QuoteUltiFix Now my printer wont accept ANY commands, does nothing when I try manual control after than "shindig" overnight. Tried rebooting it etc etc.] EDIT: When I came in and saw my printer was messed up I flipped off the power strip it was on, forgot I turned it off. Sigh Not the best way to the start of a day I guessby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotejohn-i QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix Point taken... Will kapton tape be OK to keep the bottom of the extruder attached to the plastic? The screws are just there but slightsly stripped so the exturder can wiggle there way out. I think the only way to fix your extruder would be to swap it with your x or one of you z motors. With the amount of weight and sharp acceleration involved, tape will not holby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Point taken... Will kapton tape be OK to keep the bottom of the extruder attached to the plastic? The screws are just there but slightsly stripped so the exturder can wiggle there way out. I think the only way to fix your extruder would be to swap it with your x or one of you z motors. With the amount of weight and sharp acceleration involved, tape will not hold.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemarc2912 QuoteUltiFix I had an overnight print, woke up and my extruder had fallen off, looks like it fell of a few huors into the print. there goes 100 feet of plastic... I also had recently tightened it. -_- Not sure how im going to keep it on. Guys I can't stress this enough, be careful. These printers can start a fire. Until you're totally comfortable with everything and have ran hundby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Here is my cura config. You may have to change alot of the values and setting, special the speed setting.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix Have any of you used cura over slicer? from some posts on the interwebs it looks like it does a finer job. I can obviously believe everything I read lol I use it. I have never used slic3r so I cannot really say, but I believe it is better. Completely my personal opinion though. I have heard that a new slicer call cby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix Have any of you used cura over slicer? from some posts on the interwebs it looks like it does a finer job. I can obviously believe everything I read lol I use it. I have never used slic3r so I cannot really say, but I believe it is better. Completely my personal opinion though. I have heard that a new slicer call craftware is better thanby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix Have any of you used cura over slicer? from some posts on the interwebs it looks like it does a finer job. I can obviously believe everything I read lol I use it. I have never used slic3r so I cannot really say, but I believe it is better. Completely my personal opinion though. I have heard that a new slicer call craftware is better than cura, so I may have toby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Have any of you used cura over slicer? from some posts on the interwebs it looks like it does a finer job. I can obviously believe everything I read lol I use it. I have never used slic3r so I cannot really say, but I believe it is better. Completely my personal opinion though. I have heard that a new slicer call craftware is better than cura, so I may have to try that out one day..by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotechking For the LED screen issue I tried switching the two cables around but that had no effect. For the end stop issue, I ran the M119 command and received the results below. Why would the endstops that don't have a switches connected to them show a TRIGGERED status? 19:28:36.536 : Reporting endstop status 19:28:36.536 : x_min: open 19:28:36.536 : x_max: open 19:28:36.536 : y_min: open 19by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotebstern So I have a weird question. How do I use the springs they provided as belt tensioners? I understand how the cylindrical "bedsprings" work for leveling the bed, I'm more wondering how to tighten the belt with the clip-like springs. ETA: Do any of you have pictures of how you used them? Here is a pic. They may be a royal pain in the butt to put on. I remember I spent about forth minby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
The size of the print in relation to the original size should not affect the quality of the print other than any small details in the object. It would probably be better to do test prints with smaller object, so that less time would be spent on each test, and so that there are less possible variables to deal with. I would suggest a something simple like a small cube or cylinder.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix Im confused about how to calibrate my extruder, when I measure 150mm is that before I even insert any plastic into the extruder? Or do I have some inserted then measure from the top of the extruder. Thanks! Sam EDIT: Im assuming the second from looking at the video a second time. Now I have aby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix Im confused about how to calibrate my extruder, when I measure 150mm is that before I even insert any plastic into the extruder? Or do I have some inserted then measure from the top of the extruder. Thanks! Sam EDIT: Im assuming the second from looking at the video a second time. Now I have a new question.. If I reby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix Im confused about how to calibrate my extruder, when I measure 150mm is that before I even insert any plastic into the extruder? Or do I have some inserted then measure from the top of the extruder. Thanks! Sam EDIT: Im assuming the second from looking at the video a second time. Now I have a new question.. If I re upload the firmware doby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix Im confused about how to calibrate my extruder, when I measure 150mm is that before I even insert any plastic into the extruder? Or do I have some inserted then measure from the top of the extruder. Thanks! Sam EDIT: Im assuming the second from looking at the video a second time. Now I have a new question.. If I re upload the firmware do I need to add the folgby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Im confused about how to calibrate my extruder, when I measure 150mm is that before I even insert any plastic into the extruder? Or do I have some inserted then measure from the top of the extruder. Thanks! Sam EDIT: Im assuming the second from looking at the video a second time. Now I have a new question.. If I re upload the firmware do I need to add the folgertech setting's again?by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Im confused about how to calibrate my extruder, when I measure 150mm is that before I even insert any plastic into the extruder? Or do I have some inserted then measure from the top of the extruder. Thanks! Sam It is from when you have some inserted. Here is the formula for reference. extruder steps/mm formula = (current steps/mm * intended extrusion in mm) / (actual extrusion inby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix How do I change my extruder speed? I think im under extruding. I didn't see anything in the slicer settings. Also my extruder isn't super tight, did you guys tape yours on or something? Or just occasionally tighten it down? Did you calculate and set the proper steps/mm for your extruder in your firmware? When I was using the stock direby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix How do I change my extruder speed? I think im under extruding. I didn't see anything in the slicer settings. Also my extruder isn't super tight, did you guys tape yours on or something? Or just occasionally tighten it down? Did you calculate and set the proper steps/mm for your extruder in your firmware? When I was using the stock direct drive setup, I had tby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix How do I change my extruder speed? I think im under extruding. I didn't see anything in the slicer settings. Also my extruder isn't super tight, did you guys tape yours on or something? Or just occasionally tighten it down? Did you calculate and set the proper steps/mm for your extruder in your firmware? When I was using the stock direby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix QuoteMach QuoteUltiFix How do I change my extruder speed? I think im under extruding. I didn't see anything in the slicer settings. Also my extruder isn't super tight, did you guys tape yours on or something? Or just occasionally tighten it down? Did you calculate and set the proper steps/mm for your extruder in your firmware? When I was using the stock direct drive setup, I had tby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemarc2912 QuoteMach Quotemarc2912 QuoteMach Quotemarc2912 Quoteanimoose I thought you might like to see a moment of pure awesomeness. I am printing a large spiral spring. Cura tries to avoid travel moves which cross the perimeters of the object, unlike Slic3r which takes straight lines and so gives more spider's webs. And it does travel moves as fast as possible. Wait until about 1:10 in theby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemarc2912 QuoteMach Quotemarc2912 Quoteanimoose I thought you might like to see a moment of pure awesomeness. I am printing a large spiral spring. Cura tries to avoid travel moves which cross the perimeters of the object, unlike Slic3r which takes straight lines and so gives more spider's webs. And it does travel moves as fast as possible. Wait until about 1:10 in the video. Is there a wayby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemarc2912 Quoteanimoose I thought you might like to see a moment of pure awesomeness. I am printing a large spiral spring. Cura tries to avoid travel moves which cross the perimeters of the object, unlike Slic3r which takes straight lines and so gives more spider's webs. And it does travel moves as fast as possible. Wait until about 1:10 in the video. Is there a way to get it to do this inby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix How do I change my extruder speed? I think im under extruding. I didn't see anything in the slicer settings. Also my extruder isn't super tight, did you guys tape yours on or something? Or just occasionally tighten it down? Did you calculate and set the proper steps/mm for your extruder in your firmware? When I was using the stock direct drive setup, I had to tighten my extruder mby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotechking I'm at step 24 of the instructions where you cut the end of the AC power cord and wire it into the power supply. The colors of the three wires are brown, blue, and greenish blue (teal?) and I'm not sure which wire is the ground. I have a multimeter (see image Multimeter_Wire) but I'm not sure how to test to see which wire is which. Any advice? Does anyone else have the same color wby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix I have my hotend at 235c and I can't get the pla to melt and feed it in manually. Ideas? I have a handheld Ir temp reader and the hotend isn't even 100c Do you have the proper thermistor selected in marlin? The fact that the printer thinks that it is at a higher temp than it actually is makes me think that either the proper thermistor is not selected, or your thermistor is faulty.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
QuoteUltiFix Does everything look right? I have not calibrated yet so my endstops are not in the final position.by Mach - Prusa i3 and variants
Quotemarc2912 I'm having extrusion issues with both ABS and PLA. I've changed the extrusion from 100% all the way to 150% in 10% increment and see no real positive or negative changes. The infill looks better when around 120% but the pancaking layering I'm getting is persisting. What's really interesting is that it seems to only be affecting a layer every so often. Are your extruder temps sby Mach - Prusa i3 and variants