I am willing to bet that the Mosiac has a Software pass through to allow it to monitor/modify the gcode on the fly. Also, there is probably a "calibration object" that has to be printed on initial setup, and you tell the software the calibration pattern, and it can adjust for feed length and rate. Then, the Mosiac software would know exactly how much it has offset the color splice command (in tby Ezrec - General
Looks very interesting - I like the clean build, and the Core-XY design. I don't see any sample prints on your web site, or videos of the machine in action - could you take some time to post some samples on your web site, and give the build parameters and time to construct the demo object? Thanks!by Ezrec - For Sale
I'm having good success with braided fishing line - no stretch, and a traction drive was pretty successful with just five winds around a rubber bushing on my drive shaft.by Ezrec - Developers
Sorry for the cross-post from MetallicaRap, but this may be of a more general interest. If there is a better forum for powder-bed technologies (instead of fused filament like RepRap), let me know. I'm working on building a powder bed printer, and I was wondering if incremental sand casting has ever been developed for poured metal casting? The concept I have would require three X/Y heads: A wby Ezrec - Developers
Why did you choose to use guitar keys instead of springs to maintain tension at the ends of the wire?by Ezrec - Developers
Considering MetallicaRap (I'm working on building a powderbed printer), I was wondering if incremental sand casting was ever considered? It would require three X/Y heads: A water misting head (ie inkjet technology) An electro-valve controlled vacuum pipe, that can suck up dry sand grains. A metal 'pour' head (ie solder flowing into a hollow tip soldering iron, like the design used for solder rby Ezrec - MetalicaRap
Well, for FFF (classic RepRap style), I don't see how molten metal can be used easily. But for a powder bed, the first thing that comes to mind is a sand powder bed, with a dual-component head. The first component is an electro-valve controlled vaccum pipe, that can suck up sand grains. The second component would be your liquid metal extruder (ie solder flowing into a hollow tip soldering ironby Ezrec - Developers