I had a similar issue, and resolved it by adding per-tower DELTA_RADIUS adjustments - my spider was slightly imperfect.by Ezrec - Printing
I'd love to see your results! A hammer to break off the handle of cast iron 'griddle skillet' should be a good start: Though how to 'season' it would be interesting. If you are printing with ABS the simple answer would be ABS Juice.by Ezrec - Delta Machines
Use the front-panel controls to move the head, or issue a 'G28' or 'Home' command before hitting 'Resume Print' if you have manually moved the effector. Stepper motor systems (like yours) control the stepper by giving it a relative direction - move forward N steps, move backwards M steps. The motors themselves have no sense of where they are (unlike servos, where the motor is told to move to anby Ezrec - Printing
Looking much better than some Chinese Deltas I've used!by Ezrec - Developers
As I understand it, unless it's injection molded or cast sheet, both die-drawn (and, so a lesser extent, rolled extrusion) polyproylene will have polymer orientation:by Ezrec - General
Hylite is two aluminum sheets with a polypropylene sheet sandwiched between. Polypropylene is used extensively in the 'flip top lid' industry: Of interest, is that the polymer chains should go across the hinge, not parallel to it. This implies that, unless they are laser-cutting this at a 45 degree angle to the orientation of the polymer chains, either the horizontal or the vertical hinges aby Ezrec - General
The air bubble will be concave near the edges - but flat otherwise. Here's a conceptual idea. Take a narrow glass of water (completely full), and place a playing card on top, completely covering the mouth. Turn the glass upside down (with the card on it) onto a smooth table, and gently remove the playing card. The water stays in the glass. Now, to apply this SLA: * Have a clear tank (say aby Ezrec - General
I would like to recommend that you work with a 3D electronic kit vendor - or at least make a AliExpress shopping list - for a complete electronics BOM. Also, since you have Hall sensor magnets embedded in the Hylite, make sure to have the matching Hall sensor listed, or available for purchase on your shop. Even if the Hylite is expected to last 'the life of the machine', please have single-sheeby Ezrec - General
That's actually a very interesting and novel idea. If you had a slight 'shadow' overhang (a UV-opaque border of about 5mm wide, about 5mm above the bottom lip of the air pocket), it would prevent accumulation of resin on the air pocket walls.by Ezrec - General
For 'hot air' cooling, I made a "recycling" fan duct, that fits on the opposite side of an E3D v6 - it 'clips on' to the exhaust for the E3D cooling fan, and blows it onto the layer. (OpenSCAD version is up one directory, in the same GitHub repo) Maybe this concept would be applicable for your ABS projects?by Ezrec - General
I have the Geeetech G2s - and if you are willing to wait for customer support to fix any missing BOM issues - it's pretty easy to get working. I've updated their http://reprap.org/wiki/Delta_Rostock_mini_G2s wiki page with a ton of useful assembly hints and modifications, and have it working pretty well - at least I'm happy with it. I'd suggest that you ignore the 'Z-Probe' autolevel feature inby Ezrec - Delta Machines
Inductive crosstalk was an issue with my Geeetech (whee!!) Delta - the endstop signals were untwisted and in the assembly manual are pictured as routed with the extruder steppers. And normally open to boot! Just the absolute worst possible config. On a lark, and since I was working on an assembly tips page, tried it out "as specified in the manual". As expected on RAMPS, layer shifting everywby Ezrec - Delta Machines
Thanks for the correction about the Duet signaling - I was not aware of the filer capacitors on the endstop lines, and was going only by my prior experience with 3v electronics and crosstalk. Yes, with endstops no longer in the picture, blob jams seem most likely.by Ezrec - Delta Machines
Just invert the linkages and make a hole in the top, then flip the machine upside down. Voila - delta robot over a conveyerby Ezrec - Delta Machines
If you are getting layer shifts, make sure your end stop cabling is separate from your stepper cabling. If not, stepper signals can crosstalk onto the endstop wiring, causing false endstop events during the print. 3v duet signaling is much more susceptible to this than 5v arduino signaling.by Ezrec - Delta Machines
I see them on Ultibots and Aliexpress, and other places. But I have yet to find a CAD drawing - it's hard to order something if I don't know it's going to fit!by Ezrec - Delta Machines
What is your nozzle width? If you are printing with anything larger than 0.3mm, you are well within the error bounds of extrusion.by Ezrec - Delta Machines
Consider using vinyl sheeting as a seal - cut it with a border 0.5mm larger than your piston chamber, and adhere it to your piston, or sandwich it between the piston and a plate on top.by Ezrec - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering
If swapping your drivers didn't make a difference, get out your multimeter and check that you don't have a short in your stepper cables.by Ezrec - General
That 'grinding' is a short in the driver - you will get the same results if you jumper the coils of your stepper. Hopefully you have stepstick on your electronics - they are cheap easy to replace (about $10-$15 USD) They are also prone to die if you power on while your steppers are partially disconnected (they try to drive constant current, and a 'open' coil while the other is closed will causeby Ezrec - General
Also, make sure your endstop wiring is separate from your stepper wiring. It's tempting to 'tidy up' the endstop wires with the extruder and motor stepper wires, but the stepper signals can induce current on the endstop wires, and cause your electronics to report a 'endstop HIGH' event during your print. This can cause the firmware to stop moving the 'endstopped' axis for a bit, but the other aby Ezrec - Reprappers
Sounds like your endstop is getting triggered during your print by stepper noise. Make sure you endstop cabling is separate from your stepper cabling - the steppers can induce noise on the endstop signal lines, and cause the firmware to think and endstop has been hit. This will case the print to shift in the X/Y, and slight lose some Z.by Ezrec - Delta Machines
.. Updated with advice on cabling the endstop signals, and a Repetier 0.91 config.by Ezrec - Delta Machines
Are you using Repetier firmware, or Marlin, or something else? On my system, I discovered that Repetier was very susceptible to noise on the endstop lines, especially during extruder retractions. When Repetier would get a 'mistaken' endstop signal during a print, it would prevent the tower's stepper from moving, causing a X/Y slide, and a small loss of Z. Too many of these events, and it wouldby Ezrec - Delta Machines
Are you endstop wires routed with your steppers for your extruder? Try separating them into two cable bundles - the endstops may be picking up noise from the extruder on retraction.by Ezrec - Delta Machines
Has anyone done a design where a gyroscope is placed in the effector? That would reduce or maybe eliminate the need to maintain perfect tension.by Ezrec - Delta Machines
.. also, you may want to look at BrundleFab's firmware. It has support for stepper and (in the printhead) DC Motor + Encoder control, and for driving printheads (currently InkShield). Should be easier to adapt to your system than the 'classic' stepper-only firmwares that have a lot of FFM assumptions.by Ezrec - Developers
First off, this is stuff I'm very interested in: BrundleFab For viscous materials, you want to use piezo heads, which means you need to start collecting Epson printers. One issue you will have is that a good 80% (not all, but 8 out of 10 printers I disassembled from various brands) have non-optional mechanics underneath the print carriage/paper feed area. Usually a rod transferring power from tby Ezrec - Developers
User 'revarbat' has created something wonderful: Snappy, an all-printable-PLA (well, except for the hot end, electronics, one (1) 686 bearing, and 2 threaded rods) snap-together printer! As soon as I get my Delta calibrated, I know what I'm building from its first spool!by Ezrec - Developers
Configured, prints being made. Wiki page updated with some additional modifications to eliminate belt jams on the towers.by Ezrec - Delta Machines