On the extruder motor being under power. I don't believe it's that because the extruder grinds away at the filament. The filament just doesn't want to feed in stead it starts to corkscrew inside the extruder throat. If I try to feed by force it doesn't go anywhere. my guess is that maybe the temperature is to high and the filament begins to melt in the upper area of the pipe and the later coolsby lore7460 - Prusa i3 and variants
Thank you for your reply. No it's a direct feed extruder; I currently have a stand near by that holds the PLA roll (simple wooden one until I can print one and place it over the printer) I do plan on switching to Bowden extruder later on, but I have seen videos of this style of extruder working. And I agree that 220 is pretty high for PLA but at lower temperatures I could hardly get any filamenby lore7460 - Prusa i3 and variants
Yes I have all the jumpers installed under each driver board. I find it odd that it works on one print and then jacks up with the other, I'll try re-downloading the file and running it through the slicer and see if i still get the same results.by lore7460 - Prusa i3 and variants
Thank you, I did try doing the extruder's calibration but it was way off. I told it to extrude 100mm and only about 30mm got fed out so i figured that something else was really off. also, there seems to be leakage around the heat block, I'll try wrapping some plumbers tape around the threads.by lore7460 - Prusa i3 and variants
So I finally got the darn thing to print and stick to bed very well. But my results aren't constant. I can print a 20mm cube with no problem as long as the filament has slack in it. The resulting print is only off about .2mm so not to bad (19.80) When I try to print anything else something weird happens. when building the raft 2nd layer the filament becomes very light and then stops extruding,by lore7460 - Prusa i3 and variants
I went into the configuration / General Settings I set the baud rate to 250000 and then back to 115200 now the PC see's it. Heating things up now to try a test print. I'm able to print from the PC now. Only thing left to do is calibrate it. Currently the PLA is just balling up under the extruder. Extruder temp 190 Bed 70 PLA not sticking to bed (i need to pick up some painters tape or somethinby lore7460 - Prusa i3 and variants
Thank you so very much for taking the time to read my post. The two Baud Rates I've played with have been (250000 and 115200) I can verify that the printer is on COM6 when disconnect the printer COM6 goes away. I'm not at home so I can't check the baud rate on the printer just yet, from what I can remember it was showing 115200 Printer drivers, when I connect the printer to the PC nothing comesby lore7460 - Prusa i3 and variants
I've been searching web for a affordable 3D printer kit and I finally found one for around $206.00 Shipping took about 2 weeks to get to me from China. Assembly took about 4-6hr due to their almost non existing instructions that were pretty much just a picture of the parts and another of it assembled. 2015 He3D- XI3 High Precision NEW Prusa I3 3D Printer kit RAMPS 1.4+Mega 2560 The problem Iby lore7460 - Prusa i3 and variants