My son bought a Ender-3 last week. He just needed to adjust the tension on the rollers for the various axis. It's working nicely although he did need to tighten the bed a bit as too little compression on the springs allowed the bed to cluso99 - Prusa i3 and variants
Really hope this works out. It is such an elegant design. And it will not require ABS to be used for the mount. Perhaps part of the problem you are seeing is that the heat chamber (brass) is too short and so the filament does not have enough time to heat and melt properly. Just a cluso99 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Nice job. With 3 motors the carriage would be quite heavy. Perhaps this would work better with a Bowden style where the motors are on the frame?by cluso99 - General
OT, but to answer previous comments... I am putting together a Prusa V2 including Greg's Wade Guidler, Hyena hobbed bolt, GT2 belts & pulleys, LM8UU bearings, and Jhead V-B. Firstly, could not find the relevant thread for the Prusa - asked for a seperate Prusa thread or change Mendel to Mendel & Prusa (done). While not everything is documented and certainly not in one place, this linkby cluso99 - General
Thanks Viktor. Now newcomers can find where the Prusa is being cluso99 - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Viktor, I would hope that a comment in the thread header would include something like this... Created 2 August 2012. Prusa posts prior to this were mostly under the Mendel Seems to me that one of the most popular current designs is the Prusa, yet nowhere does it seem to get a mention on the main RepRap forum. Other less known reprap versions have their own thread. And development on the Prusaby cluso99 - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Personally I think the Prusa should have its own thread. It seems to be the most popular ATM but is difficult to find. It would be better to keep the discussions and improvements in one place. Currently you have to look everywhere!by cluso99 - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Prusa is a popular version of the Mendel. Could a Prusa forum be added in Machine Variations (like Tantalus, etc)? I think this would benefit us newer users, some of which do not know where the Prusa lives. Thankyouby cluso99 - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Very interesting. Looking forward to hearing more results. Keep up the good cluso99 - General
I don't have my printer running yet, so cannot comment from testing... Seems there are two issues here. 1. part needs to adhere to the build plate while printing (at an elevated temp when extruding with a heated bed) 2. part needs to release after printing (when heated bed cools down) Seems to me that you have discovered a way to use Kapton tape (or other types of tape) that remove easily fromby cluso99 - Reprappers
So what are the advantages of 1.75mm filament. Presumably, the smaller nozzle gives better prints but slower. Is there any other advantage? I note the 1.75mm filament is more expensive. BTW Does anyone have any idea how much a Prusa V2 uses (kg/lbs or meters)?by cluso99 - General
I have been away from the forum for over a year. I had done quite a lot of research at the time, but am now quite out of date. I have the plastic for a Prusa V2 with Hyena bolt and Greg's Wade Guilder. I also have LM8UU linear bearing plus GT2 belts and Pulleys. Initially I am not using a heated bed and will just print smaller objects - meaning single Prusa sized parts - because I want to buildby cluso99 - General
Because I believe the Prusa has become a valuable and popular derivation of the Mendel, why does it not have it's own topic under Machine Variations? If it is considered to be under the Mendel, then surely the topic comments should state that, and any other variants cluso99 - General
Sublime: Thanks. I didn't realise only one end had endstops, but that makes cluso99 - General
I am finally about to assemble my Prusa V2. I have a question regarding the endstops... Currently it looks as though both ends of the X axis are sensed on 1 micro pin, the Y on a second pin, and the Z on a third pin. I am not sure why 3 pins are used because it seems to me that if an endstop is reached while printing, then the printer must stop because in theory this should not happen. This isby cluso99 - General
I am still trying to find the time to finish building my own micro-mendel Often I drive from Gosford to Brisbane and stop at my brothers in Ballina. I will keep an eye out on the forum in the hope you get a reprap cluso99 - Reprappers
The Sanguino uses a common enable. I would not think you would want to disable the Z while X & Y are running as would not the stepper be able to creep without power??? You would not want to modify the current on the fly, just set it up initially. The circuit can be made failsafe (ie allow 2A max) to keep the chip within specs, but of course the motor is not protected. I don't like the pot frby cluso99 - Controllers
Well I have seen that the Sanguinololu (a mouthful) board has a common enable. This is what I thought could be achieved. Apparently the Sleep and Resets are tied together and not driven by the micro. BTW, this is a nice pcb. What I do not want to do is overburden the cost. However, I would like to be able to set the current limit without the complex method of turning a pot. Hence selecting posby cluso99 - Controllers
It was suggested I should post this in the electronics section, so here it is. I am in the process of designing my own driver pcb and I am going to use the A4982/A4984 chips in the TSSOP24 package because... 1. It can dissipate more power 2. It is easier to hand solder than QFN 3. It has full protection including short protection It seems that the Gen6 software is driving all the steppers iby cluso99 - Controllers
Thanks Markus. I was not sure where to post the question, what with developers, builders, etc. Yes, I am another oneby cluso99 - Reprappers
I am in the process of designing my own driver pcb and I am going to use the A4982/A4984 chips in the TSSOP24 package because... 1. It can dissipate more power 2. It is easier to hand solder than QFN 3. It has full protection including short protection It seems that the Gen6 software is driving all the steppers in 1/8 mode. Is this correct ? Is there any reason to allow the steps to be changby cluso99 - Reprappers
MadKite: Very interesting indeed. The only cogs necessary are on the motors. The double accuracy is achieved by using (what we call in sailing) as double purchase - means you only require half the power but have to move twice as much belt. Also, by using the belt to pull in both directions you minimise any slop. Really neat Here is an idea that may save some nuts/bolts by capturing the ballby cluso99 - Developers
I cannot see any reason why my idea would not work, but thought I would ask just in case someone had a reason for it not to work, or had tried it and it worked/failed. The Z axis is already turning by threaded rod. I do not plan to modify the gearing, so that 1 turn of the rod with the current mendel would be the same as 1 turn of the nut with what I am proposing. As Andrew said, the Z axis isby cluso99 - Reprappers
Has anyone tried moving the Z axis by embedding a nut within a cog and turning the cog with a belt? i.e. the threaded rod is fixed and the nut turns to move the axis up or cluso99 - Reprappers
I purchased my threaded rod from a company in Gosford. I am in Singapore visiting our daughter for ano week. They also have the ball bearings. I obtained my smooth rods from old printers and laser cartridges. I don't have my motors yet and I am building my own electronics using a Propeller cluso99 - Reprappers
Nice job I just have to find time to finish my micro-mendel!by cluso99 - Reprappers
For the record, I have been using HeeksCad. It is certainly not intuitive, bordering on difficult. Make sure to backup you drawings regularly (use save as and append a numeric number - I use 3 digits). Often, the undo just does not work correctly, requiring me to revert to an older saved version. Having said all that, I am able to make it work and have done some drawings (no usable parts yet).by cluso99 - General
Just to add it here... I found skateboard bearings from old roller blades had skateboard bearings and one pair also had nylon bushes. I intend to use the bushes for the X & Y carriages. I found round-bar (various sizes including 6mm) from old printers and old laser cartridges. Some have rubber sleeves which can be cut off and cleaned with coarse steel wool. Here is my link Cluso's Micro-Meby cluso99 - General
Congratulations at last This has been a great thread. Hopefully we will all learn from your experience. I certainly realise it is a much more complex task than I originally thought. Your determination is finally being rewarded. Thankyou cluso99 - Reprappers