Cool I am on the same plan to take over the world and I thought I was Crazy!! Bruceby brucew - Controllers
I have been using 1 inch thick open cell Styrofoam and it has been working very well with the exception that it does melt a little causing the part to sink. ABS sticks to it very well being it is made from styrene and so is ABS. I have been tring to find out what Stratus uses for foam? Bruce brucew - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Steve, You could use media fire to upload your file it is a free file hosting and has a 100 meg limit.. Bruceby brucew - General
Yep I have done all of these. The big problem I have is trying to get a coupling that works on the motor to rod connection mine has a lot of movement.. Bruceby brucew - Reprappers
the Fablab group uses vinyl sign printers to make the over lay on the boards. It would be cool if we could get a cutter for reprap?? Prob would not be to hard.. Bruceby brucew - General
Well Nophead beat me to the answer. I have also found that I was only able to get 220 Deg. C. with the 100k thermistor. Bruceby brucew - Controllers
brucew Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How about using Fab Labs python script? > > to convert the .stl to gcode directly then we need > to add to the python to add the reprap gcode setup > commands.. > > Bruce # # (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2006 # Permission granted for experimental and personal use; # licensby brucew - RepRap Host
How about using Fab Labs python script? to convert the .stl to gcode directly then we need to add to the python to add the reprap gcode setup commands.. Bruceby brucew - RepRap Host
I have not seen this. I do know Jim Crank was working on a book. He owns what I belive to be the biggest collection of Dobles.. Man prices for even newer Stanleys (735 1925) are going for 100K plus?? It is getting sad and even father out of reach of the middle class person... You would think with less interest it would go back down? I guess they are now more museum pieces the collector cars.. Iby brucew - General
Bob, I have seen a few videos of Jay he has a nice collection. There are a lot of big family collections here in New England. It is too bad that the cost of cars is so high and that there are fewer pepole who know how to run them each year.. I would love to see the blue prints for the Doble engine there is a group here on the east cost working on a doble for a dragstar. This is what draw me tby brucew - General
Thanks, I thought I did not find anything to big when nobody posted all day. I have been using the US patent site for a few years on my other hobby (Steam Cars) that was is a slow process the Google site is a ton better. and it is helping me over come some issues with my Repstrap. I all ways to love learn from somebody else's work. Bruceby brucew - General
I have been looking at the Patents on FDM latly (since I am waiting for parts from Zach). I started on the us patent search and was slowly saving them as PDF files then I found a better search I thought everybody should know about. start by typing in stratasys and take a look it shows the links and you can download or just read them. I was working on a cd but now forgetby brucew - General
What PIC are you using and where did you download the pic firmware I assume it was from source forge which is for the 16f628 if you have the 16f648 or the 16f648a you will need to have somebody compile you the firmware for the 16f648. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
I am using 10-32 thread rod and it works fine. Matter of fact I used nothing but US hardware. for my wooden part repstrap. I will prob. have to switch to metric hardware from my bolts, Set screws, and nuts as I have more reprap made brucew - Mechanics
Alex- Wow that sounds cool I would love to help out and was thinking of doing this myself when I get my machine replicated and working reliably.. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - 3D Design tools
try MSC for cap head screws they have a very good quality "import line" I dont know if they ship to Canada but worth a try.. Bruceby brucew - Mechanics
I have posted a copy of the test plate and document I started to work on for all to see and so we can come up with ideas to make to better before I finish it. The document is only a proof of concept and not to be used to measure and adjust a machine yet.. Bruce Wattendorf I also want to thank Steve DeGroof for cleaning up the .Stl file for meby brucew - Reprappers
I have to use a little bit more clamp pressure it is a little bit harder then HDPE so I need more pressure on the clamp to bit into it better. it does act differently at the 130 C.(kind of like toothpaste) range then at the 170 C range but it doesnt seem to stick to it's self at 130 C. I have also noticed that it extrudes a smaller filament at 130 C then at 170C but I know it works fine with tby brucew - Plastic Extruder Working Group
well I just got home and tried my adhesive test I was working on.. I just found that contact cement and rubber cement will hold up to high temp. where other glues have failed. For the test I used a paint striper heat gun and let it sit 6 inches away from a foam board that had pieces of HDPE milk carton glued to it.... and I melted the foam board and the HDPE that is held on with contact cement iby brucew - Plastic Extruder Working Group
You would think I would try Stainless steel but no I have not thanks for the thought I shall give it a try. I did get it to stick but it would curl on the 2nd layer by raising my temp I should get it to fully stick good point I will have to give it a try because it does stick just not enough to stop a corner from curling off. I have ordered some sample sheet of ABS from a supplier Forrest gaveby brucew - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Sorry Nophead for not mentioning that. yes the ABS came from the RRRF store. my extruder is of the original direct drive design made from wood. and one of the issues I have with my extruder is that the motor bracket is not in the best alighnment with the drive screw and the drive coupling is made from CAPA and hand molded I have had to replace them every 10 hours of operation. I have also chaby brucew - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I was trying to find out if anybody has tried the installer and if it did/did not work. and any ideas. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - RepRap Host
I was trying to find anybody who would be interested in helping start a monthly Reprap Skype cast. This is a new feature of and that it would be like a pod cast but we would be able to have callers and contributers and it will have to be at a set time. I do not know how video works and I have not tried to use skypecast but I have used skype a lot. Bruce Wattendorfby brucew - General
I have been testing being able to print with ABS for about a month now and here is a list of what I have found so far. ABS will print from 130 C. and up I have found it starts to stick to it's self at 170 C. it at 200 C. it seems to stick the best. so I have found nopheads formula for the extrude temp is kind of true here of using the temp it melts at *2 -20 Deg. C. I have also found that itby brucew - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Cheap! So does that mean we are on this Sunday? I am ready and printing with my machine. just so you know I have a Wooden Darwin design Repstrap. And would love to show it and discuss using Skype how I went about building it. Also cover some of the issues and success we have had and get any ideas. Bruce brucew - Texas, Houston RepRap User Group
Sorry, skype is a free internet phone with video service. that is in my eyes very good quality it is also available for Linux, Mac and Windows. you just need a decent web cam. this is a good excuse for me to buy a better web cam. Bruce as a side note I do know Ed, Sells was working on setting up for skype for this kind of thing. So this could lead to brucew - Texas, Houston RepRap User Group
I have a thought how about using Skype with video I would be willing to share some incite and then you could add others to your meeting and we would not have to travel? Maybe you could have an hour of the meeting devoted to a skype session or maybe a meeting on a weeknight.. Bruce brucew - Texas, Houston RepRap User Group
I could guide anybody how to do them with a drill press, Miter saw, and scroll saw. it was not that hard and only took me what I believe to be 10 hours at the most when I got my steps down. I dont have the time to run off more sets plus being in New England I am not able to be in my shop till spring.. Oh and by the way I used 5/16 inch rods and they work fine you should be able to use themby brucew - Wanted
Thats why I am a fan of monthly builds. Just need somebody to do it though?? Bruceby brucew - Reprappers
Rick, The .STL files for Darwin were originally made using Solid Edge but it is an academic license. The solid edge files are on source forge. I can help you with this if needed. As for the tear drop I am not sure I thought it was 90 Deg. but it was desighned so that the part can be printed with out a support extruder. As for the drawings for Seedling I believe there are .dxf files that Zacby brucew - Mechanics