Quoteav8r1 msaeger, do you mean the 160 page "official support thread" or is there one specific to using an Arduino Mega as a controller? Yeah I mean the 160 page thread. There is good info in there but you have to dig.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
Now go start reading through the mega threadby msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
The hotend / extruder the Folger comes with a the cheap chinese knockoff MK8/9 type. It has a ptfe liner and a direct drive extruder. If you want to build from scratch get the lite6 and the titan extruder if you want a kit the cheap kits all seem to have the same hotend / extruder. I used the Folger one until the liner in the ptfe liner was shot then I used the Folger extruder with the lite6 fby msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
I have the folger 2020 kit and I like it but I have replaced almost all the stock parts not necessarily because they were bad but just for messing around sake. If you want to build from scratch have you looked at the openbuilds V-slot stuff? I would recommend that over the smooth rods and linear bearings because it is much quieter and easier to get everything aligned. Since you have the acrylic aby msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteJuliemac I have the print starting but nothing sticks to the aluminum plate... Hair spray? It works for me.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotevoyager Hey dude, I also trust a good ATX PSU way more then a Chinese hung low brand. My Corsair VS450 has one rail with 34 amps, it had 12 12v cables, the 6 pin PCI-E had some thicker cables. I wanted to make a nice adapter cable, but there are so many ATX revisions that it remained unclear how much a connector could handle. And then you have 4 pin connectors with normal pins, gold pins tby msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteK4DSP Just received my 2020 i3 this week. First 3D printer, and I'm doing a lot of reading, reviewing the build instructions, and just found this forum and thread. I just have a few questions. I'm planning to use Rippa's Marlin firmware right out of the chute instead of the firmware referenced by Folger Tech. Is this a good idea? Will it "just work" with the 2004 LCD? I'm familiar with theby msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
Screws and other fasteners are what I was always wanting to get local and no one seemed to have. I would have been happy to get stuff like hotends local too if they were available at the same or not much over the Internet prices.by msaeger - General
No but have you looked at the Facebook group for this machine? I belong there is a lot of information about it on there.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
I believe for Cura you will need to set the dimension in the firmware.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
What software are you printing with? In repetier host you set the bed size in repetier host configuration.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
QuotePhytone @Treito I was using a bulldog lite clone in a bowden setup, for flex I was limited to 60 mm/s. The titan is cheaper than the bulldog. I'll need to run some more prints, but so far, Ive had less stringing and a little more resolution. It's also easier to feed in new filament than the bulldog. I'll start pushing it, to see how it performs. Did you have the geared stepper on the buby msaeger - General
QuotePhytone ]I bought a Titan, fitted and working. Just went for the plain version, and bolted to my printer using a standard metal right angle for stepper motors (about 2mm thick). Boxed item Inside the box Fitted Quick print @ 100mm/s red flex Goes together fairly well, but, the screw length is a bit off. The "short" bolts need a couple extra mm to bite onto my stepper motby msaeger - General
If the only thing you did was add the bed leveling I would think the issue is something to do with bed level or height.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteJonS Quotemsaeger QuoteJonS Tom Sandladerer already has one that he's going to review, according to his latest video: Tom Sandladerer's Extruder/Hotend Video Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for his review. Can't wait for that the sale ends Sunday :-) What sale? Just buy one then and review it for everyone. I bought it. They have slow shipping so it probably won't be here for aby msaeger - General
I have had no issues with my lite 6 jamming on pla. I had a jam one time but it was on petg. With that jam I found the liner was very hard so I replaced it with a new piece. I think that ptfe material just wears out or it could be because I am pushing it running at 245 with the petg. The heatsink / cool block stays very cool. I am using a 40mm fan instead of the included 30mm due to how loud tby msaeger - Printing
I ordered it so we will see if it's good or not and if the round motor shaft works.by msaeger - General
QuoteJonS Tom Sandladerer already has one that he's going to review, according to his latest video: Tom Sandladerer's Extruder/Hotend Video Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for his review. Can't wait for that the sale ends Sunday :-)by msaeger - General
QuoteElmoC I ordered one from E3D before Filastruder had them available. One thing I noticed with Filastruder is they don't have the motor listed as available. The extruder calls for a motor with a D shaft but all the listings I have found are the smooth shaft. I sent a message to Filastruder asking about the motor. Waiting to hear back from them. UPDATE: Filastruder is not carrying the motors aby msaeger - General
Has anyone tried the e3d titan extruder? I have an ok wades type one but am thinking about getting the titan while filastruder has it on sale. I like how small the titan is it looks about like a direct drive one but it's a 3 to 1 gear ratio. Is 3 to 1 geared down enough? I believe the wades is 5 to 1.by msaeger - General
Quotealbion Does anyone know why I am unable to post pictures? I've tried from Google Photos and Imgur and both failed. Is there a specific service I need to use? I'd like to continue this build log, I got a lot done this weekend. But really given my poor grammar and spelling and the lack of pictures, it'd be a lot like the Cloner 3D manual. I have been posting photos from Google photos wiby msaeger - General
What are you setting the bed temp to be? Yes the print will not start until you reach the temp you have it set for.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
Binder clips You might need some different screws but you just take the acrylic plate off then attach the glass to the heated build plate pcb using the binder clips. I didn't find the glass to be flat either I just used window glass and it's so thin it just bends like the acrylic plate. I got this aluminum plate and that made it flat. The aluminum plate does make it take a lot longer for the bby msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
Thanks for the replys I am back finally. I hadn't actually tried a 20x20 cube for a while. At one point I was getting 20mm but now I am also short about .4mm - .6mm in the X and Y dimensions. Is this the Prusa calculator you mean? What part would I be using for this? I just see steps per mm and layer height. The only extrusion calibration I have done is steps per mm I didn't know there were anyby msaeger - Printing
I am finding my parts are printing too small and can't see to get it fixed. I am trying to make the MPCNC Allted released on thingi and I am finding the parts are way too tight. I am off about .6 mm on the outside and inside when I print a tube such as the parts to attach the machine to a table so the piece of conduit won't fit in there without a ton of sanding. I have checked when I move X andby msaeger - Printing
QuoteSteveRoy A question for all the auto-level people - with auto level when your printer is printing in a layer in the x and y plane is the z-axis also moving the nozzle up and down during this layer? Yes that's how it works.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
Can you do a manual extrude? That would rule out the extruder. How are you trying to print? From sd, repetier?by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
You could wrap something around the rod but something must be wrong there you should ask for new ones.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants
Quoteflatlander Does anyone think the Harbor Freight IR thermometers are good enough to detect bed temp irregularities and temp of hotend? I have coupon for this one: No I don't think any IR thermometers would be good for that. They don't read right off a lot of surfaces.by msaeger - Prusa i3 and variants