My understanding is that larger nozzles are for greater part strength, since the individual lines of extrusion are thicker. The total volumetric throughput is determined by your hotend's ability to melt plastic, which is partly to do with heater power (but not reliant on it as the heater is typically maintaining temperature using about 10w - larger wattage heaters just heat up more quickly and reby DjDemonD - General
I made a leadscrew delta and it works, theres a few things in that thread worth bearing in mind if you build one. Ignore the acrylic tube that was just a gimmick. If I had chance I'd rebuild it with a 2020 frame and have the screws on the outside of the towers, possibly the linear rails also, so that they take up less of the build volume with the carriages wrapping around the towers. Speed waby DjDemonD - Delta Machines
You can use negative values here so if the X endstop is 30mm to the left of the 0,0 origin you want, set #define MANUAL_X_HOME_POS -30 This allows the firmware to know that when homed X=-30, the next movement command will move the nozzle to 0, and using #define X_MIN_POS 0 #define Y_MIN_POS 0 #define Z_MIN_POS 0 #define X_MAX_POS 215 #define Y_MAX_POS 215 #define Z_MAX_POS 200 INSERT YOUR Oby DjDemonD - General
I can't answer the first one but the second I can. There is intentionally a slight difference between the centre and the 4 corner screws height to the PCB, this creates a slight preload on the piezo discs. This increases accuracy and decreases Z offset. However if its working for you I'd be personally inclined to leave it. If feeling scientific do some accuracy and repeatability tests with it asby DjDemonD - General
One thing I'd say with this, looking at your desire to print outside perimeters at 100mm/s keep your effector as light as possible. I'm using smart effector on 360mm rods, same sized delta as David's, but adding watercooling meant I had to slow down the machine a fair bit to prevent ringing/overshoot on the corners. I'm also using Nimble extruder, it's light but the cable has some inertia like thby DjDemonD - Delta Machines
If your only concern before was the magnets becoming detached then try them. They work very well, and if it does come apart it will be a good thing, less damage will occur as the effector will stop crashing into things and just wobble back and to attached to the 2 or 3 arms which are not DjDemonD - Delta Machines
It's nice and you are getting great layer registration at those speeds. What do you think is causing the repeating pattern every 15 layers or so? When you say acceleration is 1G that's 9800mm/s/s?by DjDemonD - Delta Machines
Quotesss i bought gates gt2 belt on ebay , link: can anybody tell if its a copy or the real thing ? thanks I can't tell for sure but I bought some of those and they seem to be good quality maybe they are DjDemonD - General
I'll let you know on Thursday, the machine is at my work and I can't remember what its set to, middle of the road would be my best DjDemonD - Delta Machines
So a few tests on the cr10 - I am assuming the OP of this thread won't mind the hijack. This was a 60x60x60 cube (scaled up 300%) in PLA printed with 0.2mm layers, 3 perimeters, 1 bottom layer, no top layers. Up until the top of the lettering, it was running at 150% 75mm/s perimeters and 37.5mm/s external perimeters. After the lettering, I ramped the speed up in 50% increments/5 layers or soby DjDemonD - Delta Machines
I haven't pushed the cr-10 too much in speed terms, but perhaps I will have a go at printing some speed versus quality test objects to see what it can do. It is a big bed moving in y (I have the 300x300mm version) but this doesn't seem to throw up any major problems at 50mm/s which I have it set DjDemonD - Delta Machines
Hercek - the debate about probe or not to probe before every print is the age-old argument running through 3D printing, that of solid-machine versus software compensation of the less-solid-machine, and to be fair both approaches have their pros/cons. On the question of delta or cartesian. I've spent a lot of time working with deltas, and have enjoyed it immensely, but recently my Kossel XL has hby DjDemonD - Delta Machines
Looks very innovative. I especially like the water-cooled hotend, simple. Will you sell the hotend separately?by DjDemonD - Delta Machines
I've used Dupont connector crimps as ferrules, and to join wires. Not the best thing but you can crimp them on easily enough, and put heatshrink over DjDemonD - General
No problem. they became "run on default" with a certain RRF version 1.19 I think, unless they are removed. My kossel XL was making huge moves when I asked it to probe, and David quickly suggested I remove these files. It was in the release notes but for that DjDemonD - General
Can I just check you do not have deployprobe.g or stowprobe.g (or similar) files on your sd card on your Duet?by DjDemonD - General
Thank you for starting such a wonderful project, which has provided countless hours of fun, frustration and fruitfulness for so many (probably) millions now. And thank you for supporting Mike and I to write our recent paper. Happy Birthday DjDemonD - General
No one has cracked this yet as filament isn't necessarily round. You'd need a sensor that can detect cross sectional area and DjDemonD - General
Hi I've been prototyping for a startup called Cuppa who are making an electrically heated coffee mug. They need a few mugs printed, PLA would be fine, although I've been printing in ABS. Full fee paid to you. These do NOT need to be watertight or functional they are just prototypes and will be heavily finished/painted by the client. They just need to be reasonably dimensionally accurate. Theyby DjDemonD - Job Shop: I need stuff made!
Yeah I'd second that. You need good measuring equipment sewing tape is okay for sewing, but for 3d printing you need at minimum some digital (or analogue) vernier calipers. And yes super cheap calipers often don't measure right. The first set I bought for £9.99 were innacurate in the range below 2mm which seriously messed with me. Rods vary and bearings vary. Rods deflect even if the bearings ruby DjDemonD - General
There is no 100% useful start or end gcode, but I advise you to fully customise it to your needs. Delete the slicer's default start gcode and use your own. One thing to remember most slicers will add heat bed and heat hotend unless you specify them in your custom start gcode. Mine sets printing speed, pressure advance, retraction. Preheats the bed, but the nozzle only to 130. Then I probe, thenby DjDemonD - General
Perhaps what we need is some sort of marking/logo thinking something like the OSH logo which stands for something. So those choosing to meet the reprap gcode convention can proudly display the DjDemonD - General
I've tried the Duet 3D mechanical filament sensor (uses a hobbed gear and a magnetic encoder) worked great until the assembly shifts and the magnet ends up slightly too far away from the encoder. But detects and monitors filament movement, so can detect runout and underfeed. Would work great if it had a metal housing. They are working on a laser (mouse type sensor) version but so far I'm not suby DjDemonD - General
Almost ever Again, no offence taken, and I'll be happy to see if you can come up with some new DjDemonD - General
Quoteo_lampe Leonardo DaVinci did the same and added some errors in his drawings to keep them from being copied by spies If only this were the case. No I designed the Piezo20 on Tinkercad so it is not geometrically perfect. I'm not a professional at CAD or engineering. Idris is however and AlmostNeverAgain you'll find the Orion unit, which is his design, much more mathematically pleasing,by DjDemonD - General
Try using G30 to home DjDemonD - General
Interesting idea, I have a corexy with a belt driven z axis, 1 motor, no real issues, I have a counterweight to prevent bed-freefall when power is DjDemonD - General
You mean you don't employ the airduster (or can of butane) part removal method?by DjDemonD - General