If Linux make sure you are in the dialout group (or whatever group is given write access to /dev/ttyUSB0). Also check the system log from when you inserted the USB adapter to make sure that it was assigned to ttyUSB0.by davidgoodenough - Reprappers
Which platform? If you are using a relatively recent Linux then the driver should come with the system. If you are using Windows you are on your own (I can not help you). On Linux, what you do need to do is to make sure that you are in the dialout group (at least for Debian based distributions - for others see what group is assigned to /dev/ttyS0, that is the one you need to be a member of).by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
You seem to be missing vecmath.jar.by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
1) which Java do you have installed 2) what classpath are you using? Have you checked that each file is present and that the .so files are in the correct jre/lib/i386 directory. 3) add -verbose:class to the java command in the reprap-host shell script and report which class is the first to fail. Davidby davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
Modify the shell script to echo the commands it is producing (set -x) and also add the -verbose:class option to the java invocation. That will tell you exactly which class is failing to load, and which ones have loaded. Davidby davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
No, the directory structure is the same, I just do not know how to write the BAT file equivalent of the shell script that builds the classpath. This code would not be necessary for Java 6 as it has a wildcard capability for the classpath, but we can not use Java 6 due to problems on the Mac I am told. The shell script code finds all the JAR files in a directory and builds the classpath from allby davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
I run on Java 6 all the time but on Debian not Ubuntu. The problems looks like it can not find the RXTX jar file in the classpath. Are you sure you put the RXTX jar in the right place, and that the JNI .so file is also in the right place? One thing to check is that you have not updated your java since putting the RXTX code into the /lib/ext directory. Each move changes the directory that getsby davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
I was going to tidy this up when I did a bunch of janatorial updates recently, but Adrian said that he was going to rewrite/remove that bit so there was no need. Davidby davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
Go to Documents and Files, and select release 1.0.3by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
I did not know there were still versions of Java that ran on Wind98. Which version of Java are you using? To answer your question swing-layout is not part of swing, it is an extension to swing. It can be found at .by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
I have been doing some janatorial work tidying up warnings in the source code now that we are aiming entirely at Java 1.5. It would be nice to move to Java 6, but I understand that Java 6 is a problem for the Mac users. I am unsure as to the status of Java 6 on the Mac, and of course there are now two versions of Java 6, the regular Sun Java 6 and the OpenJDK Java 6. OpenJDK is the way that Suby davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
I have managed to clear all the warnings from the compilation of the RepRap host code. If anyone wants it I can generate a diff (which will also switch to using the Java-6 GroupLayout).by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
When a NullStepperMotor is created in Simulator and GenericRepRap it is created with the motor ID numbers set as 'X', 'Y', and 'Z'. This is wrong, it should be 1, 2 and 3. If you look at the other classes derived from GenericStepperMotor they are all correctly created. Actually it would be better to have an enum, then it would be much clearer.by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
You need to check the shell script/batch file that is running the host program, and make sure it is picking up the right jar.by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
Are you sure you were using the new jar file? It certainly generated the new UI when I tried it. BTW, I have generated a patch to move to using Java 6 GroupLayout (the one now in the Swing package). Once I have tested it I will post it here.by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
Download the jar from swing-layout.dev.java.net and include it in your classpath (it can be put in jre/lib/ext). The proper solution is to move to Java 6 where it is part of the package but that requires source changes because the package changes.by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
BTW, if we are going to move to at least 1.5 and the minimum, then we can tidy up (and I am very happy to do this - I have done it on many projects over the years) many of the warnings due to the lack of Generics on things like ArrayLists.by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
I saw Adrian's note about the new code, and I thought I would give it a go. Previously I had only used the released binaries, not the source. So I went through the install instructions for Linux, I already had Eclipse (by the way the example shown is very old, I am using Ganymede SR1 and it works well) and I noticed that in some places it talks about Java 1.4, in others 1.5. It strikes me thatby davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
In the BfB extruder tutorial video (which now works wonderfully) it is suggested to wrap solder around the thread of the main bolt under the bearing. What kind of solder is best for this, and what dimensions. Also does anyone know of a good UK source for it?by davidgoodenough - Mechanics
Your mention of the current limiter was the clue, we had the potentiometer set wrongly. Adjusted and how it works. Now to work out why the three motors pulse together when you tell only one to run.by davidgoodenough - Mechanics
The Z axis is the one we are currently having problems with. When I do not have the problem I have described in the electronics forum where all the motors fire together, I can get the X and Y axis to move properly, but the Z axis just sits there stuttering. I can move it by hand, although getting a grip on the bit just above the motor is a bit difficult due to its position. I have seen the cby davidgoodenough - Mechanics
Intermittently I have had a problem with my RepRap where all the motors works simultaneously when using the volume tool and only trying to excercise one of them. This is on a Generation 2 Ardiuno based system, with breakout board. This feels like an earthing problem, but I have tried tying all the earths together at the point where they leave the breakout board as there were small resistances pby davidgoodenough - Controllers
I have a Darwin built using the original Bits from Bytes laser cut parts. I am trying to run the reprap host tools working volume probe, and sometimes the motors slip. I have tried to rub a little oil onto the rods, and that has helped a bit. I have also filed the shaft a bit to give a flat surface to grip the grub screws to, but they are still slipping. Also the stepper motor drivers are getby davidgoodenough - Mechanics
What problems are you having. I have it working on Debian sid, which is similar to Ubuntu.by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
What is supposed to happen when I use the various option on the Tools menu on the reprap host software? There being no Help and I can not find any documentation. I ask because on my system nothing happens. I had thought that this was because I did not have the firmware installed on my arduino, but now I do and I still get nothing. Davidby davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
Right, well I have found out what the problem is with math.h A recent update to wiring.h has defined a round macro, so the definition on line 439 of math.h of another round macro gets confused. So in ThermoplastExtruder_SNAP_v1.h just before the #include math.h you need to insert a line which reads:- #undef round and then it will compile cleanly. Unfortunately it builds a binary which is tooby davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
if you look right at the bottom of the reprap.org home page you will find a Glossary section, which says:- RepRap - n. any free rapid prototyping machine that can manufacture a significant fraction of its own parts; v.t. (in lower case: to reprap) to make something in a RepRap machine. RepStrap - n. any free rapid prototyping machine that doesn't make its own parts, but is intended to make parby davidgoodenough - Reprappers
Thanks, I will follow your procedure. I am using Linux (Debian unstable) and I have 011 not 012, but I suppose that I may be using too recent a version of avr-libc6 (which includes math.h). Do you know what version you are using?by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
OK, so I re-read the install instructions, and realised that I may have misunderstood and copied the library directory to the wrong place. I am also unclear as to whether I use the reprap/library directory in place of the harware/libraries directory, or whether I need to merge the two. I tried replacing the libraries direcory, and now it fails at line 439 of math.h when I load the arduino IDE.by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host
my guess is that I did something wrong in stage 3, as by the time I came to compile it the compile failed complaining about missing .h files. I am also confused as to how I come to load two images into the arduino at once. A sequence of screen shots would be helpful just as the step by step photos of the assembly of the circuit boards is very useful.by davidgoodenough - RepRap Host