The .igs files are at you can also get the most current .stl files from the code section of source forge Bruce brucew - Reprappers
Reece, I am not able to see the new GUI Ed created with out running Netbeans? The errors Ross are seeing is because of this I get the same errors even though they do not affect the host software from functioning. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
Dylan, Were you able to see the new GUI or just the one? Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
Hello Ben, I am located in RI and work in Canton, MA. There has been a group of us from both Mass and RI that have been talking about meeting. We have been posting in the RI Rug group. I have a working Repstrap and have been printing since last fall. I am willing to show it and meet with anybody. If you are interested in building one I am also available to help in any way. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - Massachusetts, Boston RepRap User Group
I am interested in meeting up some time also. I am busy over the next few weeks. And I am working on finding a bug in the host software right now but I am hoping to finish up my Arduino electronics and finish replicating my 2nd machine Before the end of summer I am about 1/3 of the way. oh and Larry U-do-it is neat but they don't have everything like the online mail order places do. Bruceby brucew - Rhode Island / New England RUG
So the next thing you need is GPS and then you could make stuff with accuracy well if GPS was accurate enough. Humm?? Radio triangulation?by brucew - Mechanics
LOL I was just about to post this after seeing it in Make Magazine only to realize it was first posted here. Wow this is the most coolest thing since well Reprap. Keep the videos coming.. and Forrest is right... Post in the Blog.... I want one of these my cat would love to play with it. If I had a cat that is. Bruce brucew - Mechanics
I have a comparison. A big machine tool manufacture company in my state was Brown and Sharp they made machine tools and used there own equipment to make other machines like lathes... So it all comes down to making sure the machine is making parts that are at correct dimensions like any machine tool that is why we use and should make more test parts with known dimensions and we request in theby brucew - General
Wade, No they Should be metal to metal that is why you need to grease the frame rods. Do not worry the first time I assembled my machine I thought that the X frame will not work but it will in the end if you follow the instructions. The main one to be concerned with is the Z axis you need to follow the instructions or else it will bind. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - Mechanics
Larry, The AS220 is a group in Providence that is artists, hackers.. Some of us meet on Tuesdays to play with electronic projects. My Repstrap is running and my son and I have made about 1/3 of the parts for our 2nd machine. I would love to meet up some time I see you have done work in aerospace robotics? This sounds very interesting as I am originally a aircraft mechanic. With a manual latby brucew - Rhode Island / New England RUG
Greeting Larry, It is great to hear from you If I can be of any help let me know also It would be cool to meet up some time and you are invited down here in RI if you want to see a machine run. I have also been working on my machine every Tuesday night at the AS220 in Providence RI. Bruce Wattendorf bwattendorf@gmail dot comby brucew - Rhode Island / New England RUG
nophead Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If your machine is the same topology as a Darwin > and you use use PCL or PLA, then the RepRap host > G-code will work but if your machine or materials > are different you will have to be prepared to hack > the Java. > > For example, the RepRap host wipes its nozzle > between layers. That would be coby brucew - EMC2
I have been using the non cable design from the beginning and it works well the biggest problem I have had though is is the connector from the motor to the drive screw my first ones were using flats on the screw the new one I got from Zach, has a nut on the screw. This has worked fine for ABS, CAPA and HDPE with no issues. The flex cable needs to be used on the latest geared down extruder. Bby brucew - Mechanics
tapping would work I just used "furniture nuts" the nuts used in the making of furniture that have 3 spikes that drive into wood and then my bed constraint is made from wood. the only thing you might want to think about is that you might want to use nuts at the very least so the z axis screws have room to walk as the table goes up and down. Bruceby brucew - Mechanics
That is awesome to make them from aluminum! I was trying to make the parts so that anybody with the least amount of tools could make them. There are a lot of parts I would have made from aluminum like the corner blocks I had to make mine from oak and it was a lot of trial and error.. Also if you need here is a PDF of drawings of some of the parts of the robot. this is also in the cartesian rby brucew - Mechanics
Jason, sorry here is a link to a ziped file of the robot parts made into an .iges file I also started to make .dxf files of a lot of the parts. my machine is made from wood parts that I cut by taking the .stl files and converting them to .dxf drawings. the link to the zip file is and here is a link to my blog if you want to see what I had done.. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - Mechanics
Adam, I am glad to see it is working. As it not being in source forge I am not sure I do know that Ed has added some new windows that only show up using netbeans ( They look cool but are a work in progress) I have not been able to get the new ui screens to work outside of netbeans? I am a very big fan of a monthly release or frequent release of a build.. and would love to get it brucew - RepRap Host
Linux is user frendly.... It just picks it's users... it is to bad because the ones who the computer is intended for is the one who needs open source software not the one who foot the brucew - General
Sure but here is an updated copy for anybody to use. i was able to go through it in 20 min. and I also showed the nano tech video Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - Reprappers
Oh man I missed that and I know that also I hope Adrian does not notice. The other thing I did not mention was that my machine is a repstrap.. and the whole repstrap definition. the presentation went very well I had a big turnout and a lot of interest.... Thanks to all who looked at the power point for me... Bruceby brucew - Reprappers
Adam, Here is the latest host software compiled from the sourceforge reprap source. Give this a try and see if it fixes your issue. Let me know I was looking to get the host download updated. Bruceby brucew - RepRap Host
Bob, Thanks I think it might be a screen size issue I did change it on mine but it did not look to be off? I also did see that when viewed in open office the font was a different size causing it to be off. Bruceby brucew - Reprappers
I wanted to share and have anybody look at the power point presentation I prepared for my presentation on this Wed. night in Providence, RI thanks Bruce Wattendorf it can be downloaded atby brucew - Reprappers
I just found that Art Of Illusion 2.6 has been released as of April 30th, 2008 Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
Adam, Have a great holiday the last thing what host software are you using?? is it 0.8.3 from the file release or is it from the code SVN? because there have been some changes that might fix this for you.. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
Could you post a drawing or picture of how it failed? Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
For all who are interested and or can attend I will be presenting Reprap and my Repstrap at the May meeting of the Providence DC401. It will be on May 7th at 1730-1900 at As220 115 Empire St. Providence RI Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - General
For all who are interested I will be presenting Reprap and my Repstrap at the May meeting of the Providence DC401. It will be on May 7th at 1730-1900 at As220 115 Empire St. Providence RI Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - Rhode Island / New England RUG
I have noticed in trying to make 2 corner blocks with ABS that I had the inter layer adhesion problem. I was wondering if that is why Stratus has a heated chamber and was thinking of building a box to house everything that I can heat.. I did see that the first layers will adhere best and that the higher you go the worst it gets? Bruceby brucew - Plastic Extruder Working Group
What is your Axis Torque set to for all of you stepers? that sound like you are applying to much torque I would try backing it down. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - Controllers