How long will the software support continue for 0.6 series? I'm talking about new firmware versions, possible bugfixes and so roboprint - Duet
Quotedougal1957That I can't answer but the arrangement of them is 3 on each surface of the PCB at 120 Degrees apart and are actually part of the PCB Itself coupled with I believe a Rectifier/PSU chip and Amplifier and a CPU of some sort to actually hold the software that does the comparisons you would need to ask DC42 for the finer details or wait for the files to be released on Github if they hby roboprint - Delta Machines
QuoteElmoC Does homing take so long on your printer? It doesn't seem it would take long to home if already homed. Homing procedure is fast enough. But sometimes I don't want to re-home before second print of the same thing (after first print) because sometimes I use G92 Z0 for better first layer and so on. Also this feature will be useful for those who using z-probe for autocalibration to keepby roboprint - Duet
QuoteDavid J Quoteroboprint David, is it possible to add G28 command parameter to support "home only if not already homed" behaviour? Sometimes this can help for those (including me) who forget to home printer before print. I put a homing command in the slicer's startup script that gets added to the beginning of every gcode file I produce - every time I print that file, it homes everything beforby roboprint - Duet
David, is it possible to add G28 command parameter to support "home only if not already homed" behaviour? Sometimes this can help for those (including me) who forget to home printer before roboprint - Duet
Almost complete solution (except encoder). Steppers for gearboxes of the same size are also available on Aliexpress (I have provided the links above on this page). P.S. popular RobotDigg site selling this motors for $7: P.P.S.: motors with encoder. It seems for me that it's possible to transplant extruder part to this motor:by roboprint - General
You can try also round objects (no corner ringing). For example, truncated cone (~50 mm diameter at bottom and ~20 mm at top, height is 30 mm). On such objects you can also see surface irregularities described in this topic about jerky roboprint - Delta Machines
Does anyone tried to use stepper motors of the same size as pololu's dc motors? Seems like that motors are underpowered too. Prices starting from $3.73 without delivery: And so roboprint - General
David, do you have the opportunity to add simple M665 and M666 command parameters parser to fill initial parameters of calculator? Just field (like commands field at the end of calculator) where user can enter M665 and M666 commands from his config to fill initial values. Also simple list of G1 commands to move effector close to each probe point would be useful too. The user will be able to copyby roboprint - Delta Machines
@unromeo21 - have you resolved this issue? Seems like you are not alone:by roboprint - Duet
Quotedc42 Quoteo_lampeI like the silence and smoothness of my 0.9° steppers with 128 microsteps from my RADDS. I wonder how that compares with my 0.9° steppers and 256 microsteps from my Duet WiFi? Returning to the first post subject: I wonder how smooth your Duet WiFi with your 0.9° steppers and 256 microsteps at reasonably high speedsby roboprint - Duet
I'm agree with @critical_limit, it would be great if user will be able to set limits or be able to disable protection at all. Then I starting my 4 (four) 120-mm coolers, hotend (e3dv6) temperature drops up to 8-9 degrees, after that it takes a long time until the temperature stabilizes again. It seems that I'm also very close to this "heater fault" roboprint - Duet
Quoteo_lampeThose clips look tiny and might brake too eventually. Did you consider placing them at mid rod height? This is my own design, working great for about one year on my Kossel Mini. Printed using ABS (PLA will break after few hours). Very small and light. As for position near effector - I moved weakest traxxas ends to effector side, so it's enough for roboprint - Delta Machines
I'm using springs too: Rubber bands break every few roboprint - Delta Machines
Quotedc42I was thinking of putting all the motor control hardware on the expansion board, including the ESC if it made sense to do so. BLDCs provide feedback about the motor position to the ESC already, either using Hall effect devices or just from the back emf of the motor windings. So it should not be necessary to use a separate encoder. I'm sorry, I wrote my message in English so badly that nby roboprint - General
Quotedc42I am watching this thread with interest, because if it is successful then I'll look at designing a servo-controlled motor driver expansion board for the Duet WiFi. But I think it has to be for BLDC motors. But with just STEP/DIR interface for BLDC drivers or you have plans to implement firmware-side control of driver's feedback? For example to slow down (or stop) other axes then one ofby roboprint - General
David, is there any chances that FTP will be supported again? How to edit Web UI files now?by roboprint - Duet
Arthur, is there any chances that your new Smoothieboard 2 Pro will be able to support encoders for all 4 (or even more) axes through FPGA? Even more, maybe FPGA is able to do full control of servo motor logic?by roboprint - General
Quotedc42Connecting/disconnecting motors with power applied is what blows stepper drivers. Sorry for offtopic, but can someone explain why this is happening?by roboprint - Delta Machines
If someone wants to make similar DC servo step/dir control using arduino (atmega and even attiny) or esp8266: Source code is freely available:by roboprint - General
David, is there any news about powering board from different sources? Will DuetNG maintain different power sources for heaters/fans/steppers? I think about feeding 12V for heaters and fans (just to utilize existing hardware), but 24V (or even more) for 0.9' stepper drivers. Second question is about MCU - is new 120MHz ATSAM4E8E with FPU is much faster than older one 84MHz ATSAM3X8E for Deltas wiby roboprint - Duet
In my case almost the same ringing behavior with A4982 drivers from Duet 0.6 board (replikeo) with Wantai 42BYGHW811 steppers (2.5A, 1.8mH) running at 1000mA config setting from 12V power roboprint - Delta Machines
Quotehercekinstead of calibrating it properly using either dc42's It depends on how many factors you are calibrating (endstops only or including delta radius). For example, David's 6-factor calibration using his IR sensor gives different results for me: G32 Calibrated 6 factors using 16 points, deviation before 0.027 after 0.025 M665 Diagonal 214.35, delta radius 105.22, homed height 236.18,by roboprint - Delta Machines
Can anybody tell me what the average deviation before/after is obtained using IR sensor calibration for delta-printers? I'm just talking about this line from logs: G32 Calibrated 6 factors using 16 points, deviation before 0.027 after 0.027 David, what is your deviation for your printer with 0.9-degree steppers?by roboprint - Delta Machines
Quotedc42I use a 300mm diameter 230V 350W heater David, I read your article - are you still using seller supplied bed thermistor? Is thermistor very close to 230V wiring or not? Is 230V/~1.5A alternating current affecting thermistor ADC reading?by roboprint - Delta Machines
Yes, try to ask builda3dprinter. You can buy the only parts you need (for example w/o extruder, hotend and heated bed). They have printer constructor in their shop, so you can customize everything. Kossel XL with 1515 extrusions is not very rigid, but you have said that high precision is not required, so it will be ok. Yes, you can use virtual com port via usb. Customized printer can be freely cby roboprint - Delta Machines
Quoteo_lampe @arthurwolf, I´m wondering if your negative assumptions about "overall bad design" are totally unbiased? smoothieboard wiki This is bad Kung Fu -Olaf Arthur is just protecting his child in every topic related to smoothieboard For example:by roboprint - Controllers
You need exactly Marlin? Try Repetier firmware - much better and stable than Marlin. Movements are smoother, graphic LCD isn't affecting print quality (pauses during print due to LCD refresh) so much and so on. Very good firmware. I have tried both original Marlin and Repetier firmware. Now I'm using Duet electronics with dc42 firmware (highly recommend! excellent hardware and firmware!)by roboprint - Delta Machines
Quotedc42Can we add SOLVED to the topic name then? Sorry, I have no ability to do this. There is no edit link in first few posts in this topic. Seems like edit feature available only 2-4 roboprint - Delta Machines