QuoteDust Firstly did you check with a single hotend or dual? Today I set it up as a single hotend, last night I made some tests with dual hotends but I haven't connected the fan at all. QuoteDust I dont know what #define FANMUX0_PIN 6 is for... I would set it back to -1 Now 30 minutes ago I tried setting it back to -1 but it still didn't help. I'm sure the code in the ramps file is changingby ovisopa - Firmware - Marlin
Thank you for the quick reply, I modified the config as you suggested and flashed the firmware via OctoPrint, and made a test print, when printing the first layers the COOLING FAN must be of, and the D7 MOSFET led was off, I though the change you suggested did the trick, but ... after it started printing the next layers I checked again the D7 MOSFET led and it was turned ON The fan connectedby ovisopa - Firmware - Marlin
Hello everyone, I want to move the PART COOLING FAN to pin D6, and use an H-BRIDGE L9110S module to power the fan, I want this also when I configured Marlin with a single EXTRUDER, because I wired already all the cables and for easy swap of the printers head, I want to use an 24 pin ATX connector, each of my heads will have the same connector and only the needed pins connected, as in the imageby ovisopa - Firmware - Marlin
Hello everyone, after printing parts in the last 2 -3 weeks with the single nozzle setup, I wanted to upgrade to a dual nozzle, I really want to use PVA filament ofr the support, so I don;t need to clean parts, and also to have the parts that use supports much clean looking. I made my dual extruder head, mountedit on the printer and setup the marlin config file as I learned, the screen shows tby ovisopa - Firmware - Marlin
Hello and Happy Christmas to everyone! I just started building a 3D printer, gathered most of the parts a few years ago but I never had time to actually start building it, now was the perfect time. I started by drawing (the model I liked was Lautr3k 3D printer, with leadscrews instead of belts) it in Fusion 360 than cut the aluminum profiles, mill some aluminum plates and yesterday I started moby ovisopa - Controllers