Grazie mille, per ora resetto ogni volta ma appena la scheda sarà configurata lo farò....già mi è capitato di cercare di capire perchè dopo una modifica non si collegava più, salvo poi ricordarmi che l'avevo riavviato! Nel frattempo posto i nomi dei pins per klipper....sarà banale ma (complici i bagordi natalizi) non riuscivo a trovarli: 1) schema dei pin e relative funzioni: file:///home/klipperby SM180 - Elettronica e meccanica
....intanto vi aggiorno.... capito il problema del reset: è un bug di Arduino Due R3 (non E)! Riporto di seguito la nota: It appears this “can’t use programming port” may stem from a firmware issue on the chip that drives the Due’s USB (discussed at the bottom under “issues”). Basically, whenever you power on the Due, you must also press reset before you can connect to it. Vabbè, me ne farò unby SM180 - Elettronica e meccanica
....scusate, il problema della temperatura dell'hotend "copiata" per la sonda del letto è sparita resettando Arduino Due. Tra l'altro, ho questo comportamento "strano", cioè se accendo la scheda , Klipper non si collega all'MCU se prima non la resetto: in pratica se accendo, non si collega mai, ma se accendo e subito resetto...taac....collegata!by SM180 - Elettronica e meccanica
Salve a tutti e Buone Feste!!!! Ho un problema da cui non riesco ad uscire: non trovo i "nomi" dei PIN della RADDS 1.6; ho usato il file di configurazione klipper generico e la scheda, con le opportune sistemazioni, si collega, ma non riesco a configurare la sonda induttiva (che fa anche da end-stop) e i sensori di fine-filamento....e anche del piatto, visto che ho collegato solo l'estrusore e lby SM180 - Elettronica e meccanica
Solved....Reinstall libcc!by SM180 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Solved... modified uEnv.txt SM180 - Controllers
I'm fighting against installing klipper on a CRAMPS + Beaglebone black After a tons of problem with the libraries, now it is able to create the firmware for PRU unit. Unfortunatly now I have this problem: mcu 'mcu': Unable to open port: No such file or directory: '/dev/rpmsg_pru30' How can I create it? Thanksby SM180 - Controllers
Hello! I configure my Cramps2.2 with Beaglebone using this guide: I used Debian 10.13 and I modified the "" file adding a comment for all the lines in "step2 selection" (I attach the file). I know Klipper has to create /tmp/printer, but it is not generate (and klippy.log is not present!)... no error during installation (I was able to flash mcu), but perhaps klipper has a probleby SM180 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I saw it, but I can't understand how I have to wire "5V G V+" to power the Beaglebone Black: I think I have to put a 5v power supply wired to 5v and Ground , whele V+ is for a unregulated power supply (but I 'm not sure). In addition, I have a dubt about P301 jumper (Perhaps when it is open, the CRAMPS is always "ON" if I switch on power supply....)! P.S: excuse me for my poor English!by SM180 - RAMPS Electronics
...I can't find a PINOUT scheme for CRAMPS 2.2 and wiring... Someone can help me? Thanksby SM180 - RAMPS Electronics
There is a software called "DESUUUU MARLIN RELOADED"'s composed by Marlin and firmware for the display. Using Fysetc display option in Marlin, it not work... it's only compatible with F6 Fysetc. Printer is a FlyingBear Ghost v1: some years ago, Flyingbear decided to substitute the display in Ghost V1 and V2 (they sent a new display gratis....but I didn't ask for it because nobody iby SM180 - Firmware - Marlin
Unfortunately nothing is changed. I use Marlin version (as I use a Dwin monitor, I have the screen firmware compatible only with this version of Marlin). I have a dubt: when I send a xxx.gco, error code is "echo:Now fresh file: open failed, File: . ", not is normal?by SM180 - Firmware - Marlin
Hello World! I have a problem: I can't configure correctly my SD module (a simple SD module without screen, by Fysetc). I'm able to read files, but when I try to write (using usb or wifi, with Cura or Repetier Host, it's the same...of course, all sd I tested are not write protect), I receive an error echo:Now fresh file: open failed, File: . MY sd is connects with AUX3, but I think it's an erby SM180 - Firmware - Marlin
Thanks I post my question in hardware and wiring SM180 - Reprappers
Hello and excuse me for my poor english (I write from Italy). I have a problem with my old Ormerod 2 (528.2): I finally decided to update firmware (now 1.26.1) and web interface (1.22.6)..... but when I restarted the printer, bed and hotend show 2000° (open circuit) ! I test the thermistors (both 122k) and also wires appear ok. Pheraps a bad config.g or a vssa fuse problem? This is my config heatby SM180 - Reprappers