QuoteSatcamel Hi, i had the 12864 LCD running on my Radds :-) Also the Beeper SD Slot and Rotating Knob :-) You had to switch in the uiconfig the pins to the Aux1 Header ;-) Thanks for the feedback! Do you recall what version of RADDS and what Firmware you were running at the time? I have the 2004 running without issue and the pinout is the identical for the FGLCD. I'm sure I'm running into fby rdm128 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Can anyone confirm if they have used a 12864 GLCD with the DUE and any flavor of Marlin or Repetier? I'd like to know that it functions in theory before chasing this. I'm not a developer, so I'll have to rely on the community for the coding piece. Thanks in advance, Richby rdm128 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
It does not. I compiled the firmware with the contrast level at 10, 20, and 30 just to see if that's what I was missing. No effect. The current compilation is at the default 17 through configuration.h. Thank you.by rdm128 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Looking for guidance... I've built a Delta (modified 3DR) that is running superbly (thanks RichRap)! I recently upgraded from a RAMPS 1.4 to a DUE/RADDS board w/ BobC flavor of Marlin. Everything compiles and runs great from Pronterface. I built my own cable to get a LCD2004 display working (20x4) and have had no issues with it. LCD, Encoder, Reset, and Beeper are all fully functional. I amby rdm128 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Angelo, Thanks for your help in getting the RADDS board. It is working extremely well on BobC's Marlin spin. This thing makes my delta fly! I've built several custom 3DR's. The one with the RADDS board uses a 300mm Heat bed w/ DRV8825 stepper drivers. I have tried multiple times to get repetier 0.92 running on the board with no luck. It compiles and installs perfectly. It acts like it'sby rdm128 - Controllers
I picked up a used Cosel AC450 on eBay that's been working extremely well. It's multi-output and medical grade. I spent $50 on it.by rdm128 - Reprappers
I'm building a 3DR (XL) and need some help. I have access to the 3d printer at the local library, but I'm limited to two hour print jobs. Unfortunately, I can't print the upper or lower parts as the jobs run well past my time limit (I got heavily scolded when I ran a job for 2.5 hours). I'm looking to have the three top and three base parts from RichRap's website. Additionally, I need six othby rdm128 - Job Shop: I need stuff made!
I'm on the Eastside and getting set to build a 3DR printer. There's a group of us from work planning to complete 5 printers total. I need to get the first one going so I can print the parts for the other four. I have the hardware on order and I need help on the plastics. I can print most of the small stuff on the MakerBot at the Cleveland Library. Problem is you are limited to two hours prby rdm128 - Cleveland Ohio - RepRap Usergroup