My Hardware is a FolgerTech 2020 Prusa i3 with a reprapdiscount hexagon 1.75mm hotend. I am having problems heating up with both regular Repetier and OctoPrint. Attached is the temperature graph from my OctoPrint. Any help would be great. My temperature never had this problem before. Thanks, Zachby zarnold16 - General Mendel Topics
QuoteMach Quotezarnold16 QuoteMach Quotezarnold16 QuoteMach QuoteTimJC QuoteMach QuoteBert3D QuoteMach So, I am trying to setup a full graphic lcd controller, but I cannot get the screen to show anything other than the blue backlight. I have downloaded and included the u8glib library in config.h, uncommented #define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER, #define ULTRA_LCD, #define DOGby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteMach Quotezarnold16 QuoteMach QuoteTimJC QuoteMach QuoteBert3D QuoteMach So, I am trying to setup a full graphic lcd controller, but I cannot get the screen to show anything other than the blue backlight. I have downloaded and included the u8glib library in config.h, uncommented #define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER, #define ULTRA_LCD, #define DOGLCD, and #define SDSUPPORby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteMach QuoteTimJC QuoteMach QuoteBert3D QuoteMach So, I am trying to setup a full graphic lcd controller, but I cannot get the screen to show anything other than the blue backlight. I have downloaded and included the u8glib library in config.h, uncommented #define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER, #define ULTRA_LCD, #define DOGLCD, and #define SDSUPPORT. The contrast pot is seby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
This is the link to my Youtube channel where all I do is 3D printed stuff. My only video right now is my review for this printer. Come check it zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Hello everyone. I have created a Youtube Channel all about 3D printing. Here is my zarnold16 - General
[email protected] Quotezarnold16 [email protected] Quotezarnold16 Okay, Ive had some great prints but now the bed it unleveled and when I go to level it, it won't level. If I tighten the thumb screws all the way the back and the front have a difference of about .5 cm. Im trying to get my printer back to printing but now it wont. Here is a print I made before this. Check tby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
[email protected] Quotezarnold16 Okay, Ive had some great prints but now the bed it unleveled and when I go to level it, it won't level. If I tighten the thumb screws all the way the back and the front have a difference of about .5 cm. Im trying to get my printer back to printing but now it wont. Here is a print I made before this. Check that your bearings are seated under the bed eby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Okay, Ive had some great prints but now the bed it unleveled and when I go to level it, it won't level. If I tighten the thumb screws all the way the back and the front have a difference of about .5 cm. Im trying to get my printer back to printing but now it wont. Here is a print I made before zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemel0n Quotezarnold16 Quotezarnold16 So here is my first problem that I have received in a while except for some user error with printing. I went to click start on my print via the SD card and my screen blacked out then came back on like this. Now everytime I turn off my printer and turn it back on it comes back when I turn the dial. Okay I still have not figured this out. I just broke a bby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotezarnold16 So here is my first problem that I have received in a while except for some user error with printing. I went to click start on my print via the SD card and my screen blacked out then came back on like this. Now everytime I turn off my printer and turn it back on it comes back when I turn the dial. Okay I still have not figured this out. I just broke a blade on my extruder fan, Aby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
So here is my first problem that I have received in a while except for some user error with printing. I went to click start on my print via the SD card and my screen blacked out then came back on like this. Now everytime I turn off my printer and turn it back on it comes back when I turn the zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotetherippa Has anyone thought about making an enclosure for this printer? It heats up my office a lot when printing ABS. Maybe we could make it a group project? Im all for this. I want my printer to have an enclosure. Im trying to research to create one, the only thing is i'm on a budget of under $ zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotetherippa Has anyone thought about making an enclosure for this printer? It heats up my office a lot when printing ABS. Maybe we could make it a group project? Im all for this. I want my printer to have an enclosure. Im trying to research to create one, the only thing is i'm on a budget of under $ zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteCheopisIV Quoteanimoose I'm about to start rebuilding the X/Z axes using wderoxas's parts ( and , with one small change). If you don't hear me say any more about this, it means it all went wrong and I took up a different hobby, like knitting brightly colored socks for small dogs. The motor standoffs are awesome! I'm waiting on some 8mm screws and other parts from Folger Tech before I tearby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemike3 Quotezarnold16 Hi everyone my printer is working now with the new Ramps and Arduino. I have a question about my printer during the prints. In the video I attached, should my printer be that loud when printing, as in when my x axis moves. Also, How can I get rid of the ripples on the single side that is parallel with the x-axis. (Video and Pics of First Print) Great glad to hear itsby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemsaeger Quotezarnold16 Hi everyone my printer is working now with the new Ramps and Arduino. I have a question about my printer during the prints. In the video I attached, should my printer be that loud when printing, as in when my x axis moves. Also, How can I get rid of the ripples on the single side that is parallel with the x-axis. (Video and Pics of First Print) What are you using foby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Hi everyone my printer is working now with the new Ramps and Arduino. I have a question about my printer during the prints. In the video I attached, should my printer be that loud when printing, as in when my x axis moves. Also, How can I get rid of the ripples on the single side that is parallel with the x-axis. (Video and Pics of First Print)by zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemike3 Quotesignalcruncher I had the same problem when I first tested my extruder - it just clicked and clicked and wouldn't pull the filament through. I found a coupld posts about the build manual being wrong for plugging in the wires for the extruder - so I tried the solution and it worked for me. I simply turned the plug around where it plugs into the Ramps board and the motor reversed iby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemel0n Quotezarnold16 Quotemel0n Quotezarnold16 This Kit is starting to make me regret buying it. I have a new 5mm threaded rod on the way because it wouldn't allow a nut to pass over in a certain spot and oiling it didn't help. The extruder won't work. Then lastly I just fried my Arduino and Ramps board. Other than the rod, these seem like user error...... nobody said building a 3d printeby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemel0n Quotezarnold16 This Kit is starting to make me regret buying it. I have a new 5mm threaded rod on the way because it wouldn't allow a nut to pass over in a certain spot and oiling it didn't help. The extruder won't work. Then lastly I just fried my Arduino and Ramps board. Other than the rod, these seem like user error...... nobody said building a 3d printer was the easiest thing inby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
This Kit is starting to make me regret buying it. I have a new 5mm threaded rod on the way because it wouldn't allow a nut to pass over in a certain spot and oiling it didn't help. The extruder won't work. Then lastly I just fried my Arduino and Ramps zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
okay i just got my printer calibrated and everything, i'm not getting the x axis problem like other but my extruder won't push the filament out the nozzle. why would that be? I ordered a 12864 smart graphic controller today also, it will be here zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotetherippa Quotezarnold16 I just got back from work and now im gonna config my printer, but the power supply wont ouput anything and the input it wired correctly i believe. The single circular prong is the earth ground correct, and the other two are interchangeable? I got it to work I had a cord mixed around. Now a new question what is the easiest way to make a belt tighter. The Y Belt is veryby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
I just got back from work and now im gonna config my printer, but the power supply wont ouput anything and the input it wired correctly i believe. The single circular prong is the earth ground correct, and the other two are interchangeable? I got it to work I had a cord mixed around. Now a new question what is the easiest way to make a belt tighter. The Y Belt is very loose now after I set everytby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
I need help again. Ive been trying to asssemble the front pulley assembly for like 30 mins because the darn washers keep falling through the hole of the brackets. Any help for this step?by zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Quoteanimoose Quotezarnold16 Okay im confused, is there a certain distance for the sk8's? And is there an exact distance for the belt for the heated bed/y carriage? The relative position of these is set by the position where the bearing mounts and the belt mount attach to the aluminium bed. My suggestion is get them in roughly the right place until you attach the bed, and then fine tune them soby zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
Okay im confused, is there a certain distance for the sk8's? And is there an exact distance for the belt for the heated bed/y carriage?by zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
My M3 screws are 25mm not 20 mm, is that a problem? Nevermind my bag has 31, 25mm bolts extra. Im actually missing all 7 of my M3 8mm zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants
[email protected] Quotezarnold16 Are the little black threaded thing the 2020 L bracket set screws? I just got the kit in the mail and I have started to build it. For the L-brackets yes wished I figured that one out sooner!! Okay thanks i was looking all over the internet to see if they where. I was wondering why they were zarnold16 - Prusa i3 and variants