Here, is there possibility to assign a vmax_junction greater than the previous_nominal_speed? if (previous_safe_speed > vmax_junction_threshold && safe_speed > vmax_junction_threshold) vmax_junction = safe_speed;by Roydudu - Firmware - Marlin
Hi, what is the purpose of "smaller_speed_factor "? in planner.c. This factor, only resize the previous speeds when the nominal_speed is smaller than previous_nominal_speed, that is, slowing down. Here there is the code: vmax_junction = _MIN(nominal_speed, previous_nominal_speed); // Now limit the jerk in all axes. const float smaller_speed_factor = vmax_junction / previous_nominal_by Roydudu - Firmware - Marlin
I am studying the clasic vmaxjunction calculation. I will ilustrate the question with the next example. I start with Vexit = (50, 0) and Ventry = (70, 30). Vexit is previus block nominal speed , and Ventry is current block nominal speed. The max jerk for the all axis is 10. If I compute de Vmaxjunction with marlin, the result is |Vmaxjunction| = 16.666666. Its for Vexit is (16.66666, 0) and for Vby Roydudu - Firmware - Marlin