Quotemarkts Is the custom Google search broken? I even tried creating a new one, but a search for "folger" came up empty. I put together my E6D-V3 Lite and was looking for a good mount/fan combo. I saw this one Anyone using it? Yes, it works quite well. I mount my inductive sensor on the other side.by elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Happy Valentines Day!by elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteGrouchoDuke Quotewidespreaddeadhead Get a print fan on that. It'll make all the difference for PLA. I've been meaning to add a fan for similar issues. What's the best print fan for the stock FT setup? If you ever decide to upgrade to an E3D hotend, this fan works well: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:510957 it also has a place on the other side to attach an inductive sensor or another fanby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotetjnamtiw Quotestanger2k So i'm trying to calibrate my setup and I'm running into a boat load of problems. For some reason, when I'm in manual mode and I'd like to level the bed, the output in repetier tells me that it's hitting an end stop but it's not touching an end stop nor is the light on the end stop on. I'm using therippa's Marlin code and I believe I have all of the settings right, tby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotethebabymaker Quotetnm Quotethebabymaker Quotetnm Just for an update, it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. I've gotten my printer built, programmed and printing I want to say thanks to you all for posting your tricks and tips on this thread, and for therippa's firmware update. Surprisingly, my first print came out as an identifiable ultimaker robot. No complaints yet, exceptby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quoterollinns QuoteXChris I'm having problems with my extruder motor. The filament isn't being feed through properly, it just oscillates up and down, ie the motor moves forward a step then back as step. Problem remains with various Vref (from 0.1 - 0.6 V). When switching the wires for the x- driver, it feeds filament fine. When I switched the actual drivers on the board, nothing changes so it doeby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotesonnylowe Quotetherippa Quotetjnamtiw Quotesonnylowe Thanks for the heads up, I think I'll merge my current RC2 into RC3 and see what happens EDIT: Just merged RC2 into RC3, all went well...I was printing again in less than ten minutes Might I be missing something? When you say 'merge' the current RC2 into RC3, is there a magic way of doing this besides opening the two up side by sideby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemarc2912 So I don't want to sound like a broken record but I'm getting some serious lift issues. Not just the corners lifting off the build bed but also lifting on edges higher up in the print. I've printed something where there is an overhang higher up (about 25mm high) and it build appropriate support, The support adhered to the print and when the corner started lifting there it rippedby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotenobrakes Reflashed it shows them open but nothing when closed ? I sure would like to print something ! Maybe a bad RAMPS I will send an email to FT, it's a new build. Just an observation, but folks on this thread need to stop blaming RAMPS for everything. In my view, it is extremely unlikely in this case. Take a look at the RAMPS schematic and you will see that the only thing it does isby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Holy cow, the inmates have taken over the asylum! (sorry inmates...) I leave for 24 hours and there are 3-4 new pages on this thread. It's great to see all the enthusiasm.by elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteBert3D Has anyone tried using one of these aluminum heated build plates with a prox sensor and glass? I've got a BLTouch on order, but if it doesn't work out, I'm wondering if this would work? In theory, if the BLTouch is accurate as they claim, it should be better, because it is measuring the distance to the glass surface. Even if the glass is uneven or not sitting flat on the bed, theby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotepeeejayz Anyone got a recommended inductive sensor, Mine just arrived and its to big to fit into any of the brackets I've printed. I got the 8mm sensing one. Here's a nice one for an 8mm diameter sensor: It fits on an e3d mount with a nice layer fam, if you have an e3dv6. Or you could remix it.by elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemarc2912 QuoteMMeyer Hi I have an issue. I got my printer built and everything calibrated (end stops, motor voltage, etc..). I printed a couple little parts; filament temp calibration stack, calibration cube and a few other little things. everything was working great. I was printing a couple parts from an SD card when the raft wasn't sticking to the bed. I canceled the print and was goingby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Quoteelkayem QuoteUltiFix Think ill be able to print abs between 67 and 75 ambient temp? I print ABS all the time. My garage is usually 50-60 F at night this time of year, and I don't need an enclosure. Heated bed stays at 100C and I usually print at 235C. The trick with ABS is getting it to stay stuck to the heated bed. I use an ABS juice (ABS dissolved in acetone) lightly spreby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Think ill be able to print abs between 67 and 75 ambient temp? I print ABS all the time. My garage is usually 50-60 F at night this time of year, and I don't need an enclosure. Heated bed stays at 100C and I usually print at 235C. The trick with ABS is getting it to stay stuck to the heated bed. I use an ABS juice (ABS dissolved in acetone) lightly spread on Kapton tape.by elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix P.S. What quads do ya fly? I run a CX-20/Nova (which has been pretty much rebuilt) and a custom F330. I have a taranis to 3D printed, of course! See the picture below. Search for "Crossfire 2" on Thingiverse, and you can see the frame I printed. The flight computer is a BeagleBone Black linux computer running the ArduCopter software. The antenna was for a 90s era 72 MHz FM radioby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix So the instructions are incomplete? Missing the endstops? The instructions are not the greatest, but will get you 95% of the way there, and you have a community of users right here on this forum to help with any stumbling blocks. There are a few things that most users do beyond the instructions, like upgrading the firmware to the latest version of Marlin, and moving the X endstopby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteLancelotL This is probably the coolest thing I have printed so far. The files are available on Thingiverse. The base was printed using 0.1 mm layer and the letters came out great. The rod was printed using a raft. I polished the teeth with some acetone. I agree, this is a pretty cool model. I printed one out last weekend for my desk at work, and it quickly disappeared off my printer aby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Ultifix, I don't think you can make a bad decision here. I've heard great things about the wanhao printer, and personally, I think you probably get more for your money going that road. On the other side, the Folger Tech printer is much closer to the RepRap DIY philosophy. I initially started out assembling a BOM spreadsheet, and went on eBay to source all the parts. I quickly realized I couby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotetperk9784 Hello everyone long time lurker 1st time poster. This past weekend I completed my build and today I finished going thru all the set up in the configuration PDF. At the end of my 1st test cube print the X axis motor froze and now will not move when I try to home the x axis. The motor will not turn by hand now as the other ones. As I am new to this I am not sure what to do now. is thby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotenontech_3der QuoteMach Quotenontech_3der QuoteMach Quotenontech_3der Need help Just Built my Printer finished setting the voltage on the motors now my issue is when move the z axis is see the log says "endstops hit: Z:0.00" Not sure where I need to edit the config file to fix this.. any help and or guidance will be greatly appreciated I am guessing that you are trying to move the Z axiby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotejhitesma I've been wanting to get into 3D printing for years. Started collecting parts to build a reprap a couple of times but never got enough parts to actually get anything working. Last April I tore apart a bunch of old DVD drives and made a little 2 axis motion platform out of some of the parts...but never even implemented a Z axis let alone an extruder. Still it taught me enough abouby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Here is a minor upgrade to the X-endstop: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1225266. I really hated the endstop mounts that came with the FolgerTech printer, so I modified a design I found on Thingiverse that I like better. This one is not so easy to knock out of alignment as the original, and looks nicer too. It is designed to be mounted on the left (where the X endstop belongs!), and is alsoby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotewatlooazn Really having trouble here. Motors only move in ONE direction. All max positions show as triggered when I send M119. I tried enabling the pull-up resistors for the max endstops by uncommenting the define endstoppullup for all max values below: #ifdef ENDSTOPPULLUPS #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMIby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotebuilt350camaro // coarse Endstop Settings #define ENDSTOPPULLUPS // Comment this out (using // at the start of the line) to disable the endstop pullup resistors #ifndef ENDSTOPPULLUPS // fine Enstop settings: Individual Pullups. will be ignord if ENDSTOPPULLUPS is defined #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_YMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMAX #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_XMINby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotewatlooazn Also, my motors still don't move in the non homing directions. I typed M119 in the gcode and got 'triggered' as a max value for all 3 endstops. I tried to uncomment define DISABLE_MAX_ENDSTOPS as shown below, but nothing happened. How can I get my motors to move in the other directions? // The pullups are needed if you directly connect a mechanical endswitch between the signal aby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotewatlooazn Quoteelkayem Quotewatlooazn This is strange.. In manual control whenever I select the up direction for z axis, left for x and forward for y, no motors move. My motors only seem to move in the homing directions (all which are opposite to the directions I stated in the last sentence). Any tips? Also, where can I find the test cube file, I think im ready for my first print (calibratiby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotewatlooazn This is strange.. In manual control whenever I select the up direction for z axis, left for x and forward for y, no motors move. My motors only seem to move in the homing directions (all which are opposite to the directions I stated in the last sentence). Any tips? Also, where can I find the test cube file, I think im ready for my first print (calibration almost done). Also, do Iby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants
If you look over in the "Prusa i3 and variants" topic, you'll find a thread on the FolgerTech 2020. The advantage of this kit is that it has a fairly broad support group on this forum, which will help if you get stuck. It's also < $300, and a US seller. I purchased that kit and have no regrets.by elkayem - General
Quotemarkts Quoteelkayem And a rocket Xmas ornament printed with the new cooling fan. Notice the fine point at the tip of the rocket. I couldn't have done this before (or print the steep overhang angles on the fins) without the cooling fan. That's an amazing print! Did you use supports? (that may be a dumb question!) Can anyone recommend a fan housing for the stock extruder (adding a seconby elkayem - Prusa i3 and variants