Quotemeeuuch Hey guys, I'm new to printing and I bought one of these 2020 i3 folger tech printers. The only Issue I am having is that the left stepper motor will spin for a bit while it's moving up or down, but then it will start to stutter and then reverse its direction. It seems that adjusting the screw on the ramps board will fix the issue for a bit but then it will return back to its normal sby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quoteeatumup I recently purchased the Folger Tech 2020 Prusa i3. I have so far been unable to finish calibrating it, let alone print anything. This is my first attempt at printing so please bear with me. So far the Y, Z and extruder all work as they should. When I try to home the X-Axis it will move about 10mm and stop. Repiter sets the value to home as if its acivated the end stop. The stop is tby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
So, I am in the process of upgrading my printer to a bowden setup, and was going to turn my X axis horizontal in the process. But recently, I have wondered whether or not there is any benefit of doing that, since the weight of the extruder is no longer going to be a problem with the bowden setup. So is there really any benefits to having a horizontal X axis instead of a vertical one when using aby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemeeuuch First and foremost: I'm new at 3d printing, I know nothing about electricity and what not. I bought a folger tech kit prusa i3, assembled it, ran into a lot of problems, which I solved. Finally I found a problem that I can't solved. My stepper motor (one of the two on top that control z axis movement) doesn't work right. It jitters. I was told that it maybe the voltage. So I boughtby Mach - Printing
Quotemeeuuch I also wanted to add that my solution has been (so far) to place the object to the left most of the bed, then slice it, which places the object around the center of the bed, but then the printer printer prints it on the right side (some hangs off)... my X endstop is located so that it is activated when the nozzle is directly over one mm off of the right of the bed. I think it may beby Mach - Printing
QuoteDanmst3k Got my i3 2020 up and printing about 5 days ago. I'm very happy with it so far. I'm still in the tweaking faze and have been doing test prints. I printed the 20x20x20 cube and I'm getting a ripple pattern on all of the sides. There's 5 ripples on each side on a 45 degree angle. I noticed my X stepper was making a lot of noise/buzzing when it moved and that would vibrate the whole maby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteNeverdone So I finally finished my build the other day. I have loaded the arduino and downloaded the repetier software and done the first 13 pages of the config guide. The last thing I need to do before starting to home and what not is to tune the stepper drivers. This seems to be the part that I find the fuzziest in the instructions. I have read of people just adjusting until the noiseby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
[email protected] I'm working on modifying the x-carriage design by wderoxas, I'm trying to add a adjustable z-endstop screw. I'm having a hell of time since I have never used any type of 3d modeling programming. I will keep plugging away at it but no clue what I'm doing yet!!! Did you import the model as a STL. If you did, remember to try to remove as many unnecessary lines as posby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteTaral Made the change on the settings (Image - A1. Results - Video Link ), didn't see any progress :/ It still prints outside the bed. I also tried to change the size of the test I was printing and the xmin, xmax (etc), and 'sorta' worked. (Image - A2. Results - Video Link 2), but still don't think that's the right solution for the problem. v_v" From looking at the video, I think it maybe tby Mach - Printing
QuoteMorrobotz So I have skimmed the bulk of this thread and feel I should just come out and ask. FYI: I am working in ABS plastic at 230c I just finished building my 2020 aluminum Folger Tech Prusa i3 and worked out a chunk of issues I am having but every time I come up with a solution it becomes a little more clear to me that the configuration.h file is not at all meant for this model or whatby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotetherippa QuoteMach What has to be changed to the up-to-date marlin version in order to make it work with this printer. when I transfer the config.h setting and the pins.h settings from the version that FT provided to a newer version, the printer does not function properly. Could someone post a link to a newer version that works with the printer, or maybe attach a newer version that is knownby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
What has to be changed to the up-to-date marlin version in order to make it work with this printer. when I transfer the config.h setting and the pins.h settings from the version that FT provided to a newer version, the printer does not function properly. Could someone post a link to a newer version that works with the printer, or maybe attach a newer version that is known to work. Thanks.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteTaral Hello! Every time I begin the print on Repetier - Host v1.0.6, it starts extruding the filament outside the bed instead of starting at the center. I'll attach some images that'll show what I have in the configs.. Please let me know if additional information is needed. (The printer that I bought was the one with the acrylic frame). I had the same problem when I first started printinby Mach - Printing
QuoteGroundswell Good afternoon, Similar to what a number of other people here have seen, I am having issues with a couple of my end stops. I am on my third RAMPS board, so at this point I suspect their hardware rather than anything else, but I'd like to run it by everyone first. My printer currently has the following: X stop on the right side. Y stop in the back. Z stop at the bottom. Therefby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotesk8 Received my package completely smashed, looks like it was run over by something. Still got my printer completely built, but when following the config guide when I try to home the x axis it doesn't want to move more than a few inches. With manual control it doesn't want to move to the right, did I get a bad board? What could the problem be? I checked all my wiring multiple times and everyby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants