Is it possible? Using cura with Octoprint works great. It has an option to update firmware with a hex file, Arduino will compile Marlin as a hexfile, It saves 2 versions (marlin_version dot hex and marlin_version + bootloader dot hex) . Which should I try? Don't have enough arduinos/ ramps sacrifice any if it doesn't Tunames - Firmware - mainstream and related support
If you are using Marlin try running auto-tune I believe its called. I had a similar problem and found my PID numbers were way off. Mine would heat up to almost what ever I had it set at then would stall out about 4 to 5 degrees short ie if I set it to 95 it would heat right up to 91 or 92 then s-l-o-w-l-y go to 91.1, 91.2, etc. but if I set it to 80 it would stop at 74...after running auto-tune aby Tunames - Printing
Generally speaking does the size of the object you're printing determine any of the printer settings? Or does one size fit all? New to this and still have a million questions. Thanksby Tunames - General
Quotelouiebeck We are in the process of replacing all the two-pronged Receptacles in our home to GFCI receptacles. How do I install a ground wire if there isn't one already? I understand the ground wire is brass and goes to the green screw. Do we merely attach it to the metal box? I know this is a do it yourself project. The estimate from an electrician was $500 for 10 boxes. Pretty steep. ______by Tunames - General
OK Thanks. Appreciate all the other answers and info you've put out Tunames - General
My first post on here, working on my first printer. It's not a reprap but it was a kit. The Q3D two-up, I've got it printing ok...after a lot of modification... My question is: On linear bearings is there a proper way to orient them? With the balls in when viewed from the end in an X pattern or a + pattern?by Tunames - General
On some of these there is a pot on the back of the screen itself look Inbetween the screen and board. It's almost impossible to get to tweezers or small needle nose pliers, some have added a resistor. There is another thread on here with more detailsby Tunames - Reprappers
I had the same problems until I moved my Marlin folder to the ardunio/sketches folder . I did have my copy of Marlin in a different place on my hd but after adding the uglib file in ardunio libraries it wouldn't complie until they were all in the same place. It works now except for the sd card do I have to uncomment something else to get it to work ?by Tunames - Reprappers
What software are you using? In Repitier host on the manual control tab above the axis controls is a text box labeled g code. Type your commands in and hit enterby Tunames - General
Did you try turning up the voltage on the stepper driver?by Tunames - General
This usable? Maybe with a "threadless ball drive"by Tunames - Mechanics