No one has done this yet, I gave it a quick look, but it looks like stock platformio doesn't recognize the board yet, a known issue This would be a lot of work. Every new type of board needs a HAL level (since it is a STM32H747XI, may be able to use stm32 HAL) eg there is AVR and DUE a GIGA would need addedby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
The 5A power in provides power to: fans hotends vin (atmega2560 power supply) and stepper motors If you remove D1 then the mega is safe from getting to much voltage. but what of the fans or the hotend? You don't have to replace the 11A fuse if your not putting any power into that circuit. You may want to take look atby Dust - RAMPS Electronics
There should be no need to use the reset button. The CH340 DTR line is connected to avr reset, avrdude knows to assert this line to reset the controller to start upload. This can bee seen on the last page of the circuit diagram You either have a hardware fault or the boot loader has been damaged, Install stock atmega2560 boot loader, using a avrisp. see as one example on how to do Dust - Firmware - mainstream and related support
"But I do use a micro-sd card on the printer. Will this still work?" Yes it works fine, you just tried to tell marlin you have the deluxe hyper speed sdcard when you only have the standard slower Dust - Firmware - Marlin
the MKS_TS35_V2_0 screen is driven by marlin firmware, there are 3 user interface options * TFT_CLASSIC_UI - Emulated DOGM - 128x64 Upscaled * TFT_COLOR_UI - Marlin Default Menus, Touch Friendly, using full TFT capabilities * TFT_LVGL_UI - A Modern UI using LVGL only TFT_LVGL_UI uses has assets to be copied to the sdcard You selected TFT_COLOR_UI in the provided Configuration.hby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
You have added #define ONBOARD_SDIO to the Configuration.h The BOARD_MKS_ROBIN_NANO_V3_1 does not have the SDIO feature. This is the robin onboard sdcard circuit diagram from And this is from a btt octopus that does have SDIO from Note how the btt octopus has Data0,Data1,Data2 and Data3 This allows for 4 bit data transfers ie SDIO while the Robin only has a single data bit, so it is onby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
You have 2 things using P2_04 by default FAN1_PIN is using P2_04 nd default chamber fan is going to use this fan but you have set #define HEATER_CHAMBER_PIN P2_04 /// pin for the chamber heaterby Dust - General
you are pressing the encoder arnt you? It goes left/right and it clicks downby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Try this In file Marlin/src/pins/ramps/pins_RAMPS.h is #if ENABLED(REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER) #define BTN_ENC_EN LCD_PINS_D7 // Detect the presence of the encoder #endif change it to #if ENABLED(REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER) //#define BTN_ENC_EN LCD_PINS_D7 // Detect the presence of the encoder #endif see if thaby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
These lines are wrong /*#define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD /*#define MAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD it should be //#define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD //#define MAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD this stops the hundreds of "Marlin/src/module/../inc/../../Configuration.h:321:1: warning: "/*" within comment [-Wcomment]" but doesn't make any difference to your issue. Using your configs on my hardware. works as expeby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Please attach the Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h you usedby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
I cannot replicate this issue using arduino ide or platformio. Best guess, you have defined something else to use the encoder pin 35 or its a hardware fault. Test your hardware withby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
You should use Platformio under vscode, its is 100x faster to build and uses correct libraries Dust - Firmware - Marlin
no real idea on that, my guess your programmer isnt connected to reset so running code is blocking the Dust - Firmware - Marlin
STM32F103C8 officially only has 64K of flash and 20K of ram, this is insufficient for Marlin 2.1.x (I suspect Marlin 2.0 will be the same) A minimal build with the added STM32F103C8 build environment errors with `FLASH' overflowed by 22472 bytes If you force it to use 128k (ie make it think its a STM32F103CB, as some actually do have the extra flash ) it will build RAM: [==== ] 36.6by Dust - Firmware - Marlin
platform atmelsam is not stm32f103C8 In platformio.ini default_envs should be set to a stm32 environment or if using command line -E some stm32 environmentby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
@trieudung That is not an error Its a warning. That you have no screen or HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT or EMERGENCY_PARSER or any other way to give feedback enabled The full thing is #warning "Your Configuration provides no method to acquire user feedback! (Define NO_USER_FEEDBACK_WARNING to suppress this warning.)" And it tells you how to just turn off the waning if you really dont want anything lby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
dual x is not going change anything accuracy wise. When you enable a driver type X2 marlin auto allocates the first unused E as X2, so the first X is plugged into X plug and the X2 is plugged into E0 or E1 plugs (what ever is still un allocated) (unless you have changed the pins files to explicitly define the X2 pins)by Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Use platformio under vscode. But its most likely that you have very slow computer / harddriveby Dust - Firmware - Marlin and the link I provided point to the same Dust - Firmware - Marlin
there are no references to MINIMUM_PLANNER_SPEED in current marlin bugfix. MINIMUM_PLANNER_SPEED was removed on Oct 28, 2023.... update your Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Configs are older... not current bugfix missing #define I2C_BD_SDA_PIN #define I2C_BD_SCL_PIN #define I2C_BD_DELAY no custom boot screen or icon files so I disabled those I added under #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_4_TURBO #define I2C_BD_SDA_PIN Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN #define I2C_BD_SCL_PIN SERVO0_PIN #define I2C_BD_DELAY 20 // default value is 20, should be in the range [1by Dust - Firmware - Marlin
with TMC2209's on BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_4_TURBO you must remove the diag pin from the stepper driver when using endstop switches you have #define DIAG_PINS_REMOVED but did you actually do it?by Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Your config says you don't have a Z-endstop, your using a probe. So you don't get a z_min in the endstop listing. "Nozzle temp is reading 0/0 (zero)" on a BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_4_TURBO this is normally caused by having a dead ADC pin.. The ADC pin on these boards are sensitive and can only take 0 - 3..3 volts, sadly when the hotend develops a fault it often sends 12v to this Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Has anyone got a Anycubic kobra plus and could measure the hotend to extruder PTFE tube length for me? Just the visible length from fitting top to fitting top is fine, I can add the internal lengths Ball park from their replace the hotend video its about 400mm long, I'm trying to fix up a damaged kobra plus (with missing parts) and anycubic is not being Dust - General
Blue led is on tx line, it glows when the signal is low. But only if the board has power The lpc176x pins for serial 3 Serial3 TX RX FUNCNUM Default P0_00 P0_01 2 LPC_PINCFG_UART3_P0_25 P0_25 P0_26 3 LPC_PINCFG_UART3_P4_28 P4_28 P4_29 3 The wifi port on the skr 1.4 uses P4_28 and P4_29 so you need to enable function 3 In marlin you set LPC_PINCFG_UARTby Dust - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Also make sure your using a data usb cable. Charging usb cables do not have the required data io linesby Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Those driver are for FT232RQ chips not ch340 chips.. fairly sure your board has the later. Look at your board, see the chip behind the usb port, what does it say written on the top of it?by Dust - Firmware - Marlin
COM ports are windows/dos operating system ports SERIAL_PORT is Marlin firmware controller serial port One has nothing to do with the other ------------------ usb cable ------------------------ | windows Com 1 |--------------------| Marlin SERIAL_PORT 0 | ------------------ ------------------------by Dust - Firmware - Marlin
Its a mega2560 board you need to enable #define SERIAL_PORT 0 And #define BAUDRATE 115200 UART 0 is connected to a usb to serial chip. Normally a ch340 chip. If you using windows you need to install drivers for the OS to see portby Dust - Firmware - Marlin