Hi are you using radds or duet? I ask as probe type for smart effector is usually p5 or p8. Cant see much else wrong. But something is seriously amiss I'm getting 0.2mm deviation on a delta made from an old fishtank, with home-made magrod, I'm getting 0.004mm on my kossel Xl. Is the probe consistent? If you just do G1 Z10, G30, G1 Z10...... 30 times and then have a look at how consistent theby DjDemonD - Delta Machines
Don't you like the look of her? She's strong and beautiful on the outside, pretty harsh to judge someone by the looks of their internals.by DjDemonD - General
I did make some prints with this slic3r version last night. Both in carbon fibre petg one with perimeters and one without. They are both extremely strong, the cube with perimeters (3 walls, 3 top and bottom) is 40x40x20 and is so strong I cannot dent it using finger pressure at all. It prints faster than cubic. Just to pick up on a couple of comments in this thread, 1) infill should be one lby DjDemonD - General
Quick summary of Marlin config. Connect TRG/SIG pin from the piezo board, to the z_min endstop sig pin (on most boards the Z-Min header also has GND and 5v pins to power the piezo board, but please make sure these are connected correctly. We are not responsible for incorrect wiring. Now in configuration.h go to this area: #define FIX_MOUNTED_PROBE uncomment/enable this // @section homing /by DjDemonD - General
Looks like out beloved Excelvan filament, I wonder if it is?by DjDemonD - General
Brilliant thank you very much.by DjDemonD - General
I could run a linux virtual machine and use it, but my linux skills are so poor installing a program is beyond me. Shameful really. I think they will include it in a future version, why not?by DjDemonD - General
Okay so this is available for slicerPE via experimental version 1.38 Merrill. However this is a linux version, and I have no idea how to compile it for windows, so can anyone link me to a windows version of PE which does gyroid infill, I'd love to give this a try.by DjDemonD - General
Okay so "some" motors follow a scheme, but not all. That's the point I'm making, and the issue here is that the OP is perhaps making a valid point about a lack of standardisation - but since there is not any reliable standard we will have to, in many cases, work from first principles and figure out which are pairs and then wire your plug accordingly.by DjDemonD - General
Quoterich1812 There are a lot of "accidents" can be easily prevented. Human are human, no matter how careful one is. human errors happen. How much is a keyed connector costs vs a non-keyed connector? Probabaly no more then 25 cent U.S. As a consumer, I rather spend 25-cents more than have to buy a $10.00 board if it is fried, not to mention the time lost on waiting to get a new one. That's certaiby DjDemonD - General
Yeah what he said, some things seem stupid and sometimes it's because they are, other times it's because you don't yet know why it is done a certain way. Every motor uses different colour wires and so you have maximum flexibility if you can insert the plug either way around. If its the wrong way turn it round. If the motor jiggles but doesn't turn your pairs are not pairs. I agree with dust thaby DjDemonD - General
Yes the resume in RRF is great. However it might be as easy to remove the part completed model from the bed. File off the top layer so its flat. Measure the height you reached then reslice the model cutting it so that you print the bit that did not complete. Now bond them together.by DjDemonD - General
Mega should be fine this diagram is the mega: See pins 1-13 they are Pwm pins so you can set output from 0-255 (0-5v) but you have to work out where they go as they pass through to ramps. This is ramps pins diagram: The diagram top left shows which mega pin goes where on ramps. Good candidates would be D4 on ramps which is pin 4 on mega. Be aware they are not true analogue output pins thby DjDemonD - General
I'm currently tweaking and tuning a leadscrew delta it uses 8mm screws with 8mm lead so that on 1.8 deg motors running at 1/16th microstepping it's 400 steps/mm which is 5 times the resolution of 20t pulleys and gt2 belts. It seems to work fairly well, but each axis has a linear rail so it's quite good at resisting any lateral force from non-straight leadscrews, next step add some antibacklash nuby DjDemonD - General
What arduino are you using? And what pin?by DjDemonD - General
Try a different pin you need to look up the arduino you are using some have digital and analogue pins. You need to use an analogue pin.by DjDemonD - General
So is this available to use now with Slic3rPE? Be interesting to see how it compares to cubic or solid infill for strength and rigidity.by DjDemonD - General
You can use M42 to set the voltage on an analogue pin. Look up M42 in gcode list. However the current is very low like 40mA so you need to be cautious not to overload the pin. See how much current the pressure regulator needs to operate. You might want to use a mosfet.by DjDemonD - General
I'm in the UK, so... But I know the things you mean. No I meant like made from something truly exotic like aluminium extrusions... I'll keep the leadscrews though but I'll rejig the carriages so the screws are on the outside and then the lower bearings don't take up so much of the print volume.by DjDemonD - Delta Machines
I know, but we seem to have reached the point of making a few joke's. If it does fall apart I might build a slightly more conventional frame and see how it performs.by DjDemonD - Delta Machines
It's not a bad idea. 3d printer in a bottle.by DjDemonD - Delta Machines
Good advice moving to warmer climes. Might give that a whirl. Convincing the wife I can bring all my printers, tricky!by DjDemonD - Delta Machines
Now seeing small cracks all over the acrylic so I think it's reacting negatively to the heat cycling going from 13 degrees (it's cold right now) to 50 degrees that it reaches at abs temps. It's not showing any signs of structurally being weak but i get the feeling it might fall apart at some point.by DjDemonD - Delta Machines
No offence I just wanted to clarify what you meant. Yeah I like that look. Its not for everyone.by DjDemonD - General
What of mine looks dull and unspecific? I quite like the results from this filament, I suspect it will be great for functional parts, which is what I prefer to print most of the time, being PETG based. I will try a few Piezo sensor units, the stiffness should improve them. We usually don't make them from PLA, as they are hotend mounts, but those who have get better results than we do from the stby DjDemonD - General
I'm using 0.2mm layers. No haven't snapped the hobbed gear, but using nimble so will ask Brian and Lykle if it's hardened SS or not. And how much a spare one is. Apparently it's not stronger as the CF strands aren't long enough, and they don't span layers (even markforged continuous cf doesn't span layers), but for a layer hiding material it's half the price of ngen lux. Spool tare weight was 9by DjDemonD - General
I use 250 deg C nozzle and 115 deg C bed for abs. 225-240 nozzle and 80 deg C bed for petg and 215 deg C nozzle and 70 deg C bed for pla on PB old white one.by DjDemonD - General
Carbon fibre PETG Benchy - actually looks better in real life. Stronger - no, stiffer - yes, does a good job of looking engineered and hiding the layer lines, to the human eye at least - yes. Less stringy than regular petg, smells like Amphora that's in Ngen, but prints better.by DjDemonD - General
Just wanted to report on, for those who use Duet/RRF that the latest 1.21RC firmwares now have an option to do multi-touch probing. You need one of the 1.21 RC (current is RC3) installed. Then in your probe definition, you add M558 Ax Sy ........... Where x is max number of probe touches, and y is tolerance required to move on to the next point in mm. So I now on one machine as an example, Iby DjDemonD - General
Three ideas. 1) try that box above, good idea if it works... 2) use Duet/RRF which has power fail resume feature, just power the machine back up and run a special file (which gets saved if the input power goes below a configurable voltage), might be a problem if you cannot home with a print on the bed (some machines can others cannot although might be able to if homing switches are moved from mby DjDemonD - General