How about a metal washing up bowl or something similar?by DjDemonD - General
looks good might try this myself I have e3d v6 clone for 3mm filament so what drill bit would you suggest to polish with 3mm?by DjDemonD - General
I've had a lot of success with a mk3 aluminium heated bed printing ABS directly on the aluminium surface using extra firm hold hair spray. A good layer of insulation on the underside of the heated bed really helps maintain the correct temperature, im using aluminium foil against the underside of the bed with foil bubble wrap insulation under that, and another layer of foil bubble wrap below the bby DjDemonD - Printing
I've had a J Head (probably Chinese) and a (definitely) Chinese e3d clone, the e3d clone works really well but I've gone from a 0.5 nozzle to a 0.33 (supposed to be 0.3 but it was a little larger when measured accurately using a set of watchmakers twist drills, verify the drill diameter first then measure with it) ,and I put the improved quality down to the sharper and smaller nozzle. Haven't haby DjDemonD - General
Dc42 I subtract 0.1mm as this is the clearance I want between the nozzle and the bed for an ideal (IMHO) first DjDemonD - General
Regarding compulsory updates, I have windows 10 tech preview and you can disable the windows update service from services manager. You just have to remember to turn it on and install updates every now and DjDemonD - General
Why do we use the paper test to set z home position, is it because it's easy? I've got an i3 rework with inductive autolevel probe when calibrating or after adjusting anything, I manually set an arbitrary z home level by adjusting the probe aiming for anything roughly between positive 0.3-1.0mm from the build plate, then measure it after autolevelling with feeler gauges. It is then just a caseby DjDemonD - General
I'd look at setting "seam position" to random in slic3r, I've noticed a bulge at one corner of a calibration cube with the seam set to be in the same position on each layer, possibly compounded by over extruding. Failing this is your layer fan blowing from one side only? This will cause small layers to curl towards the fan as the upper part of the extrusion cools faster than the lower part, thby DjDemonD - Printing
I use the tower method, print the object you want and a z calibration type tower along side it. Scale the tower to the height of your desired object. As it prints the tower it will allow the thin/small layers to cool. This ensures the highly detailed areas of your object are printed well. Failing that print two of your DjDemonD - Printing
I've placed foil backed bubble wrap under my heat bed, between the bed and the frame with a layer of aluminium foil just in case the insulation melts. I have a prusa i3 rework with mk3 heated bed. It really helps keep the bed hot once it's up to temperature and get it there more quickly but does anyone know how hot that stuff can go? It hasn't melted yet at 115 deg DjDemonD - Printing