the driver who is bottlenecked assuming linear proportion, the holding torque should be 5/3.5 = 1.42kg.cm very close to what i got of the stepper motor. the stepper rating should be ok, so for now my first claim is busted.by shafri - Mechanics
i built a heavy but calculated design with mechanical counterweighing mechanism. based on the advertised 50N.cm spec, the motor should be able to lift my design no problem. but since it failed to do so, i conducted the test. so the 17HS8401 + A4988 combo wont reach the expected spec... i'm thinking of building a diy driver for it... thats the plan B, if its still fail, i still have plan C and D.by shafri - Mechanics
i measured the coil "static" resistance is 2.39ohm, to get 1.8A through the coil i need around 5V power supply, is it a safe bet to statically connect 5V to one of the coil to redo the holding torque test? i'm waiting reply before burning anything. i dont mind burning something if it can be get in the shop next door, but this one is 2-4 weeks lead time order all the way from china, so its an expeby shafri - Mechanics
ok, maybe the ready made driver is the culprit. any suggestion for home made powerful driver? i'm guessing this test is not as easy as connecting a battery to the motor input is it? can i connect the battery to one winding to hold the rated torque? using V=IR, measure the coil's R and provide the necessary V to get the 1.8A? correct? wont i burn the coil winding in trying such a test? thanks forby shafri - Mechanics
to add value to the claim, here is a attached picture of my setup. light brown string still attached to the motor. whats not shown is my 2 x 1kg dumbell weight. sorry i need to go to bed i hope i may have promising answer tomorrow. thanks and good night...by shafri - Mechanics
i dont know, i cant measure with convenience, i have a dc hall effect cc-65 hantek current probe, last time i measured the reading were jumping all over up and down in my dso so i cant be sure. but i'm assuming the A4988 is capable to supply full current. A4988 is rated at 2A, the motor is rated at 1.8A. so.. ??? maybe its also possible the culprit is in the A4988 driver module but i felt its lesby shafri - Mechanics
i used A4988 stepper driver as is controlled by arduino uno. microstepping is at full 16th microsteps. speed is at lowest possibly imagined, or no step command at all, just driver enabled ON.by shafri - Mechanics
the common china 4.8kg.cm (50N.cm) rated stepper motors are just scam. i have 17HS5415 and 17HS8401 for 3d printer design purpose that cant keep up with my heavy design big printer. so i got curious and tested it. it turned out the steppers can only hold comfortably around 1kg.cm of torque and failed at 2kg.cm. my setup is simplest 1cm radius (r) coupler connected to the stepper and a string liftby shafri - Mechanics
Quotealexella In terms of editing/ features, I noticed that when I edit a certain line, I don't actually edit it but I only can change the values. This looks safe. However, I was thinking that text editing would allow me to add a personal tag so I know where I messed with the gcode. But... I think I can live without it. It's not so important... Alexthanks on forum feature answer. yes the editingby shafri - Experimental
Quotejbernardis It looks pretty nice, but I do all of my 3D printing and it's associated tasks on a Linux machine. Windows specificity is an issue for me.thanks, and i understand linux users difficulty, but thats just as difficult for me for linux as i dont have linux platform to test and no linux ide experience or knowledge. thanks. anyway what interest me is how you get to see the bump of yeby shafri - Experimental
yes its been nearly a year.. less respond is a blessing actually so i dont have to please everybody with requests to make this sw can do all the things, i got different task to do i'm not full programmer. lack of interest maybe due to its windows closed source only, not linux compatible, and i dont expect quick interest from many people, so very few requests from anybody that really in need forby shafri - Experimental
hi stumbled in this thread looking for big 3d printer, because i also plan to built one, still in the drawing board, 500(X)x800(Y)x1400(Z) mm build volume, 1066x1066x1950mm footprint... fun to read thread... so 3 months lapsed since the first post, 2 months lapsed without update. any update on the big printer progress or photo?by shafri - Reprappers
i'm out from my city for few days, so i dont have access to my main computer (where gcode editor stored). iirc this gcode editor cannot create new layer, it only can destroy one, two or more. the workaround is to add the layer manually (vertical head movement such as G0 Zm, where m is different Z position from previous position) in text editor with at least one data after that (eg horizontal XY mby shafri - General
thanks. i followed your procedures several times but i cannot reproduce your error. i will look closely again since its about bedtime, or maybe it has something to do with running it under wine, i'll check again. yup i will keep the LF/CR advice in to do list. thanks.by shafri - General
thanks for the input, i've PM you hercek for some query on the bug reported. your suggestions will be KIV, as comments from others as well. i also noted the program is listed in shapeoko wiki, this is an honor to me . i'm currently thinking of how this program will be any usefull to cnc fellas esp suggestion to include bezier or cubic spline (vector data) to generate gcode path (raster or linearby shafri - General
cheap soldering iron can do, but if you have more expensive such as temp control iron then its better. turn it on until it reach temperature, pass the iron through any unwanted string, they will dissapear like a whisper in the sky. thats it.by shafri - Printing
attached picture is my custom made support structure for overhang. benefit: 1) minimal material usage 2) faster to print 3) easier to remove 4) highly suitable for cheaper single extruder printer. i think if its can be done algorithmitically in software such as slic3r it would be nice, wouldnt it? overhang bridges and structures... internal overhead floor...by shafri - Slic3r
kudos to that...by shafri - Look what I made!
not sure bug or feature. but later version 114 and 115 produce empty space when slicing too small/thin section. ver 100 produce not empty, so ok its good. i dont think printing on the air after empty layer/space is a good idea? please see attached picture for comparison v100 and v115.by shafri - Slic3r
imho, there are 2 possibilites 1) too hot temp while printing the eyebrow. 2) there is pause during direction change on the eyebrow (bridge) that caused oozing or too much extruded plastic on the area. if you cant fine tune the temp in problem (1), maybe you have to find better slicer (or setting) that wont pause on the bridge. of maybe you can edit the gcode on the affected area, my humble suggeby shafri - Printing
for the completion, i've found/made the software... download link =by shafri - Experimental
damn thats good i didnt aware. but headlight (location relative to or following view angle, not fixed coordinate light) i believe still a valid suggestion. thanks.by shafri - Repetier
about 8 months old thread, nvm.... if nothing is better to solve this you may try program linked in , you can manually edit/increase/decrease extrusion rate of the involved points due to the lag. fwiw.by shafri - Experimental
just to add this 1 month old thread. instead of software invertion, you can edit the printer firmware. i only can help in marlin verion since thats what i'm using.... in configuration.h, look for this line... #define INVERT_X_DIR false // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true #define INVERT_Y_DIR false // for Mendel set to true, for Orca set to false #define INVERT_Z_DIR falseby shafri - Repetier
same problem here... i figured out its not repetier fault (well it is for not using "older and compatible to all" opengl version rendering jk), problem solved when i updated my graphics card driver. from opengl 1.1.0, it jumped to opengl 2.1 something. fwiw.by shafri - Repetier