QuoteDust Not sanctioned is not the same as deprecated, if it had said the latter I wouldn't have mentioned it. I got your point but it's the same arguments for both topics, it's pretty much the same mcu, the 20mhz difference it's not really a game changer on any matter that I can think of. Probably just to mess with all the copies that are flooding. But still, the smoothie firmware works fineby HADES - Smoothie
QuoteDust The current smoothie website is not telling the entire story It originally said "NXP LPC 1768/9 32-bits Cortex-M3 MCU, running at 96 to 120Mhz. 512kB Flash, 64kB RAM." (you can see this on ) somewhere between dec 9 2016 and dec 28 2016 it was changed to "32-bit Cortex-M3 LPC1769 with 512kB flash and 64kB RAM" The official kickstarter which ran in 2015 came with the LPC1768 Iby HADES - Smoothie
The "original" smothieboard comes with the LPC1769 MCU, as mr VDX said, you probably got a clone board. I'm also have a board with the LPC1768 mcu, the error you got I was getting it too I was able to solve it by change the "dfu_enable" parameter to false: dfu_enable false # For linux developers, set to true to enable DFU Cheers.by HADES - Smoothie
So something that I haven't realized until now it's that when executes the line for the gcode on the sdcard: G0 F2571.4 X56.984 Y80.675 Z0.3 first moves to the X position after ends there then follows to the Y position and skips the Z, this command on the repetier host makes a movement that's simultaneous for the 3 axis. I attached my config file, maybe I mess up something (probably the case).by HADES - Firmware - Marlin
Quoteobewan Try adding a G90 ;absolute postioning to you machine start code ,maybe it is only moving up 0.3 mm if in relative mode. Thanks obewan, I tried: G90 ;abs G28 ;Home G29 ;.AutoLeveling G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm ;Prime the extruder G92 E0 G1 F200 E3 G92 E0 G92 E0 G92 E0 G1 F1500 E-6.5 ;LAYER_COUNT:99 ;LAYER:0 M107 G0 F2571.4 X56.984 Y80.675 Z0.3 but keeps ignoring thby HADES - Firmware - Marlin
A bit more info, on repetier host If I run: G1 X100Y100Z10 the printer only moves on the X axis but at a random position if I run: G1 X100Y100 the printer moves properly same if I send: G1 Z15 So the auto leveling must be messing the movement results Ignore this, it seems that a space between each value it's required to be a valid command. Still I don't know why the z position it's ignoby HADES - Firmware - Marlin
Hi guys, I've installed marlin 2 on a azsmz mini and all seems to run OK, so just tried to do the first print but the print starts way above the bed surface, at z15, on the file I tried to print there is a line that cura ads: G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm so I remove it and tried again but now after the bed leveling routine the z axis leaves it at z5 so it start to print there. Tby HADES - Firmware - Marlin
Quotechefo67 Hola. Tras varias pruebas, he encontrado que el cableado que viene en las instrucciones no es correcto. Puede que existan diversas versiones de la CPU de la impresora. E mi caso, con pronterface los motores giraban al revés. Al final cambiando el cableado he logrado que todos los motores giren en el sentido que se les indica al pulsar cada botón en pronterface. He adjuntado a este pby HADES - RepRap en Español
Quoteoak1477 There will be a heated bed, which we have custom ordered for the bot. It is a silicon rubber heating pad. Yes it will require a lot of power (like 2500 watts) it will be similar to this, this is one of the 2 foot beds Awesomeby HADES - General
Hi, looks great but can you post some details about the heated bed? or it won't have one?, it seems that you'll need a personal power plant.by HADES - General
Quotethejollygrimreaper QuoteYellobello thejollygrimreaper: If cxandy would re-think his position and release all sources maybe you would allow him to be on the wiki again? Dejay: That´s what I also thought. I already learned a bit to use kicad and I have redrawn the schematics. I´d love to use this board as a base for a cool improvement project. First, I´d change the position of the USB portby HADES - Controllers
Quotechefo67 Hola. Siguiendo tu consejo he logrado instalar el driver. He visto el vidoe que me recomendaste y otros del mismo autor, aunque su impresora es diferente de la mia. El monta la prusa I2 y yo tengo la ·DP02, que compre en dx (no sé si tu la compraste también alli. http://www.dx.com/p/heacent-3dp04-reprap-prusa-mendel-3d-printer-assembly-kit-w-0-4mm-nozzle-1-75mm-filament-white-349268by HADES - RepRap en Español
Quotechefo67 Hola. He logrado montar la impresora 3DP02 pero no consigo que arranque de ningún modo. He revisado todo el montaje físico y el cableado, y está correcto. He copiado el firmware, tal como viene al descargarlo de la página, a una microSD y la he insertado en el sitio que tiene en la plaquita de control. Sin embargo, no logro que se me instale ningún driver. Desde el administrador deby HADES - RepRap en Español
Hi, by two planes did you mean two levels?, if so thats OK, check:by HADES - CoreXY Machines
Hi, for the #2: there's a jumper on the back of the board, but needs to be soldered:by HADES - Controllers
Hola, la página es: trae enlace para bajar el contenido del CD. Por cierto, a mi no me funcionó muy bien ni el fw que traía en la tarjeta ni el que venía en el CD.by HADES - RepRap en Español
Ok guys, one hint at a time Anyway, now I know from where comes the sound (#3)...the z-motors trying to push after reach the z-endstop...on my tests I can't do this, I mean, after reach the z-endstop if I try to push over the printer won't do anything. Cura puts this code: G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops G1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm So...by HADES - Reprappers
Any hint to start looking at? Thanks.by HADES - Reprappers
Hi, well, I bought a mendel kit with Melzi board as electronics, I decide to switch to Marlin because my kit comes with wrong extruder calibration value and when I tried to correct the value I discovered that the firmware provide it's not the same as the stock on melzi...it won't do offline auto print from the sdcard. Anyway, I've almost all working but with some issues: 1. I got a lot of conneby HADES - Reprappers