What do you advise as good quality extruder and hot end ?by dajaab - Prusa i3 and variants
Hi Nick, Can you explain me how to adjust the extruder ? With the factory setting I obtain 180mm when I command the printer to extrude 100mm ? I tried to change this value on lcd panel: Control -> Motion -> Esteps/mm (900) with this formula (100/180) * 900 but it's worst what can I do, I'm not able to print something ? best Reprapguru prusa i3 with PLAby dajaab - Prusa i3 and variants
Hi o_lamp, thanks for your answer I try to understand this formula : e_steps_per_mm = (motor_steps_per_rev * driver_microstep) * (big_gear_teeth / small_gear_teeth) / (hob_effective_diameter * pi) motor_steps_per_rev : I don't know it's a chip motor so I think 200 driver_microstep : I use A4988, tension is ok 0.55 v and three jumpers. On wiki I saw this config is 1/16 big _gear_teeth : ? the gby dajaab - Prusa i3 and variants
Hi Nick, Can you explain me how to adjust the extruder ? With the factory setting I obtain 180mm when I command the printer to extrude 100mm ? I tried to change this value on lcd panel: Control -> Motion -> Esteps/mm (900) with this formula (100/180) * 900 but it's worst what can I do, I'm not able to print something ? best Reprapguru prusa i3 with PLAby dajaab - Prusa i3 and variants
Bonjour, J'utilise une Reprap guru, sur un Imac, Repetier Host version 1.02. Quand je lance une commande M503, je n'obtiens pas les valeurs attendues mais une ligne de ce type : > 5:44:01 PM: N17 M503 *51 DAns le menu Repetier EEPROM setting, la page est vide, aucune info ? L'imprimante est connectée et fonctionne normalement Je cherche a changer les valeurs d'avancement du filament dans l'eby dajaab - Firmware - Marlin