I am using 0011 and it works 50% if I don't wait but if I wait for the 10 Sec it works 100% of the time. I have been uploading a ton because I have been working on getting the SD card to work. I am also using the Sanguino motherboard not that there is a difference. Bruceby brucew - RepRap Host
If I don't wait for around 10 sec. after hitting upload to press the reset it will fail. even if I have compiled. I only get this with larger files like the Gcode interpiter. Bruceby brucew - RepRap Host
Not to change the subject but I found that because of the size of the Gcode firmware you need to wait 10 sec. and then press the reset button on the Sanguino to get the code to load. This is because of the size of the program causing this and that it has to compile it first and it takes longer to compile causing the Sanguino to time out. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
Bodge, You might just have to adjust your z-axis steps per mm setting this will vary from machine to machine depending on what you use as gears to drive the belt. It will be a lot slower then the x and y axis, which can be a pain if you have a tight zaxis system. Bruceby brucew - RepRap Host
Slade, I checked everything and it seems to be the Gcode software it self I even check my wiring and swaped my board. The problem I am having is that the z axis only moves in one direction and also it will not home. it might be caused by the host software it self I am using the host software to talk to the gcode software.. Also your extruder motor might be wired backwards? Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
I have been able to print using the old PIC electronics and have been printing on that for a while. And I can say the new stuff is a lot smoother. One thing I do is operate the z axis by hand just for testing and adjusting the printer at least you would be able to start printing. I will make sure my board is working ok by switching to one of the other axis's and let you know.. Bruceby brucew - RepRap Host
humm, I have the same issue I thought it was my z axis stepper board now I will have to look into it more. Well it is good to see you are somewhat up and running.. Bruceby brucew - RepRap Host
Check your pins.h file to see what it is set to. These settings are the pin number on the chip mine is set to pin 4 I think at least I will check tonight. I just ran into this when I was trying to use the I2c bus for the LCD board and it did not work. Let me know Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
Ouch! my head... Oh you said simple.. So then I need to try it with my cat first.. Bruceby brucew - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
Forest, Yes it does have an I2C library but the library I am working on is to just control the lcd and button interface. So it would be easier for anybody to get the LCD to work since the lcd needs to be initialized to work they are a pain. Also the LCD library for the arduino will not work because it is not for I2c comm. Bruceby brucew - Controllers
Sorry to be defensive I searched and tested about 6 different options and thought this was the best for what we or at the very least I might need. It was posted on the main blog here I don't know how to capture just the one post so it was a few down. I think I might get some of the code done today. I will also ask Zach about the release status of the board at the very least. I tested theby brucew - Controllers
Andres, I have, and also love the moderndevices lcd interface and not because modern devices is around the corner (ok it is 20 min. away ) Rhode Island is small. I went with I2c because is is addressable not that serial is not. But it also has the connection for 5 buttons which can be used for control of the menu and machine. and if 5 buttons is not enough you could just add a 2nd board....by brucew - Controllers
Zach had a first run made, I think he is waiting on documentation and code before he releases through the RRRF. So send him an email if not I have one I can send you. You just would need some header pins and a few resistors the chip I have a few spares. It works very well the only thing lacking is the code for it. I want to incorporate it in to the GCode interpreter along with a SD card so tby brucew - Controllers
Wade, Now you need the LCD board I have been working on. I hope to have a first run at a library for it this week. I don's know what the cost is but I do know that screens cost about as much as a Sanguino. But then again it has the ability to interface to 5 buttons and a LCD screen. Have you tried to talk to replicator-g yet? I have found that the my Sanguino has a hard time connecting to rby brucew - Controllers
OK I answered my question. It was the diodes they were shorting with the ground plane. I need to fire my soldering company.. Well no he is only 12 I just gave him a hug.. >< Later and Thanks Bruce So checking for the orange on the LED's is a very good test..by brucew - Controllers
I am thinking I might have a short on with my diodes. I am only testing with no stepper attached and one of my boards the heat sink is getting hot even when the pot is adjusted to almost nothing. I am not running that board till I take a look at my soldering. Bruceby brucew - Controllers
I have been working on changing to the new electronics. Even though I am using the 1.1 version of the Arduino electronics stepper controller boards (they are new to me). My steppers are only making noise but not moving. My steppers are the keling KL23H256-21-8B the spec sheets are located here I have them wired green , blue ,brown, white and the red/yellow and orange black are wired togetby brucew - Controllers
Sure Larry, the error I get is the same that Johan van Oostrum got. In member function 'void extruder::wait_for_temperature()': In member function 'void extruder::valve_set(bool, int)': In member function 'void extruder::set_direction(bool)': At global scope: In member function 'int extruder::get_temperature()': At global scope: In member function 'void extruder::manage()': I did get it toby brucew - RepRap Host
Johan, I am in the same boat but since I am snowed in this weekend. I ran a test to see where the problem is and also to see what will work. I found that the most recent rev. on source forge will work in arduino/ sanguino version 0011 and 0010 but not with 0012 this was using windows XP. I also only tried to compile the gcode firmware not upload to a sanguino yet that is my next step along wiby brucew - RepRap Host
I think there is software in the source forge folders under firmware. Let me know if you get them to work because in the future I am going to incorporate the lcd board and SD card on the new Saguino mother board so it will become stand alone. Right now I am tring to get my host software to work again with the newest non released software. Also working on the instructions and updating the hostby brucew - RepRap Host
I am working on a 2 or 4 line LCD and 5 buttons not to one up you Nophead. The chip we are using (microchip mcp23017) only uses 2 data wires from Arduino / Sanguino this will control an 8 bit LCD and 5 buttons using I2C. I think that a menu system will work fine you will be able to select and load a file move the head of the machine and if we find we need more buttons you would just have to adby brucew - General
Wow Ben that is very cool but I do not know if anybody has yet to cut the parts with anything other then a laser cutter (but it might be very useful)? Since this is not been thought of I would start by making the electronics or order the parts for a robot (if you decide to go that way there are many options to making a machine) and then there are many ways you could help out. Like working on doby brucew - General
Yes just like batch files ( I am from the same time ) windows 3.1 is coming back!! I also it seems around this time last year worked on some scripts using NSIS for windows they are located here I am a big fan of auto installers as long as they are updated. Bruceby brucew - RepRap Host
In Linux a bash script is for the most part just the same info you would type in using the terminal window. You can do more and actually check to see if the software is already installed and for the most part anything else because you can do almost anything from the command prompt. I usually always make a script when I install the Reprap software in Linux that way if I need to repeat the instby brucew - RepRap Host
I was working on that.. I have seen Adrian post in the forum that he had made a change that made the PIC stop working. I was going to add in the wiki what rev. the Pic will work and what Rev. the Arduino will work. I have the PIC electronics still on my machine and I know the newest will not work.. Now I need to find this out I guess. Bruceby brucew - RepRap Host
I have been working on an LCD control button interface board. Using the I2C bus and a Microchip mcp23017 chip I also have made it so it can use the mcp23s17 so it will work on serial. It can also be addressable and could be used for a just keyboard interface. Now the software has to be written to include the LCD. I have found just a small test program for the arduino I2C LCD interface. Iby brucew - RepRap Host
For Linux you can just make a script. So now we just need an installer for Pic electronics and one for Arduino. since the Pic electronics only work up to a certain Rev of the host software. Bruce Great job this looks great..by brucew - RepRap Host
You might want to try using PVC bar stock for the corner blocks or better yet aluminum. I used oak and they have split a little.. I did buy some PVC stock to try. Good luck and I can help with drawings and ideas.. Bruceby brucew - Mechanics
MY Son and I were able to make a machine by reading off of the STL drawings? granted there are some things I would have done differently. We have been working on other parts of Reprap for the time being so we have not printed much lately ( we need to finish since we are about 1/2 way to a printed machine. ) I have some drawings of most of the parts just send me a personal email from the fby brucew - General
I just found that I could only use the Subclipse 1.2.x (Eclipse 3.2+) But since I downloaded the 1.4.x one I had to remove (by going to software updates> manage configuration) the 1.4.x and install the 1.2.x which broke my svn browser screen now? Oh I am using Ubuntu 8.10 Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host