Not sure what your budget is like but this may be another option since you already have a V6by cobretti - Prusa i3 and variants
no it is working consistently well - check this - also read a few more posts after that - I think this may be what you are experiencing. Also suggest you up your power supply voltage to 13.5 - search some of my posts to see a few of my results. attached is my configuration.h with all my adjustments - note i bought the clone e3dv6 hence some of the changes and i did the autotune for my pid valueby cobretti - Prusa i3 and variants
Hi madias I did exactly that - I got myself an UNO R3 kit and successfully used it to save the board . It uploaded no problem and after powering up the melzi it started first time without any need for reset - thanks! Attached is my new extruder from thingiverse and how the UNO was cobretti - Prusa i3 and variants
well i was changing my fw for the new extruder and was going successful for multiple updates then I suffered what may have been a brownout and the upload only partially completed. Now i have melzi board with no valid bootloader don't want to wait a month for a usb programmer so going to try and pick up ramps 1.4 locally unless someone possibly has a quick fix for this?by cobretti - Prusa i3 and variants
Ask them to send you the source code firmware and use Arduino 1.0.5r2 to update it. If you can't wait, how did you try to update? under windows 8/10 open an administrative command prompt and go to this folder "\P802 Release File\document\9.others\Firmware & tools\Updatetools\AVRUpdataTool. Copy the hex file (P802QAV10.hex) to this folder. You will find the hex file in the "Firmwre HEX" folderby cobretti - Prusa i3 and variants
Hi All This is the compiled firmware and update tool which was sent with my printer: Marlin compiled FW and updatetool for my P802N This is the source code FW requested from Zonestar: Marlin Sourcecode fw for P802N Regards Edby cobretti - Prusa i3 and variants
Test print for comparison - using PLA that came with printer. Looking into updating to this cobretti - Prusa i3 and variants
hi all Don't know if this is any help but I bought this Zonestar and it included the Marlin firmware with the auto-level on the SD card. This auto-level does 9 points on the bed and uses G28 to home and then G29 to auto-level. Within the Marlin menu tree you can set your Z offset as required. I had an issue with the autolevel as mentioned before but it is working well now after I got my offsetby cobretti - Prusa i3 and variants
Hi All Got my Zonestar P802N printer yesterday after a shipping nightmare with FedEx. Build was ok and completed in reasonably good time. I opted for the autolevel option and it works to a degree but seems it does not fully autolevel. The first test print which they include to do the autolevel test looks pretty rough though not a completely bad. The one issue I saw during this job was that filamby cobretti - Prusa i3 and variants