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Sorry for double posting but I am really having an issue getting Pronterface to work on my laptop. in the port box I get this /dev/tty.BLTH. I get this error. Connecting...
Could not connect to /dev/tty.BLTH at baudrate 115200:
Serial error: could not open port /dev/tty.BLTH: Resource busy: '/dev/tty.BLTH'
Can someone point me in the right direction to get this working?? What is missing?
Hello all: Issue I have a Macbook pro and pronterface loaded. When opening pronterface the port box shows /dev/tty.BLTH and /dev/cu.BLTH. On either one, pronterface will not connect to my printer. I have an Ender 3, 4.2.7 board, Marlin 2.0.1
Any help is appreciated.
My actual bed(work area) is 228.6 mm X 228.6 mm, so center should be 114.3 mm X 114.3 mm.
So, How do I set the end stops and a "Home Position"
RAMPS Electronics
Dust, Thanks again for the help. i ordered different motors and they seem to work fine. As I said before I am very new to CNC programming so I apologize for being a pain in the arse. I have physical end stops on -X +X and -Y and +Y and they are wired to the Arduino, CNC Shield in the corresponding pins. How do I set them up and make my "Home" in the center of my work area? I have read some of the
RAMPS Electronics
Dust, Any suggestions on a power supply to get resonably priced?
RAMPS Electronics
The paperwork I got was wrong, it wasn't for the 42SHD0001-24B (my motors). Ok, so I guess I need to look for a 36 Volt power supply to run these, any suggestions? Need one of resonable cost.
Thanks for the help, it is getting much clearer now.As soon as I get the powersupply I will let you know how things work out.
Thanks Again Dust.
RAMPS Electronics
Dust, I have installed the jumpers. My motors still don't move the X or Y axis, they just move ever so slightly and grind. My vref is 1.5 on all drivers, my drive belts are snug no binding on X or Y when I move them by hand. I am stuck. My,
motors are from here
42SHD0001 Motor Type
RAMPS Electronics
Yes, you are correct, I am confused, I am not well versed in electronics but am willing to learn.
Thank you for the explanation, I will try to do as you have mentioned and let you know what I get. I have ordered some jumpers for the drivers.
RAMPS Electronics
Looks like I have a similar issue.
I have the Arduino R3 Board with the matching CNC Shield and 4988 drivers. I checked the power of my controllers and they are all 1.31 volts, when I go to adjust them to the motor required voltage(3.75 volts) the set screw won't go any further. No power supply power only the USB cable to the laptop.
My steppers (model 42SHD0217-24 do not run right, they just jum
RAMPS Electronics
I have the same issues.
I have the Arduino R3 and the CNC shield with the 4988 drivers. when I check the voltage the set screw on the driver is maxed out but only reading 1.31
any ideas on what is wrong. no power supply power just from the usb cable. I also have an issue with the stepper motors not moving my X and Y axis, I assume it is because of the low voltage.
I am using this on a DIY Laser E
RAMPS Electronics