Smerrett79, so you just connected the black signal wire to ground, blue ground wire to the ramps signal pin directly, and the brown wire to 12v? Is that correct? I just got a NPN proximity sensor, so I want to get it right. Thanks Mikeby madmike8 - Smart_Rap
Just use whatever cad program you use to make a bushing holder that the internal diameter matches the outside diameter of the bushing, and the outside diameter matches whatever LMxUU bearing your using on your SmartCore. Press the bushings in place and then snap them into the madmike8 - Smart_Rap
I hooked up the X and Y steppers and gave it a test run. Since I don't have endstops on yet, I was pretty limited with what I could do. Everything is kinda throwed together at the moment. I slso took some better pics of the Y axis. Funbot Simple Test Run Videoby madmike8 - Smart_Rap
I don't use repetier host or the Melzi board. Try downloading and using Pronterface to see if you can manually send gcode. madmike8 - Reprappers
I mounted mine to blow down onto the madmike8 - Smart_Rap
Killz Primer, and no Red Sharpies. Red bleeds through more. I don't think I'd do it. If I were going to do something like that, I would buy a thin sheet of plexiglass and screw it to the wall. They could write on that. When you move away, you can take it with madmike8 - General
Well, you should all know by now that I'm not very mentally stable... So, I crossed the Funbot with the Smartrap. No moving build surface. It uses bronze bushings of course, and trying to keep the Y Axis light as possible. 3/8" drill rods on the Z axis. 3/8" Aluminum tubes .049" thick walls on the X axis. The Y axis uses 5/16" Aluminum tubes .049" thick. I'm using a lite Nema Stepper on the Y axby madmike8 - Smart_Rap
Sorry, Date night with the wife... Anyways, I just installed Repetier Host. It looks like under the Manual Control Tab, G-Code text box. type the command and press madmike8 - Reprappers
Where you manually enter GCode. To get your current steps in Firmware use M503 To get your current steps in EEPROM use M501 M500 stores parameters in EEPROMby madmike8 - Reprappers
Do you have your thermistor set correctly?by madmike8 - General
I'm not sure what your using to send GCode to your printer Ponterface, Repetier Host, or something else. Send the M50? Commands from your host software. That will give you your current settings. Adjust how you want with the M92 command and try it. If it fixes it then you can burn it into your firmware with M500 or ad the M92 command into your start madmike8 - Reprappers
So, Z is off 1.5mm So, Im guessing you want to tune on the fly rather than through the Firmware. Anyways to your question... You can use M92 to set your steps per unit. M92 Zxxx.x where xxx.x is your steps per mm To get your current steps in Firmware use M503 To get your current steps in EEPROM use M501 M500 stores parameters in EEPROMby madmike8 - Reprappers
So, if you printed a cube, is the height correct or still off? or it only on holes?by madmike8 - Reprappers
Nice work madmike8 - OpenSCAD
I use a USFF Dell 220W 18A DA-2 Power Brick. I used it because it was free to me. So far, so good on my Funbot with 4 steppers, SmartLCD, MK3 Aluminum Heatbed, and 40W hotend. I've only been running it a couple months, so I can't tell you it will last long term. But it's worth a shot if you can get it free. Dell USFF DA-2 Mod Linkby madmike8 - General
Remove M206 Z-10; Z offset line and try againby madmike8 - Reprappers
Thanks Cliff. The Xbox PS did great during the long print. I'm pretty happy with it. I'm printing parts for a #3 Funbot with the #1 Funbot. LOL. I'm going to test some different ideas with it. You really have designed one great printer! I probably won't start putting it together until I get the SmartCore done madmike8 - Smart_Rap
M119 is one of the most overlooked gcodes by newbie printer builders I think. Another good one is M114 which shows your axis postions. When setting up a new printer that' I've completed assembling and wiring, here's the order I do things. Hopefully it helps someone. With Power off center all axis manually, well at least have room to move in either direction. Set Vref with USB power only. Use M1by madmike8 - Smart_Rap
Also, as a note. I was so happy with the performance of Funbot #2 heatbed, so I bought a 160mm Kapton Heater for Funbot#1. On Funbot #1 I'm using an Xbox 360 203W PS. So far, so good. Today I'm trying a 8 hour print on it... I'll let you know if the PS can take madmike8 - Smart_Rap
Have you tried M119 and see whats triggered? If they show all triggered even when they're not, or all open even though they should be triggered then you can try inverting the endstop madmike8 - Smart_Rap
I think I have my Funbot's Bowden Slic3r settings pretty good now. Supports break away. No stringies. So, I'm going to attach my Slic3r config for others to try. If you have a Bowden setup, you might give it a try. Remember to set bed size and temp of your filament for your madmike8 - Smart_Rap
Mine is still a work in progress. I'm still working on a threaded Z axis. Here is Mandrav's though.. Mandravs SmartCore Buildby madmike8 - Smart_Rap
Those look like support towers for printing. You should be able to break them out easily with a screw madmike8 - Reprappers
Plenty of Aluminum Extrusion Core XY's out there... Just buy the bits and bolt it together. The SmartrapCore is meant to be made with wood and plastic in a simplistic design. It's not any worse, only different... You can use 6mm, 1/4", 5/16", or 8mm rods, printed, lmXuu bearings or bushings. It's just a different path to the same goal... Instead of a wooden box, I'm using 19mm / 3/4" square alumby madmike8 - Smart_Rap
Yup, it's not all there, but hopefully you can build it back from the madmike8 - Tantillus
I know Djinn is using Repetier on his, maybe he'll post up his madmike8 - Smart_Rap
I like it. Post some more info and madmike8 - Look what I made!