Hello I have a 3d printer based on MKS ROBIN NANO v1.2 with TFT35 touch screen. I install the marlin firmware v2.1.2.4 and after that its hard to have a correct printing (1 in 4 or 5 attempts). What i thought that is missing steps it turn out that is firmware issue. At random times the Y goes to wrong direction. In the image is a clear example that the printer goes to correct X position but in Yby Babis - Firmware - Marlin
Hi As in subject slic3r is too slow with 0.4 nose in some of my designs, not all. Initialy i thought that slic3 is hangs, so i did some tests to figure out what happens. The same stl file with default values in slic3r, i just change the nose size. Nose size 0.5 it slices in about 45 sec Nose size 0.3 it slices in about 55 sec Nose size 0.4 it slies in about 16 minutes In 0.8.2 with nose size 0by Babis - Slic3r
Hi I just started to print with my repstrap machine and i founf slic3r an excellent work but i have a couple of issues. After few tests i found that the support material lines are too thick and attach to my piece giving me a hard time to remove. In contrary the infill lines are too thin, as a result the lines of one layer dont stick to the other. I use 0.5mm nose in my extruder. What i try to oby Babis - Slic3r
The last couple of hours i am testing (playing) with slic3r. It produce a nice gcode that run in EMC2 with no modifications. Excelent slicer !!! Thank you allby Babis - Developers
Thank you QuoteI generally use this as my reference: This looks like what i was looking for. QuoteE codes are usually in mm of filament input into the extruder Are you sure? In the following is a part of a test object. You can see E values like G1 E1250.0 without any move in the XY axes. I think that is too much for mm. ; GCode generated by RepRap Java Host Software ; Created: 2012-04-29:20-5by Babis - Developers
Hi I am trying to make another RepStrap machine based on EMC and i need to know the function of Gcodes that produced from the RepRap host software. I have study a few firmawares and i see that there are variations, so i am a bit confused of compatibility between Reprap host software and different firmwares. I will be glad if somebody can clarify which firmware is made for communication with RepRby Babis - Developers