Quotethebabymaker QuoteMach Quotethebabymaker Quotebmays Quotethebabymaker So I replaced my pcb bed with a new one because it was very slow heating up. But the new bed is just the same. Resistance measured 1.6 on his new board and 1.8 on the old one. Could voltage be the issue? I'm seeing 11.25v when I measure the bed, shouldn't it be 12? 11.25v under load? I.e. when bed is heating? If so, tby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotethebabymaker Quotebmays Quotethebabymaker So I replaced my pcb bed with a new one because it was very slow heating up. But the new bed is just the same. Resistance measured 1.6 on his new board and 1.8 on the old one. Could voltage be the issue? I'm seeing 11.25v when I measure the bed, shouldn't it be 12? 11.25v under load? I.e. when bed is heating? If so, thats fine. Are you placingby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteTidsuo Hello all! I am very new to the field of 3D printing and was hoping that I could get some pointers as to what I should look for for my first printer. I originally thought of getting a pre-assembled printer but they seem to be on the expensive side. Then I stumbled upon RepRaps. I have looked at many different types of printers and I think the Prusa I3 type is the best for a beginnerby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteMuckYu Quotemsaeger QuoteMuckYu QuoteBoffster QuoteGrouchoDuke Quotewidespreaddeadhead Get a print fan on that. It'll make all the difference for PLA. I've been meaning to add a fan for similar issues. What's the best print fan for the stock FT setup? I've printed this one as it provides cooling from both sides, although I haven't installed it yet due to using PETG. How exactly do you reby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotethebabymaker So this is a bit of a silly question - my ramps board does not have any pins on the 12v aux. How do i connect to these pins? Do i need to solder in some pins or should I just solder the wire to the pad? Reason I am asking is because I am current using the D9 +12v to power my induction sensor, but I want to install a cooling fan to D9 for PLA so I need to move it. Would I frby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotechz420 Im using the Folger Tech Prusa i3 acrylic kit. It uses an arduino mega 2560 and RAMPS 1.4 shield. Ive been going back and forth through email for the past couple weeks (months) with their tech support trying to figure this out. Ive so far received 2 replacement megas, 3 RAMPS, and an additional set of stepper drivers. So in total I have 3 arduinos, 4 RAMPS shields, and 2 sets of stepby Mach - RAMPS Electronics
QuoteUltiFix Im confused, im trying to enable the LCD settings in my Configuration.H file and my pins.h file but I don't think I did it right... Can somebody double check what I did compared to the guide and see if I did it right? Am I supposed to remove the # symbol here? Thank you! -Sam No, just the ( // ), these comment out lines in the code.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix What is the printers actual height? I homed the z axis then set it to go to 150mm up and it was going to run into the piece of metal that attaches the threaded rod to the motor so I did an emergency stop. In my printer settings the height is set at 185mm. Ideas? Thanks! -Sam Mine only goes up to 146mm. Someone made some extensions to increase the height and put them on thingi.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach Quoteanimoose QuoteUltiFix So I made this in google sketchup, but when I put the file in rep host it looks like it should. But when I slice it, it no longer has the hole in it? Why? Might be the normals pointing the wrong way. That is, the faces of the inset portion might be pointing inwards rather than outwards. The fact that the faces are colored differently and you canby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quoteanimoose QuoteUltiFix So I made this in google sketchup, but when I put the file in rep host it looks like it should. But when I slice it, it no longer has the hole in it? Why? Might be the normals pointing the wrong way. That is, the faces of the inset portion might be pointing inwards rather than outwards. The fact that the faces are colored differently and you can see the grid showing thby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix So when I print 2 objects like one has a piece that fit's into another piece, male and female the female piece is to small, maybe the male end is to big to. How do I get my printer to print the scale right? The two options are to scale it, or to modify it in a cad program. The downside of simply scaling it is that features that you do not want to scale will scale in addition to theby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
So I just got done trying out craftware, and....I am disappointed. It is missing so many features that using it right this point would be too inconvenient. One thing that I really was surprised to find is that you cannot even connect to and manually control the printer other than the temperature. I do not know if it is because it is still in development, or if it was made more for their printer bby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteZeegzeigler Yep it was my thermistor. now the my nex issue is my firmware doesn't show my extruder active. any idea how to do this? The extruders are "zero indexed" so extruder 1 appears as extruder 0.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix WOW, O MY GOSH I lowered my stepper voltage for my x axis to .217 and it's so much quieter!!! I can't believe how much of a difference that made! And it's sooooooo smooth! I'm not quite sure what range it should be since I adjusted mine by sound, but I think .2 is abit low. You do not want it too low or it will skip steps and/or be more subject to losing precision.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteBoffster QuoteUltiFix My x axis motor is really hot, should I be worried if it gets over 40c? I mean 50c, gets hotter than I thought. I also noticed my X motor getting hot (a lot hotter than the others). So I readjusted the stepper driver. I have it turned down really low (much lower than I thought was needed - around 180 I think)by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteBoffster QuoteUltiFix My x axis motor is really hot, should I be worried if it gets over 40c? I mean 50c, gets hotter than I thought. I also noticed my X motor getting hot (a lot hotter than the others). So I readjusted the stepper driver. I have it turned down really low (much lower than I thought was needed - around 180 I think) which has the added benby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteBoffster QuoteUltiFix My x axis motor is really hot, should I be worried if it gets over 40c? I mean 50c, gets hotter than I thought. I also noticed my X motor getting hot (a lot hotter than the others). So I readjusted the stepper driver. I have it turned down really low (much lower than I thought was needed - around 180 I think) which has the added benefit of making it A LOTby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quoteshalke_52 Hey guys, I finished my build and when I went to home X, the extruder went the opposite way of the end stop and crashed into the other side. When I told it to go back the other way (to the end stop), nothing happened and I could hear a noticeable high pitched frequency. The same exact thing happened in the Y direction with the heated bed, as well with the Z direction. All the steby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteZeegzeigler alright ill order the thermistor and heater. just sucks I have had it for a month and haven't got a single print. ill ask someone to unplug their thermistors and see what it does for. them. do you think it's a good chance it's the board again or no? thanks. If it worked without problem before, I would doubt it.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteZeegzeigler thanks for the reply. it recently worked thought is why im confused nothing has changed besides the boards. the thermistor shouldn't make it not move right? oir would it? the mega is a chinned knock off if that matters. im guna try to go back to my original mega Temp errors may cause the printer to ignore movement commands, I have not tested it or searched through marlin enoughby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteZeegzeigler Okay guy's i thought i was free and clear had everything moving correctly,homing,etc. then i was adjusting my v on my steppers(first time with a multimeter) and i killed the board. since then i have ordered 1 new board ramps and adruino. they all worked,but eventually started getting errors. now i can't do any type of movements. I have tried lowering the steppers and hiring theby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteBoffster QuoteBoffster Wow this thread's getting busy! I'm hoping to change over to lead screws this weekend now all the bits have finally arrived but wanted to check with others regarding backlash. Wouldn't the weight of the X carriage eliminate any backlash as (thanks to gravity) it's always pulling down on the brass nut? When actually printing, the Z axis is only moving in one directioby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotechking I almost have everything working but the extruder drive is going backwards. I opened up the extruder and confirmed that instead of pulling the filament down it's pushing it up. I have the extruder motor cable plugged in according to the directions with the red wire on the right. Would flipping around the cable change the direction of the motor? Has anybody run into this before? Iby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Wow! Those cura settings are working great so far! It's printing great! Although I need to relevel my bed and crank up the bed heat (After I lowered it), I have been having adhesion issues lately... Can having the bed not level effect that? Yes. Not having proper distance between the nozzle and the bed can also cause problems due to the first layer not getting pressed down enough.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix How hot can I heat my bed before the pla becomes goey? You having adhesion issues? Maybe.. I didn't before it stuck like a rock! I think my issue is the item had a TINY TINY base... And I was printing 3 at once so when it moved over it would tip the object over. Before I had only printed 1. So im gonna try printing 1 again... Somebody else tell me you have waby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix How hot can I heat my bed before the pla becomes goey? You having adhesion issues?by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Now my printer says it's hitting endstops that don't exist. Look at this! I have even tried reflashing the firmware! Reflashed the firmware AGAIN and homed everything and now it works, I might have to try the new firmware, this old firmware from folgertech seems to have weird stuff, this is not the only weird and random issue I have had. Did you happen to home the axis before tryiby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotebmays Steps Recently folks were discussing motor steps and 3840 vs 4000 came up. The marlin manual states 3840 (attachment) and ive read folks stating 4000. Which is correct for the factory 5mm threaded rod? Thanks 4000. This is a calculated valueby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix Quotemarc2912 QuoteUltiFix Now my printer wont accept ANY commands, does nothing when I try manual control after than "shindig" overnight. Tried rebooting it etc etc.] EDIT: When I came in and saw my printer was messed up I flipped off the power strip it was on, forgot I turned it off. Sigh Flipping off the power switch shouldn't have killed it. I wonder if tby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Quotemarc2912 QuoteUltiFix Now my printer wont accept ANY commands, does nothing when I try manual control after than "shindig" overnight. Tried rebooting it etc etc.] EDIT: When I came in and saw my printer was messed up I flipped off the power strip it was on, forgot I turned it off. Sigh Flipping off the power switch shouldn't have killed it. I wonder if the baking extruder bakeby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants