uh oh, you said the "S" word. I'm a "standardist" for exactly the reasons you cite, so i fully support the idea.by Buback - Developers
Much progress! Check out the github for the latest code.by Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
I know there's no 'reprap administration' but i like this idea that we remove any printers that don't contribute monetary funds back to reprap.org. maybe with more funds reprap could hire a web developer...by Buback - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I've read about the first one (because it's on the wiki) but not the other two. I feel it wouldn't be proper to adopt someone's printer that wasn't already on the wiki. The only problem is that opensls is not exactly a complete printer (but is awesome and encouraging). Back on topic for a sec: Consolidating the forums will make them easier to moderate, seemingly. tech support or "what should i bby Buback - Administration, Announcements, Policy
QuoteSublime If you look at the current designs they are actually going away from that. Most of them use fancy lead screws and extruded aluminum and special v-slides etc. The only machines that have been designed lately that I would consider closer to the original goal would be the work of Nicolas Seward but those are not the ones being promoted by the homepage of RepRap or IRC which promote thosby Buback - Administration, Announcements, Policy
QuoteSublime RepRap itself is nothing more than an idea and a place for people to work together. that sentiment exactly why nobody bothers with the wiki. If you want to stick with the evolutionary metaphor, consider this; there needs to be some type of forcing mechanism in order to promote one mutation over another. Otherwise, you just get random, unproductive mutations. I would like to see thby Buback - Administration, Announcements, Policy
QuoteSublime I do not think the idea of an official RepRap is good at all since there can not be an official without an owner. As it is any "Rep"licating "Rap"id prototyping machine is a RepRap. RepRap is about evolution and as with biological life there will be a lot of variations and species, all of which are descendents of the first even if they can not interbreed any longer. Trying to restricby Buback - Administration, Announcements, Policy
QuoteMattMoses I'm not trying to be rude or snide here, just speaking plainly. Oh I know, same here. my comments weren't directed at you, it's just that i've heard that refrain before and it struck a chord.by Buback - Administration, Announcements, Policy
perhaps the best printer to build is the one you can find the most information about? You're going to have a very hard time if you can find all the info you need through a simple google search.by Buback - General
Yeah just tossing ideas out there. it's been my experience that everyone just throws their hands up in the air and says, "good luck with that." I think that's exactly why we're in the situation we're in. (the situation being there's been a brain-drain; most of the serious developers have drifted away) Why, exactly, do we even need to host forums for lots of different electronics? or softwaresby Buback - Administration, Announcements, Policy
As was suggested in the Reprap 2014 thread in the general section, i'm starting a thread here to discuss structural changes to the forum, for greater clarity and brevity. First, under machine variations, i suggest a forum specifically for official reprap machines, with subforums for each bot (or perhaps just a "legacy Repraps" subforum as a catch-all for darwin and Sells designs) Second, get ridby Buback - Administration, Announcements, Policy
QuoteSublime I believe the Wiki is a lost cause as nothing in RepRap stays the same for more than a few weeks at best. So when ever there is a page about a subject like electronics it needs to be edited all the time to be kept up to date. But that requires the person developing that item to know about that general electronics page and update that page, plus the individual page for their electroniby Buback - General
We could designate a month as "wiki editing month" and really publicize it during that month. maybe even designate other months on a "reprap calander" to push other stuff forward. General calls for wiki editing are great, but that most people treat them as white noise. this is one of the best threads i've seen in months, btw.by Buback - General
There are way too many subforums which must make it hard to moderate. I don't know the numbers, but i'm assuming there are too few moderators for the volume of visitors. Maybe wiki-style editing is too clunky for most of what people would like to post. I know that's the case for me. When i was doing a lot of editing, i had to learn a whole mess of wiki esoterica to properly format my postings. Iby Buback - General
I found some old files from when i was designing a plaster cast for an extruder. I don't remember much about what i was doing, but i thought i'd put the files up here for those who want to experiment. I'm assuming that the bottom hole was to screw in either the nozzle itself, or a threaded rod of the right diameter, so that you had interior threads that you could screw the nozzle into after iby Buback - Developers
it dried up years ago. the forums are swamped with tech support problems that were solved years ago and could easily be figured out with a simple search. It's really hard to get people to edit the wiki, especially because there's nobody providing any direction on what we should edit. any real development happens on peoples individual blogs and never gets catologued on the wiki. I hate to say it bby Buback - General
I put the code up on my Github, if you want to check it out and contribute. It is pretty good, but there are a couple places that need refinement. I kinda just guessed on the second point for the bezier curve. it's been way too long since i've been out of school The p1 tangent, where the bell meets the throat, also doesn't look tangent at certain angles. the combustion chamber is just a veryby Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Hmm. This just occurred to me... I'm assuming there's nothing wrong with this in regards to ITAR. All the information i pulled for the nozzle is from Wikipedia or elsewhere openly on the web.by Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Thanks to Bezier curve scad by donb on thingiverse! This is much, much better! I need to clean up the code, so i won't post it yet, but this really looks like a rocket nozzle.by Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Ok I've just learned that we can describe the shape of the bell as a quadradic bezier curve. we need three points: the1st is the point where the divergent nozzle is tangent to the throat radius; the 3rd is tangent to the exit radius; and the 2nd point is where those two tangents intersect. I would like to be able to define the angles of the two tangents as variables. Still learning how to prby Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Thanks! I'll see what i can do with it! The nitty gritty of rocket nozzles is complex. it is rocket science, after all. I suppose as it gets more complex, the inputs should be more in line with the variables for the formulas rocket scientists use. That's all very complex, though, and beyond my abilities, so I think this version will be the "Hobbyist Nozzle". EDIT: Your code if fine, but i needby Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
You should try asking in the Delta Robots Forum.by Buback - Developers
I've had too many ideas and too many project (not to mention life and job) so this one never got past the modeling stage. Is there any interest still? it seems that there are a number of machinists selling good reliable hot ends now. And you would still have to drill and .4mm hole in a threaded rod to make the nozzle, even if you had cast the heat break. Back then there were a lot of people withby Buback - Developers
Slight change to the file. the funnels were being cut incorectly. I'm still not having any luck with the parabola for a bell nozzle. I tried a 2d plotting module, but that wasn't great.by Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
OK! This one actually looks really good and follows the specs. (well, the throat is from the Bell section and the rest is from the Conic section of the website listed above) How well the specs work is beyond my ability to calculate, but at least it's something to test. The "hull" command makes the nozzle cylindrical. I don't know how much force there is at the throat, but if there's a lot, thenby Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
I've got the convergent section done for a bell nozzle (attached below). the divergent bell is really tricky. I can get an elipse by using a conic section, but getting it tangent to the throat exit radius is, I think, beyond me. I'm even having trouble getting the conic nozzle to be tangent to the throat exit radius. Openscad makes it hard, at least for me. From what i understand, water rocketsby Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Here's something fun to play with! I'm working hard to understand both the nozzle design and OpenSCAD, so i only have a very simple version modeled.(attached below) plug in your parameters and you will have a simple conical De Laval nozzle negative. By casting something around it (plaster, cement, etc) and then melting out the core, you can have your own rocket nozzle. I hope to make this intby Buback - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Most of the work was done years back, when there wasn't a reliable hot end design. Most people had to make their hot ends by hand, usually with limited tools, and so drilling the orifice became a particular challenge. the impetus to work with glass was that it's relatively easy to draw a glass tube into a pipet with a fine orifice. It also doesn't conduct heat well, so would be a good insulator.by Buback - Plastic Extruder Working Group
If you are asking whether you have to define in your firmware what type of kinematic model to use, then yes, you have to define that. Marlin includes kinematic models for regular cartesian bots (simple XYZ), coreXY, and Delta. I've never had to change it, but i'm sure it's as simple as changing a variable. https://github.com/ErikZalm/Marlinby Buback - Mechanics
The belt path is a bit of a hack, currently. The whole X carriage is, for that matter. As is, with the wades on there, the belt hits the nut and/or gear on the extruder. The design of the x ends, with the 4 624 bearings, is to route the belt around the top and bottom of a NEMA 17 in a semi-integrated extruder/carriage. I feel that the belt runs too close to the carriage and x rods with the curby Buback - General Mendel Topics